
TWO SIDE; light & dark

Born with gifted power but with dark personality. Without any reason he will always think of hurting other in any possible way. But since childhood he had only seen the good side of the world, which started to hide his dark personality with thin wall within, gradually he did not want to hurt anyone in any way. But what will happen when he sees the true face of his belove world, when the power he was so proud of is taken away from by one of his close one? Taking all this from him was not enough. What would happen when he was thrown away to die miserably by the same people he did not want to hurt?

MagicalWorld · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Midnight Show

The sky was filled with lots of stars and one bright moon, due to which even though it was midnight the surroundings were somewhat visible for one to see his surroundings.

"Huff! Huff!"

While panting with a face scared to death, a barefoot man in his thirties with a terrified face was running inside the forest on his way out. There were many cuts on his legs, on his back, and arms, but instead of the red blood, the black liquid was coming out of all his cuts.

It was not like his blood was black water, as the blood coming out from the sole of his foot was red and was leaving red marks behind as he was running forward.

After a few minutes, he saw dim light passing through the gaps between the trees, the light was coming toward him. The light was getting brighter as he was approaching his source. It did not take him long to understand that the light was coming from a house. 

Soon he came out of the forest, in front of him there was a small village. Without stopping he continued running toward the village. The fear on his face slowly faded away and a small smile on his face which was previously filled with terror.

But soon his expression changed again when he heard the barking of the pack of wild dogs from behind. Without turning back he uses the last bit of his straight to speed up his movement. As he was now running on the open field the path in front of him was now clear without any trees or bushes in his way. His speed increased from the time he was inside the forest.

Instead of looking at the ground, his eyes were focused on the dim light which was giving him hope to survive. After five minutes the distance between him and the village was only about fifty meters.

Without looking back, by hearing the footsteps of wild dogs he can tell the distance between him and the wild dog closest to him is far enough for him to reach the village. Not only that after he came out of the forest the distance between him and the wild dogs was getting bigger and bigger. Once again the terrified look on his face started to disappear.

He was happy to know that he was keeping his distance from the wild dog and they were unable to get close since he left the forest. In a way, the chance of his survival is now confirmed.

In his way, there was a thick rock stuck to the ground. He was running without taking a single look at the ground as his eyes were fixed on the ray of light coming out of the village. His right foot collided with a rock. As he was running with all his strength, he wasn't able to control his body and fell to the ground.

Before trying to stand up, he first looked back. Wild dogs were still twenty meters away from him.

Without thinking anything he tried to stand up. With the help of his hand, he sat on the ground, but when he pressed his legs to stand up he felt unbearable pain all over his lower body.

It was not like he got too many internal injuries just from falling on the ground, it was just that he didn't notice the pain while focusing on saving his life. Without knowing the amount of blood he was losing when he was forcing his legs, many of his nerves broke long ago but still, he kept running.

Soon the pain faded away but not alone, it took his lower body part he no longer felt his legs anymore as if it did not exist. He stood up with the help of his hand, and when he tried to take his first step he fell on the ground immediately.

He didn't have the time to try again, in his mind he knew no matter how hard he was going to try for now he would not be able to run. He started to crawl on the ground toward the village.

With the help of his hand, he was pulling his whole body forward as fast as possible, thinking of closing some distance between him and the village after that he would start shouting for help. In fear and as he was focused on crawling toward the village, he was no longer hearing the footsteps of the wild dogs.

Before he could even cover a meter distance, he felt as if someone was pulling him behind. He looked back, "Aaaa.." he shouted as his eyes were wide open when he saw two wild dogs holding his feet inside their mouths and pulling his left hand back.

"Help... Anyone here… Help…" While shouting for help he tried to shake his legs so that they would leave it, but no matter how hard he tried he was not able to do anything. With both hands, he tried to scare them off, but if they were scared of him they wouldn't have chased him in the first place.

Four more wild dogs came from behind the first two who were pulling his legs.

They surrounded him and their mouths with dripping saliva were coming closer to his body.

His whole body was shaking with fear, and with hands without strength, he kept moving them to keep the dog's mouth away. "Please… anyone help me." "Sniff!" He started to cry out loud while calling for help with his trembling voice.

Accidentally his left hand collided with the dog's face standing on his left. The dog who got hit by his hand didn't feel anything but when the man quickly tried to pull back his hand, the bites his hand pulled back. He didn't have any strength left to pull back his hand out of the dog's mouth.

His voice also started to become husky, "Somebody…. Please help.." with his low voice he continued asking for help.

With their teeth, wild dogs started tearing down the clothes that were covering his body. Soon after that they started to take bites from his body, all of them were only eating the parts from where the black liquid was coming out. They would move away their mouth whenever red blood came out beneath the black blood.

The man no longer could do anything, he was feeling so much pain but couldn't even express it as lost his strength to even cry for it. Lying on the ground he was seeing his own body eaten away by wild dogs.

After ten minutes wild dogs started walking away, they didn't eat his whole body. They only ate the parts of his body from where the black liquid was coming out. Now if anyone sees him, they can't see any cuts and black liquid on his body. No one can tell that he was attacked before the dogs hunted him.

Seeing wild dogs leaving he thought, "Thank god they are not eating me, Aah! Somehow I survived." Same as before when he wasn't able to express his pain, this time he wasn't able to express his happiness.

Taking a relief of long breath, he closed his eyes and went to sleep not knowing he would never open his eyes again.


At the front of the forest from where the injured man came out while being chased by wild dogs, there was a person standing beside the tree. Without moving from his place to help the man on the ground, he was chuckling! It seemed he was enjoying himself. The shadow of the tree is covering his body, due to which it was hard to tell who this person was.