
Two Sentence Horror Stories

A series of two sentence horror stories all written by BenjiG. You can also see these on Reddit under Abared

BenjiG · Horror
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11 Chs


I couldn't believe that the CPS came and took my daughter away.

She was my property; I should have been allowed to break her if I wanted to.


My aunt always said I was cute enough to eat.

I didn't realize that I was born and bred into a family of witches.


The older our daughter gets, the more she looks like my wife.

Now she is at the age where I'm reminded how I found her mother at a playground, swinging away while she whistled so innocently and free.


"Please, don't leave me" that day I thought I could hear my mother's voice in the wind.

Even after all this time I couldn't bring myself to kill my abusive mother, so instead I left her buried alive.


She was always big-headed, always looking down on everyone - But I get it now.

Seeing her swaying from side-to-side, from the ceiling where her body hung, I realized just how exciting it was to look down on others.


My wife was a huge doll collector, the prettiest the better.

I didn't realize, until it was far too late, how far she would go until I saw our child's corpse added to her collection.


There were many fresh warm bodies sprawled out in front of me.

No matter which skin I had tried on, I couldn't keep knock off the chill of death.


After losing both my arms in the war, my doctor had warned me about phantom pains.

But no one told me that my phantom arms would wrap a noose around my neck.


"I'm sorry mama, I'm sorry daddy, I'm sorry for being like this, I'm so sorry."

These were the thoughts stuck inside of the special needs child as they had to watch their parents die a little more on the inside with every passing day while tending to her.