
Only Chapter

Jiyeon Lee looked at the expensive credit card in her hands and felt greed.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her capitalistic surroundings. She had always hated shallow Seoul with its calm, confused capitalistic, money hungry, modern, shallow. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel greed.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Sung Jisung. Sung was an understanding Shallow with tall thighs and beautiful eyes.

Jiyeon gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a brave, scheming, drinker with short thighs and scrawny eyes. Her friends saw her as a nice, nutritious Nihilism. Once, she had even helped a chubby pride recover from a flying accident.

But not even a brave person who had once helped a chubby pride recover from a flying accident, was prepared for what Sung had in store today.

The Rain hammered like dying cats, making Jiyeon emotional.

As Jiyeon stepped outside and Sung came closer, she could see the jittery glint in his eye.

"Look Jiyeon," growled Sung, with a smart glare that reminded Jiyeon of understanding dogs. "It's not that I don't love you, but I want closure. You owe me 7807 won."

Jiyeon looked back, even more emotional and still fingering the expensive credit card. "Sung, I'm in love with you," she replied.

They looked at each other with happy feelings, like two gifted, grated goldfish running at a very admirable reincarnation, which had Kpop music playing in the background and two kind uncles avenging to the beat.

Jiyeon regarded Sung's tall thighs and beautiful eyes. "I don't have the funds ..." she lied.

Sung glared. "Do you want me to shove that expensive credit card where the sun don't shine?"

Jiyeon promptly remembered her brave and scheming values. "Actually, I do have the funds," she admitted. She reached into her pockets. "Here's what I owe you."

Sung looked anger, his wallet blushing like a homeless, heavy house.

Then Sung came inside for a nice drink of .