
Two Boys, One Heart.

Bianca was a normal girl living a normal life -A beautiful girl for that matter.With those oceanic eyes and long brown hair(like up to her butt)which looks incredibly amazing. He bestie forves, Joel is such a dummy - according to her.His really handsome with those beautiful green eyes and curly hair and of course tallness. Bianca finds herself falling for him, only problem was him... Long white (up to his back, not that long) cute amber eyes,tall and so beautiful.It was Terrance her childhood bestie and he was back.Terrance was Bianca's bestie from childhood but left and he just returned . Not to mention she had a crush on him for long.She finds herself falling harder for them .Who wins??? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ >>>>>>>>>>>

Tamiii · Teen
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13 Chs

what's this feeling

Joel immediately stopped and sat on the bed laughing and Bianca rolled her eyes

She was right he was doing it on purpose .

"Well you're not "Bianca pouted but she knew it was all lies.Joel was so handsome infact beautiful and she didn't want to accept that fact .

She had never felt that way before, those shivers , they felt weird.Thank God he was just playing.Bianca sighed a sigh of relief and she sat on the bed .

She stared at Joel for some time and she realized how cute and beautiful he looked.Snap out of it he's just a crab , yes just that .

"You think I'd fall for you dummy "

Bianca said and Joel sat up and shrugged

"You are not cute just ugly " Bianca rolled her eyes

"Oh seriously"Joel smirked

"Seriously "Bianca answered grinning

"You didn't look like you think I'm not irresistible , you looked serious .Gig your chicks turned red ." He chuckled

Bianca started blushing again .

"It's not funny " Bianca hit him .

Joel's phone rang abruptly and she stopped hitting him.


"Yh why not kk bye

Joel then ended the call and stood up .

"Aunt Margaret ?,"Bianca asked.

Mm-hm "Joel nodded.

" Gotta go "He added

"Bye Dude "She said and snapped her fingers with a smirk at Joel -something they usually do.

"Bye "He winked and her heart skipped a beat . Bianca take it slow ,He was just playing .

Bianca sighed and laid on her bed

* * *

Bianca sat with her parents at the dining room as they ate . Mum looked content and dad also . Bianca guessed that there was a good news . She sat up and wiped her mouth tissue - if she hadn't mom would yell at her and will say the table manners from A to Z

"Mom you look so happy"Bianca said

"Really, I'm I really showing it? Well you should ask your dad"Bianca's mom said .

"Dad?"Bianca turned to her dad

"Okay, so my business partner and friend is coming back to this town"Dad answered Bianca but she didn't understand.Which business partner? which friend ?

"Who"She asked curiously

"Mr Rogers"Dad replied and Bianca stiffened

"And he's coming back with Terrance "mom added


Bianca yelled smilingly with a mixture of feelings.

Who was this Terrance and why was Bianca this happy??