
Two dimensional love

Kat let out a breath of relieve, she decided to continue running to make sure she puts enough distance between them. nothing in world could have prepared kat for what was about to happen. Just as she turned her gaze forward, she was greated with the most frightening sight, the old woman stood just two steps away from her. "Jesus Christ!!!" kat screamed. Her voice echoes through the woods, causing, the birds that nested on the nearest trees to fly away as the sound of the birds filled the sorrowing ------------- "How did she...?" my mind struggled to process anything. But before I could react, the old lady blocked my path with an unsettling smile on her face, sending panic coursing through me. Despite my desperate attempts to flee, it was as if the old lady possessed some dark and mysterious power that held me captive. With each passing moment, the sense of dread grew stronger, and I found myself scrambling to escape her clutches. In my frantic attempt to get away, I stumbled and fell hard on my bottom, the impact jolting through me. As I struggled to regain my footing, she stood a few steps away from me, but it felt like she loomed over me, a menacing gleam in her eyes. Desperation welled up within me. I couldn't comprehend anything, my heart pounding drastically in my chest. "Don't come any closer! Stay away from me!" I shouted in panic. ----------- As the old lady moved closer, Kat felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, causing her to sway unsteadily on the ground. She tried to push herself up, but her strength failed her, and she collapsed back down, her vision growing even more distorted. ------------ Through my blurry sight, I could see the old lady morphing and changing before my eyes. The wrinkled face and hunched figure transformed into that of a tall, ethereal woman with radiant beauty. She now glowed like the sun in the dark woods, casting a warm light over me. As the figure approached, I strained to make out her features, my mind struggling to comprehend the transformation before me. I managed to muster the strength to speak, my voice barely a whisper as I gazed up at the transformed figure before me. With a mix of fear and curiosity in my voice, I rasped, "Who are you?" The words escaped my lips almost involuntarily, a question born out of confusion and desperation as I struggled to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding before me. "What is going on? I feel so dizzy. What are you doing to me?" I weakly asked the transformed her once again, "Who are you?". She responded enigmatically, "You would know soon enough, my dear." Despite my distorted state, I could hear her voice clearly; it sounded nothing like the old raspy voice she portrayed earlier. It was sweet and smooth, her tone elegant, sounding like a melody used to lure children to sleep. The cryptic reply sent more questions my way, leaving me with more questions than answers. Undeterred, I pressed on with another question, my voice trembling with fear and anticipation, "What do you want from me?" The old lady's response was equally unsettling, "You. It will all begin to make sense to you when the time comes." With those ominous words hanging in the air, I felt a wave of dread wash over me as I realized that my fate was inextricably linked to this mysterious figure before me. And as darkness closed in around me, I could only pray that I would soon understand the truth behind her cryptic words. 'I remember this feeling, the feeling of being powerless and helpless, not being able to do anything, just like the night my mother and Nathan burned in front of my eyes. I couldn't do anything.' "Mum, Nathan, I will meet you both soon. I love you,"I whispered to myself, ready to reunite with my family. Tears streamed down my eyes, surprising me in the brief moment. 'I hadn't cried since the time I was separated from you two. Now I shall cry when I reunite with you both,' more tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke. **** disclaimer: cover not mine.

Liya_Rose_6706 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Ocean blue eyes

It was 6:24 PM when Kenny helped me and Hanna and my load the League's into the car. The League, packed snugly in the trunk, awaited our journey.

We bided a fond farewell to Miss Emma, enveloping her in a warm embrace. With Hanna at the wheel and me settled comfortably in the passenger seat, we embarked on our drive, watching the mansion fade into the distance through the side-view mirror. The road stretched out before us, flanked by towering trees lining each side of the road as we ascended a hill.


An hour slipped by unnoticed as they traversed the winding roads, the soothing hum of the engine lulling them into a state of calm. Eventually, the car came to a halt, Hanna assisting Kat in unloading her suitcases from the car.

Now standing by the side of the road, which led into the forest, it was already a few minutes past 7 PM, and the sky had begun to transition from the vibrant blue of daytime to the deeper hues of dusk. The sun lowered towards the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape.

My family's lake house was nestled in the woods. She would be able to drive into this part of the woods as the path was too narrow for a car, accessible only on foot.

"Hey, let me help you with that," Hanna offered, reaching for one of the suitcases.

I smiled appreciatively but shook my head. "Thanks, Hanna, but I've got it. I know this trail like the back of my hand."

Hanna hesitated, concern furrowing her brow. "Are you sure? It's getting dark, and the woods can be tricky at night."

"I'll be fine," I reassured her, patting her arm. "You worry to much."

She relented, though still looked unsure. "Okay, but if you need anything, don't hesitate to call."

"I won't," I promised, offering her a reassuring smile. "I will let you know when I arrive at the cabin."

With that, I set off into the woods, feeling Hanna's eyes on my back until she disappeared from view.

As I ventured deeper into the woods, memories of past visits to the lake house flooded my mind, each one more vivid than the last. I couldn't help but smile as I recalled the countless adventures shared with my family amidst the tranquil embrace of nature.

I remembered the warmth of my mother's hand clasped firmly in mine as we navigated the winding trails together. She had a way of making even the simplest of walks feel like a grand adventure, her laughter echoing through the trees as we explored every hidden corner of the forest, I could almost hear voice echo through the trees 'Katherine honey be careful' she would say to me.

Each step I took, memories flooded of how we used to walk the same paths, Nathan placing me on his shoulders, explaining facts about the trees and animals. All I wanted to do now was return to the cabin, where it had become my safe space.

While uncle Michael was never one for joviality or frivolity, always maintaining a composed demeanor even in the face of adversity. I used to affectionately refer to him as "Genie," for his seemingly endless capabilities. Like a butler attending to every need with precision and efficiency, He may not have been the most expressive of individuals, but his unwavering presence was a pillar of strength upon which our family relied.

But now, as I made my way through the familiar trails alone, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the absence of my mum and brother. My mother's laughter and Nathan's reassuring smile, both seemed like distant echoes of a time long gone.


Yet, despite the bittersweet nostalgia that tugged her heartstrings, Kat kept walking, fueled by the memories of happier times and the promise of finding solace in the familiar walls of the lake house cabin. For even though her family may no longer be by her side, their presence lingered in every corner of the forest and in the carbine

The sound of birds chirping could be heard in the woods. Kat wore black army print cargo pants that hugged her body in the right places, paired with a black crop top showcasing her slim, toned waist. She wore a white fluffy hoodie to keep warm from the night's cold breeze and a pair of black and white sneakers.

She pushed forward, my suitcase trailing behind me like a loyal companion. Knowing the lake house cabin awaited her at the end of her journey, promising a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of celebrity life.

As the evening progressed, the sky gradually darkened, giving way to the twinkling stars and the peaceful calm of nightfall. Kat walked deeper into the woods, guided by the moonlight and the gentle whispers of nature.

The canopy of trees above her obscured the moonlight, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. The branches creaked and swayed in the gentle breeze.


The crisp night air filled my lungs, invigorating me with each breath. The hoot of an owl in the distance added to the mystique of my surroundings.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I caught sight of the lake house looming in the distance, its welcoming lights piercing the darkness. But just as I drew closer, a rustling sound echoed through the trees, causing me to slightly jolt...

I turned around, In the dim moonlight filtering through the tree branches, I caught sight of a magnificent creature emerging from the shadows; a black and gray husky with mesmerizing ocean-like blue eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness. The husky stood before me, its fur a mix of dark and silver tones, blending seamlessly with the night around us.


Kat's initial apprehension lessened as she gazed into the husky's striking eyes, which held a sense of calm and intelligence. It was as though the husky was trying to communicate something to her with its piercing gaze.


"Oh my God, where did you come from?" I whispered to myself, utterly captivated by the majestic husky before me. I called out to it, making a clicking sound, hoping to draw it closer. Each time the sound escaped my lips, I noticed the dog's ear flicker in response.

"Hey boy, are you lost?" I asked softly, my voice barely audible as I inched closer. With cautious steps, I moved towards the husky, watching its cautious yet curious movements. "It's okay, I won't hurt you," I reassured, directing my words more to the dog now as I closed the distance between us. The husky tilted its head sideways, its tongue lolling out in a playful manner. It was a sight that could warm even the coldest of hearts. As I approached, almost as if understanding my words, the husky sat down, its intense gaze fixed upon me.

I slowly reached out my hand to the husky, feeling its soft fur beneath my fingertips.

"Oh, aren't you just the most gorgeous thing?" I murmured, my fingers gently stroking its fur. The husky looked at me with those soulful eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a deep connection forming between us.

"I wonder where you came from, Lance," I mused, my hand still gently brushing against his fur as I checked his collar. "Oh, Lance, what a fitting name for such a regal-looking fellow like yourself," I said, smiling as he tilted his head in response. "Looks like you've got yourself a temporary companion, Lance. How about we stick together for the night and go searching for your owner in the morning?"

As I spoke, Lance barked and nuzzled his head against my hand, his warmth and affection making my heart swell. "Hehe, you're quite the charmer, aren't you?" I chuckled, feeling a lick on my face that made me giggle. "Oh, you're such a sweetheart!"

Standing up straight, I looked down at Lance with a grin. "Come on, lance, let's go," I said, to my surprise, he understood and began following me. "You know, you're smarter than most dogs. Your owner must have trained you well," I remarked, continuing our conversation as we walked towards the cabin.

Just as we were nearing the cabin, Lance's ears perked up, and he darted off into the darkness.


Kat didn't expect him to suddenly run off, wondered what happened. With instinct's she ran after him, calling out to him, "Lance!!" "Wait!!" She exclaimed, trying to keep up with the suitcase in her hands.

As she ran after the Lance through the dense woods, she couldn't help but admire its speed and agility. The autumn leaves crunched beneath her feet as she followed the dog, its fur shining in the dappled moon light.

The dog seemed to be on a mission, darting between trees and shrubs with a sense of purpose. She could barely keep up, her heart pounding with adrenaline.


as we raced deeper into the woods, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were straying too far from the familiar trails. I called out to the Lance, but he paid me no mind, his focus solely on the mysterious destination he seemed to be heading for.

Suddenly, his ears perked up, and it veered off in a new direction, disappearing behind a thick cluster of bushes. Without hesitation, I followed, determined to keep up with my furry companion.

But when I emerged from the underbrush, I realized with a sinking feeling that I had lost sight of the dog. A surge of concern washed over me as I frantically scanned the surrounding trees, the realization dawning on me that I was now alone and lost in the heart of the forest.

My breath came in short gasps as I tried to retrace my steps, but, the winding paths and dense foliage all seemed to blur together. The rustling of leaves and distant calls of birds only served to deepen my sense of disorientation.

"Darn it," I cursed under my breath, frustration bubbling up as I realized I had lost sight of Lance. "Where did you go, you sneaky little fur ball?" I muttered, my heart pounding with concern.

Reaching for my phone, I hoped to find a signal that would lead me back to safety but to my dismay, there was none. "Oh, come on, not now!" I exclaimed, tapping furiously at the screen as if that would magically conjure up a signal.

"Of all the times to lose signal, it had to be now," I grumbled, feeling a sinking feeling of dread settle in my stomach. "I've been in these woods countless times, and there's always been a signal. But of course, the one time I venture into this part, I'm left high and dry," I rambled to myself, my frustration mounting as I scanned the surroundings for any sign of familiarity.

"This is just great," I sighed, running a hand through my hair in exasperation. "Okay, calm down, focus. I just need to retrace my steps and find my way back," I reassured myself, though the daunting thought of being truly lost lingered in the back of my mind.

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