
Himeko's Day 2

"Haruuu, hear me out. Listen to meee,"

As I keep bothering, she put the manga and turn towards me,

"Are you gonna complain about that glasses jerk again? I've heard enough."

"But it still pisses me off. Shouting like that in library, people'll think I'm an idiot."

"Well you're one."

"No I'm not! Also it was that guy's fault for angering me."

"Why did you even let some stranger's word get you? Just ignore 'em."

"Why would I easily let go someone who insult me? Being straight forward is my best quality."

"Sure, sure."

"You should show respect to your older sister."

"Sure, sure."

"Haru doesn't understand me at all. Hmmph."

I pout to get her attention but she goes back to reading manga again. How will I relieve my anger?

"Hey, that tall freind of yours, N-Natsuya-kun, did you tell him anything about me?" Haru asks suddenly.


Why is she bringing him up.?

"Not really. Why? Something happened?"

"Well he has been greeting me everyday. He also talks with me quite often lately."

Now that I think about it I did say something. Didn't expect him to start approaching her so easily. So he is man of action type huh. Well he isn't a bad guy so it's okay I guess.

"Ah. He said he wanted to be your friend since you are an otaku like me."

"I see."

Haru replies with a straight face but I can see that she is happy. She doesn't have many friends so it's a good thing. Also I have a hunch it's gonna be fun watch. Hehe

"Class is so boring. Break time is the only thing keeping me alive."

I whine as I eat lunch sitting with Haru and Mi-chan.

"I know right. I just wanna she some hot boys." Mi-chan responds.

Mi-chan is our best friend. We three have been together since last year in middle school. Our interest overlap so we get along really well. Haru can be herself only when she with us. Though, me and Haru aren't a fujoshi like her.

"Where are you gonna get this hot boy," Haru retorts.

"Hmm," Mi-chan ponders for a moment. "Natsuya is pretty hot."

"Are you guys talking about me?"

Natsuya-kun pops out from no where suddenly standing behind us.

"Where did you even come out from?"

Mi-chan says as to hide her shock. Guess that a given.

"I came normally through the door." Natsuya-kun pulls a chair and joins us.

"What are you girls chatting about?" Natsuya casually takes a bread lying on the table and takes a large bite.

"Ah! That's mine!" Haru screams.

"Now its mine tho," Natsuya-kun takes another large bite.

"Again! You have to pay me back."

Seeing those two's bickering Mi-chan leans towards me a bit. "Were those two always this close?"

"No idea." I whisper back. "Should we start betting?"

"Hime, you devil."

Before we know it he became part of the group.

But that doesn't mean he can take Haru away from me. Both of them are busy with class representative's work. Now I'm getting bored being alone after class ends.

Maybe I should have joined a club. Nah I don't wanna. Should I go home then? I don't wanna read manga here and cause a scene like that again. But if I go home now Mom will make a fuss about me not studying then lecture me on why I should focus on study rather than anime stuff. Life is hard. I should buy a chocolate milk to cheer myself up.

'Chocolate milk, chocolate milk~' I humm to myself as I walk along the corridor. There's the vending machine. Someone is already standing in front it. This guy is kinda tall. As I stand next to him, I get a glimpse of his face.

"Gahh," scream left my mouth as I recognize this guy. Its that glasses jerk again.

"When did I become famous enough to make girls squeal for me," The way he says it mockingly I'm pretty sure he also recognized me.

No I should not get agitated. "Excuse me, senpai. Let me pass." Its quite obvious that I'm trying to avoid him.

But he still keeps standing there blocking my way. Get a clue dude, I'm avoiding you.

"Hey you," now he is even talking to me. "That thing you were reading the other day, manga or something.."

"Yea its a manga named 'Unheard footsteps'," what's this guy even trying to say.

"Yea that one. Is it even interesting?"

Is he for real? What's with this looking down on others attitude? Does he have fun mocking others?

"If not then why would I bother reading it?" I will just give him a piece of my mind. "Its a mystery manga which explores deep aspects of life as well as human bonding. Elite student like you might think its a waste of time doing this but its clearly not. Studying isn't all life is about and judging others like that just shows how shallow you are!"

I couldn't control my temper and just shouted all that. Is he angry now?


Did he just laugh? I looked at him directly to make sure.

"You are just too funny," he says while laughing. He takes a look at my confused face and laughs even harder. When he laughs he doesn't look so mean

"There's no need for you to get so angry. I just wanted your review about it that's all."

He stops laughing and bow down to get the drink from the machine. He hands it out to me.

"Sorry for being rude. Take it as an apology and gratitude. Your favorite chocolate milk."

I take it being embarrassed also a bit confused.

"Also don't judge your seniors like that, okay," He pats my head and walk away.

"Se-senpai??" As if he heard my mumbling he stops and turns for a second.

"Name's Akihiko Kousuke. See ya."

And he walks away.

How did he know my favorite drink?