
Two abilities in Another World?

Irish_Mike_Obrique · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Prologue: The Transmigration

In the bustling city of Earth, a young boy named Rish found himself trapped in a relentless cycle of stress and overwork. The pressures of school, exams, and societal expectations weighed heavily on his shoulders, threatening to crush his spirit. Day by day, the weight grew, suffocating his dreams and aspirations.

On the eve of his 19th birthday, Rish reached a breaking point. Exhausted and overwhelmed, he made a fateful decision to escape the suffocating grasp of his responsibilities. In a moment of despair, he tragically succumbed to the darkness, leaving behind a shattered world and shattered dreams.

But the story does not end there. Rish's soul, untethered from its earthly vessel, embarked on a journey through the cosmic realms. Guided by unseen forces, his essence traversed the vast expanse of the universe, drawn towards a distant planet known as Blue.

As Rish's essence descended upon the planet, it merged with the body of a newborn child, breathing new life into the vessel. His eyes fluttered open, revealing a world bathed in hues of vibrant blue. Confusion mingled with wonder as he took his first breath in this alien realm.

Unbeknownst to him, Blue had been plagued by an invasion of magical creatures for the past decade. The planet's inhabitants had endured a relentless struggle against these mystical beings, their world forever changed by their presence. But hope remained, for the people of Blue believed in the benevolence of their beloved God.

In response to their prayers, the God of Blue bestowed upon the planet a miraculous gift - a magical gate. This gate served as a conduit between dimensions, allowing individuals to awaken extraordinary abilities. These abilities were ranked from F to SSS, representing the vast spectrum of power that lay dormant within the people of Blue.

Rish, now reborn in this new world, was granted a second chance at life. Through the gate, he awakened two remarkable abilities. The first, an SSS rank ability called "ABSORB," bestowed upon him the power to assimilate the abilities of the magical creatures that roamed Blue. The second, a humble F rank ability named "Plant Enhance," granted him the ability to manipulate and enhance the flora of the planet.

Little did Rish know that his seemingly ordinary plant-enhancing ability would become a source of ridicule and mockery among his classmates at the prestigious Blue Academy. Unbeknownst to them, Rish possessed a hidden power, an SSS rank ability that surpassed their wildest dreams.

And so, Rish's extraordinary journey in the world of Blue began. With his unique set of abilities and the weight of his past experiences, he would navigate the trials and tribulations of this mystical realm. Along the way, he would forge unbreakable bonds, unravel the mysteries of the invasion, and discover the true extent of his own strength.