
Chapter 1 The beginning of an era

Once upon a time in the United states of America A woman named Jennifer kamara gave birth to four kids,two boys and two girls.The name of the boys were Alex and Andrew

Alex was twelve and Andrew was eighteen

The two names of the girls were Ariana and Addison

Alex and Ariana are twins so they are the same age

Same as Andrew and Addison so they are basically quads

Unfortunately their mom died when Alex and Ariana were five years old

So Andrew and Addison had to raise them

Alex wanted to become a singer,rapper and actor

and Ariana wanted to become a famous actress and singer

Whiles Andrew wanted to become a movie producer and Addison wanted to become a famous youtuber.

One day on Alex and Ariana's thirteenth birthday a famous movie producer who calls I'm self Johnny money came to their house and told them that they can be in a movie if they come to a country called sierra leone located in west africa

The quads were happy but Alex and Ariana dont know what sierra Leone is but Andrew and Addison knew.

Its was their mom's home town.So they packed their bags hoped on Johnny money's private jet and flew to Africa.

When they got there Alex said

Alex:Why do we still have to come here to this country just because it's for a movie why cant we do it in another African country? I hear south Africa is great look trust me I've heard about this place a lot of bad things happen here so we have to be careful

Andrew responding

Andrew:Come on Alex dont you wanna see where mom came from and besides this is why we need to come here because you need to stop using your phone everyday and night.Your lucky this is the first time we've travelled for free

Addison backing up Andrew and saying

Addison:Andrew's right this is gonna be fun

And Ariana backing them up

Ariana:Yeah Alex it gonna be fun

With Alex realizing it's a three on one situation

So he agrees and they leave to go to their mom's house in Sierra Leone.

A few weeks later the sisters got sick at first they thought it was a cold but then it got worse and worse everyday.So they went to a hospital to see a doctor,after being tested the doctor gave some very bad news.

He said

Doctor:I'm sorry but your sisters have leukaemia cancer they may have gotten it from any family member of theirs.

The quads were shocked and sad

Alex saying angrily

Alex:No I cant believe this is happening I told you Andrew that this will happen.

Then runs off to Andrew's car

Andrew wants to go after him and asks his sisters

Andrew:I should go after him you guys wanna come.

They agree and go to the car.Alex talks to nobody through the whole way going home.

When they finally get home Alex locked himself in his room for a whole day.

The next day Andrew knocks on Alex's door but he didn't open it

Then said

Andrew:Alex open the door I know your in there

Alex replying sadly

Alex:Go away

Then Andrew saying

Andrew:Come on you can't stay in there forever and look Ariana and Addison will be fine ok I promise you so please open the door I'll order pizza.

Then Alex finally opens the door and they go to order

Chapter 2

A new fresh start

After a week later Alex is enrolled in school and Andrew went to college and Ariana and Addison were admitted in the hospital.Alex attended the Sierra Leone Lebanese school and Andrew attended the Blue Crest College.A few weeks in school Alex was having a hard time in school because of his height and because he didn't have any friends.But he was still trying hard to become famous he was using his phone to make Instagram videos,YouTube videos and TikTok videos.A lot of people saw him rapping,singing and doing some good acting skills but they were still bulling him.So one day he was sitting at home watching a movie called Cobra kai and he heard something in that movie that he will never forget "Sometimes you got to flip the script" and Alex keep remembering those words till one day he did flip the script.One day Alex went to school wearing his uniform but it was different he got a cool hair cut started wearing sunglasses everywhere and was even beating people up and getting away with it.For a whole month he was having this bad boy attitude till one day a new student came in Alex's long time bestfriend Sophie cole.Sophie and Alex have know each other since kindergarten in America.Sophie was living in Las Angeles before she moved to Africa she is the twelve and Alex is thirteen.Alex has a big crush on Sophie and Sophie has a crush on Alex too but they aren't telling each other.

Chapter 3

Becoming on top

Meanwhile Andrew was having the best time at college.Because of his great editing skills and good performances he became the best student in his college.Everyday after school Andrew picks up Alex from school to see their sisters in the hospital.One day whiles Alex was in school he got into a bloody fight with a kid.Because the kid mocked his dead mom and sick sisters.So Alex and the kid got suspended for a week.In that week of being suspended Alex was making new songs with different people to upgrade his coolness.But then Andrew comes home angry at Alex and telling him

Andrew:I cant believe you,I cant believe you would do this,I tried to protect and help you and this is how you pay me back.

Alex angrily replying

Alex:You can't blame me I tried to keep it cool but he had it coming.

Andrew saying in a very angry voice

Andrew:You know what I don't care about what you do and were you do it get out of my room.

Alex left Andrew's room angry

Chapter 4

The new kid in college

Whiles Andrew was learning at college

He met this new girl name Zoey Cole older sister of Sophie cole.Her dad is a billionaire,he used to work for the former president of the United states Barako Obama.Andrew and Zoey got along well and have the same things in common.They always go shopping and get to know different things about each other.The week of Alex's suspension is over and goes back to school but when he goes to things changed people treated him better,no one bullied him,no more bad boy attitude and he was even winning prizes performing and getting good grades.

Chapter 5

It's all going down hill

Life was great for both Alex and Andrew until a man put their house for sale.They walked on angrily to the man and Alex told him

Alex:What the hell is happening here why are you putting our moms house for sale.

The man trying to keep Alex and Andrew calm whiles saying

The man:Calm down calm down I know your angry but I have to sell it my name is randy Clarke and when your mother bought this house she didn't pay everything so since she's dead sorry for your loss by the way we have to sell it you have twenty four hours to pack your stuff and leave.

Then an angry Andrew calls Zoey and tells her

Andrew:Hello Zoey you wont believe what just happened they are selling my moms house yh I know its crazy right look can me and Alex come to your place ok thx bye.So Zoey went to pick up the boys and brought them to their dads house were she lived.And whiles Zoey was showing them around the house and bringing them to their new rooms Alex runs into Sophie and asks

Alex:Sophie what are you doing here I'm so glad to see you.

Then Sophie says in shock

Sophie:Alex hey are you I didn't expect you coming with your brother and bags oh oh oh your staying here well this is my dads house and Zoey here is my older sister.

Alex saying in perfect shock

Alex:Wait wait what so your telling me you live in this big mansion awesome.

Chapter 6

Meeting the enemy

Then Sophie and Zoey's dad comes downs stairs Mr Austin Cole and as soon as Andrew saw Mr Cole's face it looked familiar.But maybe to Andrew it was a mistake.As soon as Mr cole saw Andrew's face he asked if he knew anyone named Jennifer kamara when Andrew said yes and told him that she was there mom and then he walked away.Alex saying that he needed to change cause he has to meet a few friends from school so whiles he was in his room changing Sophie passed by and saw Alex shirtless and saw he wonderful six packs and she dropped something so Alex saw her and asked

Alex:Hey Sophie you ok?

Sophie telling him she's fine and the both of them look at each other for fifteen seconds straight and almost kiss until Zoey goes into Alex's room to ask if he saw Sophie but she found her.

Chapter 7

Anger and jealousy

One a fine Saturday afternoon Alex,Andrew,Sophie and Zoey went to the beach to chill and relax to take back all the stress away.Then Alex sees sophie talking to a guy named Jake at least that's what it says on his shirt.Alex didn't like Jake because he looked like a bad guy or because he was jealous of Sophie talking to another guy.So Alex turned to Andrew and told him.

Alex:Hey Andrew you see that guy talking to Sophie I have a bad feeling about him.

Andrew laughing and saying

Andrew:Wait Jake dude he's a nice kid and nothing is wrong with him your jealous that's all.

Alex saying angrily

Alex:I'm not jealous I just dont like when others guys approach Zoey and try to flirt with her.

Andrew:Well be a man go up to him and tell him to back off.

Then Alex walks up to Sophie telling her

Alex:Hey Sophie were all going for a swim you in.

Then turns at Jake and said

Alex:Oh hey hru my name is Alex and you hmm no one cares bye

Then Sophie tells him

Sophie:Alex calm down this is Jake my first ever friend I had when I came to Africa.

Then saying slowly

Alex:Okay well bye bye Jake come again maybe never.

Then grabs Sophie's hand and walks away

Then Sophie stops Alex and asks him

Sophie:Alex what the hell are you doing why were you acting rude in front on my friend?Your acting jealous or something o my god

Alex saying angrily

Alex:No I'm not jealous I just dont want him to be around you.

Then storms off angrily

After that Sophie goes to find Zoey to tell her what happened.When she found Zoey she told her

Sophie:Hey sis you got a second I need to talk to you it's really Important.

Zoey replying

Zoey:I was busy tanning but I guess I could stop to hear about my dear little sisters problems go on I'm listening.

Sophie freaks out a little bit and tell her

Sophie:Well its Alex today when I was talking to Jake he got mad and almost hit Jake it was like he was jealous or something.

Zoey laughing and saying

Zoey:Well you should calm him down and he's only trying to protect since you have a crush on him

Sophie says angrily

Sophie:For the last time I dont have a crush on him were just friends.

Then Zoey smiles at Sophie and says

Zoey:Yeah right remember when they moved into our house you were the happiest girl alive and when you went to his room if I didn't Interrupted you guys then you should have kissed anyway it's getting late we should go home call the guys and let's go.

Chapter 8

Finding out the truth

One Saturday morning Alex wanted to go hang out with Sophie since his friends were busy, Andrew and Zoey went to a party.When Alex was going to Sophie's room he heard something coming from Mr Cole's study room.He went closer to listen and what he heard shocked him then took his phone out and records.

Mr cole said

Mr cole:Hello Walter did you get him to talk your going to retrieve the files right? ok good well what I want you to do is burn the body Mr Sanchez is no longer useful to us anymore.Tell Mr Rodriguez that he will have his drugs by next week we will ship the drugs to Mexico next week ok.Oh and one more thing do you remember Jennifer Kamara yeah so her kids are actually staying at my house yeah it's crazy right? well I'll call you later ok bye.

Luckily Alex recorded everything on his phone he quickly ran to Sophie's room and told him.

Sophie:Hey Alex your here hmmm look at what my dad brought for me isn't cute he's the best dad ever no one can replace him right?hmmm Alex I have something to tell you.You know we've been friends for a long time and I no that you were jealous when I was talking to Jake and I just want to say I like you like like you a lot.

The Sophie pulls Alex in a kiss him when they do kiss.Alex feeling bad and doesn't want to make Sophie sad he keeps the recording.But Alex sent the recording to Andrew but Alex told him that they should keep it a secret between them.The Alex and Sophie watched a horror movie together in Sophie's room.Fast forward to the next morning Andrew sees the messages from Alex plays the recording and when he listened everything he went up to find Alex there he hears Zoey calling him to show him that Alex and Sophie are cuddling.Then Alex wakes up seeing Sophie's head on his shoulder he wakes up Sophie then the both of them see that each other there siblings are watching them they just got up and ran.Sophie went to her bathroom and Alex went to his room.On the same day a new house appeared right next door to the Cole's house Alex,Andrew and Sophie shocked Asking who is moving in.Zoey glady saying that the four of them are the ones moving in.Everyone was shocked and confused with Alex saying

Alex:Wow awesome but what happened with you and your dad

Zoey saying

Zoey:Nothing I'm nineteen I have the right to move out if I want so pack your bags and lets go.

Alex knowing something is up then asks Andrew

Alex:You told her didn't you?

Andrew trying to cover it up with saying no a few times but says the truth yes.

Chapter 9

The Plan

Alex,Andrew and Zoey were making a plan to take down Mr Austin Cole but since Sophie wasn't known about this Alex had to tell her.So he had to tell her in the best way possible he sent her the recording of her dad talking on the phone.When sophie heard it she cried for a while but then decided to join Alex,Andrew and Zoey.

The next day Alex woke everyone up to explain the plan.

Step one:We try to go to your dad's house but when were going there we have to be there when he's on the phone and we also need the video footage or we use the security cameras in the house.

Step two:We combine all the footage and give it to the police because if we just give them the voice note they wouldn't believe us.

And step three:When he goes to jail we celebrate and continue living normal lives.

Everyone agrees to the plan and gets ready to go according to do it.

Chapter 10

The accident

One day after Andrew picked Alex from school

Whiles they were going home a truck hit Andrew's car.The car flipped over and landed on the top.Luckily Alex was ok he only had a broken arm whiles Andrew was passed out and bleeding.Alex was able to get out of the car,pull his phone out and call 911.After calling them he called Zoey to tell her everything.

Alex said in pain

Alex:Hey Zoey you have to come to Regent quick Andre and I got in an accident.

Zoey screamed what and said

Zoey:O no really this can't be happening alright I'm on my way there.

Then Zoey called Sophie and told her not to move and stay where she is she's coming to pick her up.After picking Sophie up,Sophie sees Zoey crying and asks.

Sophie:Zoey why are you crying is everything ok?

Zoey said whiles crying

Zoey:No everything is not ok Alex and Andrew got into an accident.

Sophie says sadly

Sophie:What no.

The the both of them started crying

By the time they got there the ambulance has already arrived.They came out of the car went to Alex and asked

Zoey and Sophie:What happened is everything ok?

Then Sophie hugs Alex tight.But before Alex says a word he passes out.

A few hours later Alex woke up in the hospital right next to him was Andrew unconscious on the hospital bed.

He then asked

Alex:What happened

Then Sophie hugs him kisses him on the lips and says

Sophie:Finally your awake I thought I lost you please dont leave me again well you and Andrew got into a car accident Andrew hit his head real hard which caused him to be unconscious and you broke your arm.

Alex in shock saying

Alex:Really well is Andrew be ok

And Sophie said

Sophie:Yes he will but he's in a coma.

Chapter 11

Not making it out Alive

After a few days Alex is finally dismissed from the hospital when he got home he met a huge surprise party for him.Everyone was there friends and family and guess who planned it all Sophie welcoming Alex with a big cake and a big kiss.Hours later the party us over everyone cleans up and then Alex called Zoey and Sophie to his room to telk them something he knows that Mr Cole was behind it all along because he remembered that Mr cole but a truck with the license plate MAC 123 which stands for Mr Austin Cole and that was the same truck that hit them so it's all connected and Mr cole is trying to kill them one by one.Zoey and Sophie got pissed off and wanted to go to there dad's house but they remembered to stick to the plan.Everyday they were visiting Andrew in the hospital.

Chapter 12

The visit

Alex always wakes up in the middle of the night to leave the house to see his sisters

And always Sophie sees him going but one night she decided to follow him.When Alex got to the hospital he went to see his sisters when he saw them he cried and said.

Alex:Wow you know you guys said its was all gonna be fine and I thought too but now look seeing you in the hospital bed fighting for your life its just a whole different story I hope you'll get better soon.

Sophie over hearing and cries but her cries were too loud and Alex hears her and says

Alex:Sophie what are you doing here did you follow me.

Then Sophie went up to him to give him a big hug and said

Sophie:I'm sorry I didn't know why you were sneaking out and just know I'm here for you no matter what come on let's go home.

Chapter 13

The new leader

A month has passed by and Andrew is out of a coma and dismissed from the hospital and he was lucky that same month he got out of the hospital it was the same month that he graduates from college.Then Alex was ok his arm was working again.One day he and Sophie went out to get some icecream and they saw one of the worst things they could have ever seen in there life.Mr Austin Cole was running for president of Sierra Leone.The guys were too busy trying to stop him he was doing

Sophie was shocked and said

Sophie:Why the hell is my dad running for president how and when did this happen.

The Alex called Andrew tell him the news but Andrew already knows and he told Zoey too

Alex angrily saying.

Alex:What the frick the time we want to expose him is the time he wants more power now this is going to be harder than I thought.

The news reporter said

News reporter:Good afternoon Sierra Leone my name is Sir Samuel Lewis here to bring you good news.Since we had two candidates for our election unfortunately one of them died which lead us to give the presidency to Mr Austin Cole.

They were all shocked in anger Sophie ran away and Alex ran after her.By the time Alex could get to her Sophie gets hit by a car and guess which car she got hit by the one and only Mr Austin Cole the new president but he wasn't in the car it was his driver who was going to pick him up.

Mr Cole put a G.P.S on Alex,Andrew,Zoey and Sophie's phone so he will know where they are.

Alex freaks out and calls 911 and they are on there way then he calls Andrew saying

Alex:Hello Andrew bro bro bro something horrible just happened I don't know what to do

Andrew replying

Andrew:Wo wo wo chill bro breath breath now speak what happened

Alex tries to keep calm and says

Alex:Ok Sophie got hit by Mr Cole's car and I dont think she's breathing 911 is taking her away and I'm scared of losing her she's all I got man apart from you,Zoey,Ariana and Addison she's all I got.Ive had enough of this mans games I'm gonna kill him he's done for this means war.

When Andrew told Zoey she busted out in tears ran as fast as she could to her car and Andrew came along they went to the hospital and saw Alex crying and Zoey asked angrily

Zoey:Alex look at me where is my sister what happened.

When they saw Sophie on the hospital bed

Zoey asked

Zoey:What happened to her explain everything

Alex said

Alex:Ok ok I will tell you well after we saw the news she freaked out and ran to the street and got hit by the car.

Then Zoey said very angrily

Zoey:And you did nothing to stop her what kind of boyfriend are you.

Alex replying in a sad way

Alex:I didn't leave her I ran after but when I got to her it was too late.

Zoey just continued blaming Alex saying it was his fault.

Then Alex ran away and never came back when Andrew went after him he was already gone.

Chapter 14

Joining forces with the enemy

After Alex ran away he went to the worst person you could think of the President's house.When he got there the president said

Mr Cole:Well well well look who finally decided to show up what made you come here you ready to join me.

And Alex said angrily I'm not here to join you in here to kill you.

Then points a gun at the president but he isn't afraid laughs and says

Mr Cole:Wow you are going to shoot me go ahead when I die there will be war in this country and everyone you love friends and family will die and you dont want your sick sisters to die dont you so shake my hand and we can take over the country.

Alex saying angrily

Alex:If you hurt anyone of my friends and family including Sophie your dead.

Then Alex shakes the president's hand and they join forces.

It's been a month since Alex left.The guys are worried Sophie because she always asks for Alex but they keep changing the subject.One morning Sophie put the tv on and saw her dad at something like a press conference and guess who was with him Alex when Sophie saw it she screamed Andrew and Zoey's names when they came to her she asked

Sophie:What the hell is Alex doing standing next to my dad.

Everyone was shocked then Zoey feeling guilty and confessing saying

Zoey:Well when you were in the hospital I blamed Alex for what happened to you and he ran away but I didn't know about this.

Sophie got mad at her and asked Andrew

Sophie:You why would you let him go off like that he's your little brother.

Andrew replying

Andrew:I did go after him but by the time I got to him he was already gone.

Sophie angrily blamed them for what happened and said she will never forgive them till Alex comes back.So basically it's a blame for blame find of situation.Fast foward to night time and Sophie sneaks out of the house to find Alex and the only way she could find him if she goes back to her old house which she does.When she got to the house she knew she could get passed security and couldn't climb walls so she climbed up to her old tree were her tree house was and jumped into an open window.Luckily she entered Alex's room which is the guest room.Sophie looked ever but couldn't find anything nor anyone, she searched her old room nothing,she searched every room in the house but found nothing.But there was one room her dad's secret room where she couldn't open so she left to go home.Whiles she was going back home she saw her dad and Alex a few blocks from her house.When she saw them she had to know what they were talking about.She heard

Mr Cole:Wow you know what your good kid your like the son I've never had

Alex happily replying

Alex:Thanks Mr cole

Mr Cole smiling at Alex and saying

Mr Cole:Please you've earned my trust call me Austin.

Alex happily replying again

Alex:Ol that's my middle name actually.

Mr Cole laughing and telling Alex

Mr Cole:See were the same so now let's go home

They left and Sophie ran back home as quick as possible.When she got home home she quickly went into Zoey and Andrew's room and told them

Sophie:Guys wake up right now its really important I know its two am in the morning but trust me get up come downstairs.

They three of them goes downstairs and Sophie tells them everything and Zoey wasn't even mad that Sophie snuck out.Andrew having enough and saying

Andrew: you know what im tried of this we need to stop your dad and end him and his career THIS MEANS WAR.

Chapter 15


Zoey,Sophie and Andrew get ready for war they each call their friends and people who dont like their to join them.One of the president's men being a double agent and telling the president.

The guard:Sir I heard that your daughters and some Andrew dude are planning to kill you.

The president laughs and says

The president:O really well let them have war but they have another thing coming.

Then he sends Alex to do something so painful that it scared him for life to kidnap Sophie.Alex waited till midnight when everyone was asleep so he went up into Sophie's room and went to her bed whiles she was sleeping said sorry then put a bag over her head.Then she started screaming and both Andrew and Zoey heard the screams and went to her room but no one was there.With Sophie gone missing everyone is freaking out but then Zoey gets a video from her dad with Sophie and said if they want Sophie they had to go to a specific location which he sent to Zoey's phone.

Then the gangs get ready suit up pack their weapons and go.When they got to the location they saw the president with his army and Alex holding sophie.Zoey asking for her sister back so they gave Sophie to her then Sophie said

Sophie:Alex why would you do this to me to us you were there when others weren't and is now you turn your backs on us when we need you the most I trusted you I love you and this is the thanks well lets go you asked for war well now you got it.

Then Alex pulls a trigger from a gun a kills one of Zoey's men.Then the war started,everyone killing each other,guns firing,bombs going off.The president runs away but Andrew,Sophie and Zoey go after him.They then follow him into a warehouse were Andrew is knocked out by Alex with a gun hit on his head.He then points a gun at Sophie and says goodbye when he pulled the trigger he shot The president in the chest but he didn't die.Then the president takes out his own guns and holds Sophie hostage he then told Alex to put the gun down so he did and the president told him.

The president:I think it's time for me to tell you the truth Sophie,Zoey I'm not your biological father your real father is dead Alex and Andrew are my real sons I know its shocking but I was in love with there mother so in love I just had to marry her and get her pregnant were she had twins Andrew and Addison I was so happy then a few years later she gave birth to you Alex and Ariana the more she loved you was the time I was thinking she was in love with her co worker Mike which she was.So one night when she was going out I cut the brakes of her car and when she got into the accident and the oil was leaking I had to just lit it on fire and she died.O and your big movie all a lie I set it up to make you come here that jake kid you jealous about was my nephew I told him to gain intell on you which he did.

Everyone was shocked and angry so Alex told him something he would never forget

Alex:Ok dad well remember when you told me to always have backup well I do Sophie now.

Then Sophie kicks the president in the balls then takes his gun points at him he then tells Sophie

The president:Sophie honey you would kill your father won't you.

Sophie in anger saying

Sophie:I dont have father because of you.

Then shoots him in the chest Alex asking if the war us over and everyone smiling and saying it is.

Fast forward a year later everyone is happy and in love.Alex and Sophie are together and Andrew and Zoey are too.The two sisters are cured from cancer and are happy together with there family.

Alex and Ariana get a real acting job which makes them famous Addison finally does YouTube and becomes a YouTube star and Andrew becomes the best producer ever winning a lot of awards.

Everyone lives happily ever after the end

And that's the story of two brothers with a dream.