
Two Persona Beauty

Because of past events, she left the place she has known and loved but gave her sufferings and hatred, and because of this she created another identity that is strong and dangerous...but when she came back to that place she found someone the protect, loved and cherish her... she changes back to the normal her and is trying to start afresh but still her past from before keeps hunting her. She was once a lady who believed in love. Finding out the betrayal from the people she trusts everything changed. It is like a storm that keeps on getting worse every day. She was accused and frame but luckily she came prepared and was able to turn the table. Wanting to leave everything behind and start afresh she left and no news was heard from her. 4 years later she is back but as a totally changed person. She finds someone that appreciates her for who she is. Follow on discord: https://discord.gg/3WvMYc4M please support

carolann · Urban
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97 Chs

Rh negative

"Rh-negative!" - SueNan, MaoSi, Kris, Kei, and YuMi said in chorus.

"Rh-negative, isn't that the rarest blood... what should we do? can we even find that type of blood in any hospitals here in C city within 2 hours?" - AnNa said.

"I know, that's what I'm worried about." - SueNan responded.

MuChen was quiet for a while... - "I think... I know someone... I'll call them to see if they still have some blood save on their private blood bank. So that we can ask for some... how many bags should we need?" - he said while pulling up his phone and dialed a certain number.

"About 2 bags just to be safe." - MaoSi replied.

After a short ring, the call got connected and a soft elegant voice can be heard on the other line.


'Mrs. Qian, I need some favor from you. Can I buy 2 bags of blood in your private blood bank... if you still have something in stored.' - MuChen bluntly said.

'Oh my, Chen? what do you need some blood for? who needs it? We still have a few bags stored, no need for you to buy it.' - AiChen asked him worriedly.

'Thank you, can I get it now? I need it urgently.'

'Hmm, you can come to the house... we transferred it here.'

MuChen got worried because it'll take time for him to go arrived their... driving back and forth from here to that place would at most take about 6-7 hours... and if he will a private helicopter back and forth would at least be 2 hours and 30 minutes still not enough time to save XiennaYan...

Remembering that the Qians' have their own private helicopter... thinking it'll only take them about an hour and 15 minutes or the longer will be an hour and 30 minutes... they'll have much more time.

'I'm sorry to ask you this... but can you bring it here to the city... and have Mr. Qian operate to fly your helicopter here, I'll have someone wait for it at the airport. Yan needs to have the blood transfusion within 2 hours.' - He explained.

'What? what happened to Yan? We'll be there have someone get us within an hour...' - AiChen stated before ending the call.


On the far western part outside the city...

AiChen sprinted towards their blood bank safe... grabbing 4 bags of Rh-negative type blood put it in a stored container recommended for blood transportation... they've stored all of this blood for her husband and missing daughter as they both are Rh-negative.

Wei, saw his wife worried look as he rushes towards their safe and grabs the blood bag... - "Darling what happened? who was that on the phone?"

"Let's go, you need to fly the copter to the city, we have to be there within an hour... Yan needs this blood fast." - AiChen said.

"Huh? What happened to her?" - Wei asked.

Following AiChen to their helipad where the helicopter is located.

"I also don't know much, Che didn't explain... i just hope she is safe." - AiChen said as they rich the helicopter.


Arriving at the airport... AiChen and Wei saw the people that MuChen sent.

They were assisted directly to a waiting car and put the stored container safely before it drove to the clinic where Yang MuChen and the others were waiting for the blood.


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