
Two Persona Beauty

Because of past events, she left the place she has known and loved but gave her sufferings and hatred, and because of this she created another identity that is strong and dangerous...but when she came back to that place she found someone the protect, loved and cherish her... she changes back to the normal her and is trying to start afresh but still her past from before keeps hunting her. She was once a lady who believed in love. Finding out the betrayal from the people she trusts everything changed. It is like a storm that keeps on getting worse every day. She was accused and frame but luckily she came prepared and was able to turn the table. Wanting to leave everything behind and start afresh she left and no news was heard from her. 4 years later she is back but as a totally changed person. She finds someone that appreciates her for who she is. Follow on discord: https://discord.gg/3WvMYc4M please support

carolann · Urban
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


The guards came behind ShanQiyi and struggled as she was dragged out -

"Mom, mom, wait-wait, I am part of the family, get your hands off me, I am brother MuChen girlfriend" she hysterically said until she was bought out of the house.

Once ShanQiyi was out of sight, a serious discussion started.

The flow of discussion includes the future of the projects of the company and their venturing out and acquisition of Z entertainment one of the biggest entertainment.

MingYun is appointed to oversee the flow of the entertainment and would be the new acting director while WeiLan who is currently one of the famous journalists will be acting as the new public relations director.

LiaTan also warned JungMo and AnYue for not hindering the companies decision.

After all 6 years ago, with the persuasion of AnYue, JungMo sold his share of the company to the competitors and left C city to build his own company with the help of his wife's family, making the Yang Corporation almost went down.

LouTian was able to buy back the share that was sold to the competitors, but before it was they were able to slowly go back to its prestige until the economic recession happened in C city making almost all companies downsize and some even lost. MuChen was able to find a way to surge not just their company but also the economy of the whole C city.


At the same time... in C cities busiest shopping center.

XiennaYan decided to look around while waiting for SueNan.

While looking at one of the boutiques, she spotted a sight that made her, that made her want to punch someone so hard.

Inside the boutique where XiennaYan was looking, is WanXin shopping together with her fiancee GuXian while they were being followed by a few reporters and fans.

She turned her back not wanting to create a scene, but she still attracted one of the most cunning actresses.

"Sis..you're here." WanXin was able to spot XiennaYan and hurriedly walk out of the boutique followed by her minions.

XiennaYan acted like she was not the one they were WanXin was talking and was about to leave when the actress started her act and was about to hug her when suddenly, men came out from nowhere blocking WanXin and GuXian to get near XiennaYan, and making the reporters and fans not able to see XiennaYan face making them curious.

After she was able to leave the place XiennaYan went inside a cafe to wait for SueNan, while waiting she wanted to send a message to MuChen asking him, if he was the one who arranges for those men to protect her. After hesitating for a while she then sends a message to MuChen

'Hi ^_^' Not long after she sends a text, she received a reply


'did you arrange your men to follow me?'


'thank you, they were able to help me.'


'you're really a man of few words ^_^, well thank you anyway.'

'i'll try to respond more.'

'you don't have to.' while she was enjoying her messages to MuChen, SueNan arrived and sat beside her quietly while trying to check who she was texting with.

'hmm, but it's fine.' seeing the flow of the conversation, SueNan knows that the person she was chatting with is someone important to her, as she rarely responds this way.

Curios she asked her - "who you chatting with, you seem so fond of that person."

XiennaYan was startled at SueNan and automatically said "a friend that has been helping me" After responding to SuenNan, she sent another text to MuChen 'friend is here, text you later'.

"don't just tell me it's a friend, I know something is going on with the way you respond to the text, I know its a man? do you have a boyfriend? don't lie to me, I know how you look when you're lying" SueNan curiously asked her.

Having no choice XiennaYan told her the truth "yup it's a man, but no he's not my boyfriend, we live across each other's apartment room, and that how we become friends."

Afterward, they order what they ordered a blended coffee, and just enjoyed their talk about SueNan incoming engagement.

When the coffee was served, a note came with it says 'your poor, I'll pay this one as I am a good sister' XiennaYan understood directly it was WanXin trying to boiled up her patience, SueNan took a while before she understands, but was the first one to react ... -

She looked around and see WanXin and GuXian sitting at the corner trying to cover their face, SueNan then walk towards them bringing the coffees, stopping in front of them she said - "if you think you're so rich, then suck it upon yourself." while SueNan was saying it she poured the cold coffee towards them. Afterward, she walks back to XiennaYan grabbed her to leave the place.

As they were strolling around the shopping center XiennaYan received an unexpected call...