
Two Dysfunctional Heroes

This is a story of two dysfunctional people trying to find themselves amidst the chaos around them. One, so delusional, he thought he was some sort of hero destined to save the world; and the other, equally delusional, who believed she could revive the dead. A story of two delusional fools refusing to face reality.

Arkira · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Watcher of the Abyss

The King's fork clinked against his plate, the only sound piercing the heavy silence as they sat there at the long, dining table.

Elian and Avisha who sat opposite him were watching him devour his meal with a voracious hunger that was almost animalistic, he didn't seem like a king at all.

The flickering lamps on the walls casted shadows across their faces, making their expressions seem twisted and grotesque.

And then all of a sudden…

"You dare!"

The King's smile faltered at Avisha's sudden outburst. His eyes twitched as his hand instinctively reached out for the jeweled dagger at his side. But before he could make a move, her hand slammed down on the table with a force that made the dishes rattle and the candles flicker as if in fear.

Her action seemed to come out of the blue, surprising even Elian.

"Oi! What's the matt—"

But he was cut off almost instantly.

"You dare! You dare use your influence on me!" Avisha's voice rang out.

The King slowly put down his fork and let go of his dagger, elegantly wiped his mouth of the grease, and gestured for her to sit down. "Forgive me. That was rude of me, I suppose?"

His voice carried a teasing tone. "My bad. I should've introduced myself properly."

Avisha exchanged a wary glance with Elian, unsure of what to make of the King's sudden change in demeanor. She tentatively took a seat, her eyes never leaving him as he continued to speak.

With a graceful bow of his head, the King addressed her in a tone that held a hint of respect. "I am the Watcher of the Abyss. I greet the Void Walker. I simply couldn't stop myself from watching what's inside your heart. You seemed troubled, as I can tell."

Elian shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes darting between Avisha and his father.

The reason Avisha was angry was because the King had influenced her just now, making her say things she never intended. The prerequisite to using Blood Magic and the taboo after acquiring it. They were things she wasn't supposed to tell to just anyone. Just like what she did to her siblings back in Mt. Hiraya, the King had manipulated her in a way that cut deep into her very being.

The memories of her past actions flooded back to her, the weight of the guilt and shame pressing down on her. Her breath caught up to her throat as she realized the extent of the King's power, the way he could twist her will to suit his own desires. His strength and control over Blood Magic simply surpassed her own.

"Ah! No need to tell me what you want. I already saw them. I'll send my son to you after I speak to him. My servant will bring you to your chamber. I will also ask him to bring you your needs."

In short, he was asking her to leave.

Her jaw clenched with suppressed frustration at the King's dismissive tone. He seemed to be implying he will always be above her. She knew that despite his cordial words, he could easily kill her right there and then. So with a sense of resignation, she rose from her seat, her gaze locked on the King as she prepared to leave the oppressive atmosphere of the dining hall.

But just as she turned to make her exit, a sudden movement caught the corner of her eye. A shadow leaped off from the ceiling, landing gracefully on the floor with a silent thud. The figure was clad in all black, his feature hidden by a dark hood, except for a pair of piercing green slanted eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light.

She hadn't noticed the man's presence until he made himself known. The silent arrival sent chills down her spine.


The man in all black led her through the winding corridors of the castle, they eventually arrived at a luxurious chamber. It had a large, ornately carved bed, a small side table with intricate designs, and a bathing area. However, there was one glaring absence that caught her attention immediately—there were no windows in the room.

The absence of natural light and sensation of being cut off from the outside world created a stifling atmosphere that made her feel uncomfortable. But what struck her even more was the complete lack of mirrors in the room. Not a single reflective surface could be found. From the moment she entered the castle, Avisha realized that she had not seen a single mirror.

Without a word spoken, the man in black gestured for her to make herself comfortable before silently departing, leaving her alone in the windowless chamber.