
Two Dysfunctional Heroes

This is a story of two dysfunctional people trying to find themselves amidst the chaos around them. One, so delusional, he thought he was some sort of hero destined to save the world; and the other, equally delusional, who believed she could revive the dead. A story of two delusional fools refusing to face reality.

Arkira · Fantasy
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21 Chs

He Who Must Decide

Elian's hesitant footsteps echoed through the winding corridors, his golden eyes were unfocused and his shoulders slightly drooped. The shocking news he just heard from his father was going circles in his mind.

That he wasn't supposed to be born. That he was just a product of forbidden lust.

Soon, his body would become the vessel of the Blood Demon. His whole life was a lie. The realization made him stagger.

The Blood Demon, what kind of being was it?

It was a terrifying and a very ancient entity, lurking in the darkest depths of the underworld.

According to the few surviving records, it possessed a grotesque and otherworldly form, with twisted limbs and a maw of razor-sharp teeth dripping with blood of its victims.

Rumored to have been released once upon a time by forbidden rituals and dark sorcery. Its eyes, deep pools of darkness, that held the secrets of the universe, driving mortals to madness with a single glance. Just a mention of its real name was enough to make one's head explode. A force beyond human comprehension.

Blood and souls must be offered regularly to appease its insatiable hunger and keep its wrath at bay. Its influence spreads like a malevolent stain, corrupting the minds of those who seek to wield its power for their own selfish desires.

And Elian will become that very being soon. He could never allow that. He didn't wanna die either.

He recalled the conversation with his father a few hours ago.

"But there is a way," his father said. "You remember what the woman said earlier, don't you?"

"Which one?"

"You find someone who can use Blood Magic. Make that person fall in love with you. Then kill that person and inherit that person's heart."

Elian was at a loss for words. His mouth opened and closed. His mind became chaotic.

"Across multiple dimensions, or worlds to make it easier for you, there are only five who can use Blood Magic. It would be considered lucky if you meet one in your lifetime. The original users of this magic were that entity's children. Wielding this power is basically becoming its child. It may be a demon but it will never possess its child."

Elian's eyes were shaking as he stared at his father.

"Is… Is that why you kept telling me about Blood Magic since I was a kid? Telling me to only marry the one who wielded it?"


"Then what about the lady? Will she have to die?"

"Yes. You will kill her." The king's voice was full of certainty.


"You make her fall in love with you. Become the most important person in her life. Make it that she is willing to sacrifice herself for you when you are in danger."

The king lifted his right hand, opened up his palm, and made a crushing motion with it.

"And then you kill her and you inherit her heart. You can have somebody else do it. As long as you are the most important person in her life, then that's enough."

Elian bit his lower lip as he lightly knocked on Avisha's door.

"I am coming in," he said and waited a little bit before pushing it open when nobody answered.

He found her sleeping defenseless on the bed. He silently walked closer and sat on the corner, careful not to wake her up.

He was shaking his leg up and down, unable to come to a decision.

"Father, why must you do this to me?"

He was conflicted. Should he follow the King, he will prevent being possessed by the Blood Demon, and obviously, prevent the unimaginable. But in order to do that, he must kill the innocent lady first.

He then sneered at himself.

'Heh! Being killed by the one you loved most. Isn't that way too cruel? I don't think I have the heart to do that.'

After a while, he found himself observing her. She wasn't the prettiest woman he had ever seen, too muscular to his liking. He even found his sister to be much prettier, but he didn't find her ugly either, just above average.

She had thin lips and thick lashes. A pale skin that made her look like she was lacking blood, which was ironic with her Blood Magic. She had calloused hands and multiple scars in her body from fighting, and probably training hard as well. 

Looking so innocent and vulnerable as she slept, a sharp contrast to when she was fighting with monsters earlier.

His heart ached once again.

'Just how am I supposed to deceive this lady?'