
Two dimensional love

Kat let out a breath of relieve, she decided to continue running to make sure she puts enough distance between them. nothing in world could have prepared kat for what was about to happen. Just as she turned her gaze forward, she was greated with the most frightening sight, the old woman stood just two steps away from her. "Jesus Christ!!!" kat screamed. Her voice echoes through the woods, causing, the birds that nested on the nearest trees to fly away as the sound of the birds filled the sorrowing ------------- "How did she...?" my mind struggled to process anything. But before I could react, the old lady blocked my path with an unsettling smile on her face, sending panic coursing through me. Despite my desperate attempts to flee, it was as if the old lady possessed some dark and mysterious power that held me captive. With each passing moment, the sense of dread grew stronger, and I found myself scrambling to escape her clutches. In my frantic attempt to get away, I stumbled and fell hard on my bottom, the impact jolting through me. As I struggled to regain my footing, she stood a few steps away from me, but it felt like she loomed over me, a menacing gleam in her eyes. Desperation welled up within me. I couldn't comprehend anything, my heart pounding drastically in my chest. "Don't come any closer! Stay away from me!" I shouted in panic. ----------- As the old lady moved closer, Kat felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, causing her to sway unsteadily on the ground. She tried to push herself up, but her strength failed her, and she collapsed back down, her vision growing even more distorted. ------------ Through my blurry sight, I could see the old lady morphing and changing before my eyes. The wrinkled face and hunched figure transformed into that of a tall, ethereal woman with radiant beauty. She now glowed like the sun in the dark woods, casting a warm light over me. As the figure approached, I strained to make out her features, my mind struggling to comprehend the transformation before me. I managed to muster the strength to speak, my voice barely a whisper as I gazed up at the transformed figure before me. With a mix of fear and curiosity in my voice, I rasped, "Who are you?" The words escaped my lips almost involuntarily, a question born out of confusion and desperation as I struggled to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding before me. "What is going on? I feel so dizzy. What are you doing to me?" I weakly asked the transformed her once again, "Who are you?". She responded enigmatically, "You would know soon enough, my dear." Despite my distorted state, I could hear her voice clearly; it sounded nothing like the old raspy voice she portrayed earlier. It was sweet and smooth, her tone elegant, sounding like a melody used to lure children to sleep. The cryptic reply sent more questions my way, leaving me with more questions than answers. Undeterred, I pressed on with another question, my voice trembling with fear and anticipation, "What do you want from me?" The old lady's response was equally unsettling, "You. It will all begin to make sense to you when the time comes." With those ominous words hanging in the air, I felt a wave of dread wash over me as I realized that my fate was inextricably linked to this mysterious figure before me. And as darkness closed in around me, I could only pray that I would soon understand the truth behind her cryptic words. 'I remember this feeling, the feeling of being powerless and helpless, not being able to do anything, just like the night my mother and Nathan burned in front of my eyes. I couldn't do anything.' "Mum, Nathan, I will meet you both soon. I love you,"I whispered to myself, ready to reunite with my family. Tears streamed down my eyes, surprising me in the brief moment. 'I hadn't cried since the time I was separated from you two. Now I shall cry when I reunite with you both,' more tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke. **** disclaimer: cover not mine.

Liya_Rose_6706 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Shadow council: King's piercing Gaze

The sun's rays passed through the window, casting a gentle glow on Kat's face. She stirred and turned, trying to shield the light from her eyes. Just then, a knock came from the door. *Knock knock!!!!!*

"Lady Kat!" Vivian called out as she knocked persistently.

"Not now, Emma, let me sleep," Kat muttered, her voice muffled by drowsiness.

*knock knock!!!* "My lady?!" Vivian persisted trying to get Kat to open the door.

"It's me, Vivian," she clarified.

"Viv... Vivian. Ugh! It wasn't a dream, It really happened" Kat grumbled, she had hoped everything that had happened was a dream, but reality came knocking on her door, literally.

her eyes fluttering open. She slowly sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes, grudgingly dragging herself off the bed, Kat walked towards the door. Unlocking it, she opened the door, and was greeted by Vivian's relieved face.

Vivian had been knocking for quite sometime and didn't get any response, making her worry, seeing Kat she let out a sigh of relief. "Good morning, lady Kat, did you have pleasant night?" Vivian inquired stepping into the room.

"Good morning, Vivian" Kat greeted a yawn escaped her lips as she spoke. "Yes, I did have a pleasant night thank you, did you?".

"My night was fine my lady," Vivian answered with a smile.

She had assisted Kat with her bath, preparing the water while she waited by the door until Kat was done bathing.

Coming out of the bathroom Kat prepared to get dressed, Vivian brought forth a gorgeous off-shoulder flowing cream dress with floral pattern work. The corset and lacing of the dress was delicately done, Kat would know as she had dabbled in fabrics and sewing herself. Although Kat did admire the dress, she declined, not feeling the need to try and blend in with their society. With the intention to return to her own world soon, she choose to wear her own clothes.

A little disappointed, put the dress away, and went to fetch Kat's breakfast, Kat got ready. She chose a long corset milk-made cream dress adorned with delicate flower prints, feeling stunning and delicate as she slipped it on. Kat then styled her hair, securing it up with a flower designee claw clip, allowing a few strands to fall loosely around her face.


While eating breakfast, I heard the sound of what I guessed to be a carriage rumbling through the castle gates. Curious, I rose from my seat to check. walking to the window I saw two imposing black carriages rolled to a stop in the courtyard, the guards rushed over to open the carriage doors, placing a small stud at the entrance of the carriage.

The first carriage's door was opened by the guard, a woman emerged, she excluded confidence and authority as she stepped out of the carriage. Refusing the aid of the guard who had held his hand out to help her descend from the carriage. she stepped out gracefully, her posture impeccable. Following her, a man descended from the carriage, while from the second carriage emerged two men and another woman, all of them carrying the same air of authority and mystery around them.

"Who are they?" I questioned, propping my head for Vivian to come take a look.

Vivian hurried over, following my line of sight, her eyes widening as she spotted the symbol adorning the side of the carriages. "The Shadow Council," she breathed.

"The shadow what?" I asked, confused.

Vivian paused her lips, before speaking "they're a elite council that serves the royals of the five kingdoms. They handle matters of utmost importance directly involving the kings or the five kingdoms, I have heard a lot of rumors about them. But this is the first time I'm seeing them in person" Vivian explained, her voice tinged with awe.

'I see, so they are like the personal investigators of the kings. I'm guessing they are the ones Sabastian spoke of yesterday ,' I thought to myself.

"I see" I said. "They are also said to be the cruelest form of justice of all the five kingdoms, and their leader. She is said to be the cruelest of all the 10 shadow council members" Vivian whispered.

As we spoke, like the woman had felt a gaze on her she lifted her head, her gaze meeting mine. A warm smile graced her lips before an unsettling sight unfolded me, her eyes, once green, flickered momentarily to a fiery red.


Kat didn't know if she had imagined it, but she saw the woman's eyes flash from green to red. Her attention was taken off the woman by Vivian she bowed excusing herself to take care of something.

After Vivian left, turning her gaze back to the window, Kat spotted Sebastian approaching the group of people, they exchanged greetings, before he led them inside. With furrowed brow, Kat returned to her seat to finish her breakfast.


Now walking behind Sabastian. I followed Sebastian's lead as he led me to the courtroom. Located in the west wing of the castle. "How has your stay here been, Miss Kat?" I heard Sebastian ask, my eyes darting along the painting on the walls. "Not bad," I replied, my mind occupied with anticipation of what would happen in the courtroom. "What questions would I be asked?" I inquired, wanting to know beforehand what to expect. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes "Mainly questions that would clarify if you harbor any ill intentions against the Kingdom or its people. Once it is shown that you do not, they will proceed to inquire about how you arrived here." I didn't ask any further questions, and just followed behind him.

We ascended the stairs to the third floor, arriving at a large double door at the end of the hallway, two guard stood by the doors. With a nod from Sebastian, the guards pushed the door open, and we both stepped inside.

Upon entering the courtroom, I was greeted by the imposing figures of the Shadow Council. Their presence commanded attention as they stood dressed in black and white, like sentinels, their expressions stern and unwavering.


The atmosphere in the room was gloomy, until suddenly, someone pop up in front of Kat's face, his handsome features adorned with a charming smile. "Oh my, you are even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined," he remarked. Slightly startled, Kat stepped back. "Your beauty is truly commendable," he continued.

Kat: "...."

'where the hell did he come from suddenly' she thought to herself . "Um... thanks...," Kat replied, feeling a bit off at the unexpected compliment. "Which is why the possibility of you being a black witch is higher," he stated, catching Kat off guard with the sudden change in word's. She raised an eyebrow in response. "What's with you people and witches?"

Before the man could speak again, his words were interrupted by a woman's voice. "Please excuse Lord Wilson for his rudeness. I'm Lady Margaret Wilson, head of the Shadow Council. It is a pleasure to meet you," she said, stepping forward with a polite smile. Kat recognized her as the same woman she had seen earlier from the window.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too. I'm Katherine Young. Lady Wilson...?" Kat trailed off.

"Oh, not at all. Sir Nikolas Wilson, as in my twin brother," Lady Margaret clarified. Kat nodded, acknowledgeable, apart from there dark colored hair, she couldn't really see the resemblance between the two.

Sebastian bowed slightly at Lady Margaret, and she returned his greeting with a nod. "Sebastian," she greeted in return.

"If you would please excuse me," Sebastian spoke, about to take his leave. As his eyes met Kat's, he noticed the flicker of nervousness in the girls eyes. giving her a reassuring smile. "I will be back shortly," he said not speaking to anyone in particular, but Kat understood he was referring to her.

"Please, let me introduce you to the rest of the members of the Shadow Council, lady Katherine."

"just call me Kat," Katherine said, offering an equally polite smile.

Lady Margaret nodded, walking Kat over to the table where the rest of the three shadow council members were seated. The table wasn't to wide, with four chairs arranged on the opposite side, facing the head of the table. Two chairs were positioned at the edges, one more majestic than the other, likely reserved for someone of higher position, and the other for the head of the Shadow Council, which was Lady Margaret herself. On the opposite side of the table from the four chairs, there was a single seat, presumably for Kat to sit.

As Kat approached the table, Lady Margaret introduced her to the rest of the council. Gesturing to a man who was equally handsome as the others Kat had seen so far, she said, "This is sir Serum Kingsley."

She then gestured to the other man, and said, "This is sir Jefferson Whitmore."

Finally, she introduced the last member of the Shadow Council, a woman, saying, "This is Lady Adela Vanderbilt."

She then introduced Kat to each of them, "This is miss Katherine Young, or better still, lady Kat," addressing each council member in turn. Lady Margaret then gestured for Kat to take a seat and said, "Please seat."


They all took their respective seats. "Please be patient as we await the king's arrival," Lady Margaret informed.

'Oh I see, the king will show up,' I thought to myself. Right on cue, the double doors were pushed open. Everyone stood up and bowed deeply, except me. As I spotted the king my first clenched, or rather, as I saw who the king was. It wasn't what I was expecting, a old man in his 60s gray hair and all that. Instead, it was the rude man I had encountered earlier yesterday who didn't bother to stop and help even after seeing me distress, with Sebastian walking alongside him, just as before. 'Him!'.

As the king approached the table, a red robe Majestically draped around his broad shoulders. Each step he took emitted the same feeling of power and authority from that day. His handsome face held a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, nor did it match his aura. "It's the feeling again, it's the same type of feeling I got from the old lady," I muttered under my breath.

As our gazes met, his soul-piercing dark grey eyes locked onto mine, his intense gaze as though demanding something from me. Not being the type to back down, I stared back at him, subconsciously glaring slightly.

As he arrived at the table, he ordered, "Rise," and everyone raised their heads. Sebastian pulled out the chair for the king to sit. They all waited for him to be seated before taking Their own seats, as a sign of respect.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Your Majesty," Lady Margaret greeted.

"It has been a while. How have you been, Lady Margaret?" the king asked.

The woman smiled subtly. "I have been alright, your majesty," her tone still conveyed authority without lacking respect for the king. It seemed they were well acquainted.


"Your majesty. This is Lady Katherine Young. Lady Katherine. His majesty, Lord Lucian Harthrown, the King of Davorin," Sebastian introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Katherine," he said without any formalities like he had done with Lady Margaret, "The pleasure is all mine, Lucian," Kat responded, also throwing his name back at him with an innocent smile. Sebastian glanced at Kat as she spoke, a smile coming up his lips at her bold response. Everyone at the table noticed the slight tension in the manner in which the two spoke as they held each other's gaze. The king's smile broadened in an almost impossible smile. Kat kept her gaze on him as he did on her.

"Since that is cleared, let us begin with the investigation," Lady Margaret announced. Kat broke her gaze with the king and turned to look at Lady Margaret, but she could still feel his piercing gaze on her. 'what is with this man' she thought to herself, Wanting to inform him that it was rude to stare. She held her tongue back, not knowing what kind of person he was, though she didn't need a magnifying glass to tell the man was nothing much of a good soul, as she had already pulled a stunt by addressing him by his name she wasn't going to pull another one and find out what happens.

"Miss Katherine, we will ask you some questions, and I will need you to be honest with each question. Although you wouldn't be able to tell a lie due to sir Nikolas," Lady Margaret said. At her words, Kat's eyebrows frowned. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Well, Sir Nikolas here has an ability he has harnessed quite well, which makes it impossible for anyone to lie to him," she explained. "Nikolas," she called. He nodded in response. "Lady Kat, tell two lies and one truth," he requested. A little confused, Kat glanced at Sebastian, who gave her a reassuring nod. 'Could he really tell if I tell a lie?' .

"Umm... Okay, I'm 21 years old, I'm wealthy and famous, hmmm...,I'm allergic to mangoes," Kat stated, letting out a sigh at the end. "There's no lie in your answers," Nikolas stated with a smile. "He is right." Kat said....