
Two Gardens

Violet could feel change in the wind, and after being mistaken for the someone important, her caretaker Louis may be her only hope of survival..if she doesn't kill her first.

Emily_Gates · Fantasy
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5 Chs

What is in the name?

"..only then was I able to truly understand what the purple flower was. Not magic, but lavender", I was easing out of my chatter with Ma'am. I just felt so nervous going deeper into the trees and away from home. Louis truly never let me go this far, but she knew just as much as I did, that we needed supplies. Hopefully we can keep up this surge of customers and our newest members to the yard can really earn their keep.

Ma'am snorted back in reply, while I continued to be deep in thought. I broke away from talking to myself when a strong smell hit my nose. As I started to become aware of myself and what was around me, I saw the most peculiar flowers tangled around the lower branches of the trees around me. What was so unusual was how the flowers seemed to grow up from the ground, fighting gravity and wrapping around the trees limbs.

I slowly lowered myself from Ma'am to get a closer look at these beautiful flowers. As I reached out to caress the dull silver petals, I cried out from the sharp pain in my finger tips.

"Shhh, I am sorry! I'm just being a baby," I soothed Ma'am, as I sucked on my tender finger tips. I almost wanted to bit down on them to push out all the tenderness. However, I became distracted by the flower that somehow nipped me. It had begun to weep, the moisture that was seeping forward carried the same silver color of the flower, but rather than it being dull, I shined.

I looked down to see that my fingers were in fact bleeding, like I had pricked them on thorns. I turned to my saddlebags to find something to use to protect me while I went to pluck the flower and bring it home for Louis. I began pushing the dirt and leaves away from where the vines began to assert themselves into the ground.

My sensitive fingers felt where the ground was eager to give way to the pressure I gave out. I pushed aside more dirt and leaves to find a eye holes from a small skeleton, staring back at me.