
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 58 - K

"Don't look at him in the eyes. Never look at him in the eyes," he growls, not heading his own advice and meeting the Uchiha's gaze.

The Uchiha scoffs. "Why would I waste the Sharingan on weak people I can easily kill without it?"

"Sadistic pleasure? That sounds right up your kind alley."

"My kind? Wouldn't that be yours? Not that you would be able to do much in your current form, of course. You're so small."

"Small in comparison to your ego? Even in my real form, I would still be small compared to that, brat."

There's a tick forming on Sasuke's eyebrow, similar to the way it formed when he was young and still on team seven. "Considering all of you can be compressed into some seal so easily?"

"I know, it sucks. Wish we could have done the same with all your family. Less egomaniacal bastards hell-bent on world domination all around."

"At least I'm not so easily ensnared into being controlled."

"No, but you're into being manipulated."

That seems to anger him as his eyes slowly transform. "Shut up, mutt."

The air is heavy and thick around them.

Kurama clenches his teeth but doesn't answer the last taunt. He can sense the anger boiling from Sasuke because of his words. Kurama has gained a good reign of his anger in comparison to before, unlike Sasuke who drowns in it. He could easily make him snap with a few choices of words. Sasuke knows this, too, Kurama can see it in the way he stands and looks just a hair away from a battle.

But they both know nothing will be gained from it. They, sadly, need each other to go back. And Naruto.

That doesn't mean he will trust an Uchiha, of course. So he sighs and looks away. He wants to think he's the mature one in this conversation, but that glimpse he catches in the Uchiha's eyes is satisfaction and that grates his nerves.

"Let's cut the crap, brat. We need each other, so we'll have to wait until we can fight." He lets out an exasperated breath. "I don't trust you, but I'm sure you know Naruto does. So we'll have to wait until one of us finds him so we can have him as a buffer, because the way I see it, without him, we'll try to kill each other."

Sasuke stares intently at him for long seconds. His eyes don't morph into the Sharingan but Kurama can see a speck of red in them. It's not reassuring.

The fog of dull emotions recedes from the Uchiha, a soft exhalation escaping through his nose. He gives a glance to the others before saying, "Go straight from where I came from until you reach a stream. Follow it until you reach the chakra signatures. Go to them. They're inside a fortress-like place. Use it as a base for them while you search for Naruto."

The 'Ditch them' is pretty clear in his words. Considering he hasn't acknowledged his companions, aside from that calculating first glance all shinobis give to determine the threat level one has, it's not so hard to guess though.

Kurama can practically taste the offense radiating from the people behind him. But he won't raise an issue of it. Is not the time for it, so he accepts the offer for what it is.

"And what about you, brat?"

"I'll check periodically. And if I find him, I'll lead him there."

Kurama nods.

"I suggest to not use any overpowered technique or sage mode if you know it, the natural energy here isn't friendly," he says, mostly because he doesn't like feeling like he's owing to him something to an Uchiha, even if it's information he may or may not use. "If you find Naruto first, beware of emotional outbursts."

The usual Uchiha grunt is his answer. He then looks up to the sky, posture shifting slightly for a jump. "Don't destroy the place, mutt."

"Don't go mind raping people, freaky eyes."

There's a hint of a smirk as the Uchiha's eyes flash red, pinwheels spinning.

"Don't look," Kurama mutters, but nothing happens. The Uchiha jumps to another branch soundlessly, only taking him a couple of seconds for him to be away from sight.

Kurama follows him with his senses until that fog of apathy is easy to ignore. There's a conversation already starting. Not loud as they unconsciously talk in whispers, trying to decide if the brat's words are real. Adam's words are mostly annoyed grumbles and Tyresse is even doubtful.