

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Top Five

With a very swift reaction, Nathan underwent a metamorphosis, enveloping himself in a high-tech exosuit that seamlessly integrates with his body, granting him enhanced abilities including levitation.

In a rapid pursuit, Nathan chased after the truck with great speed and almost caught up to it. However, his efforts were in vain as the truck unexpectedly phased through a nearby building, causing him to narrowly avoid colliding into it.

Observing this turn of events, Nathan ascended towards the sky to gain a better view of his surroundings but was unable to locate the elusive vehicle.

Frustrated by what he had witnessed, Nathan turned to his artificial intelligence assistant and exclaimed.

Nathan: What the hell was that all about, Allen wake the fuck up.

Promptly responding to Nathan's request for assistance, Allen asked

_How may I assist you?_

Without hesitation, Nathan instructed Allen to scan their immediate area for any signs of the missing truck and provide him with a temporal replay of its movements from five minutes prior.

Following these actions, Nathan activated his invincibility powers before descending back down towards ground level. With stealthy footsteps that went unnoticed by anyone around him due to his newfound abilities, he entered into the very same building where the truck had previously vanished without a trace.

_Sir, it appears that the vehicle was constructed with phasing technology. Additionally, I have obtained information from the Temporal Replay_

Nathan: Show it to me.

Immediately, Nathan was immersed in a holographic video depicting events that occurred just five minutes prior. He witnessed the truck entering the building but never exiting.

_You have an incoming call from Commander Jade_

his assistant informed him.

Nathan: Turn on single mode and answer it.

With single mode activated, only Nathan could hear his conversation with others within his suit.

Without warning, Jade's voice filled his earpiece with anger and frustration.

Jade: What the hell do you think you're doing.

she shouted.

Nathan: I'm busy right now. Can you call back.

Nathan replied calmly but firmly.

Jade grew even more irate at this response and raised her voice even louder.

Jade: What could possibly be more important than coming to HQ?

Nathan yelled back defensively.

Nathan: Saving my daughter's life god damn it! Her life is in danger and you're asking what's more important!

Hearing this silenced Jade momentarily before she responded hesitantly.

Jade: If your daughter is truly in danger, I'll send the A.W.A.I.T team after her so you can come here-

But before she could finish her sentence, Nathan abruptly ended the call out of anger and frustration.

Nathan: Sometimes everything about you disgust me so much, you're just like the rest of them, you have no sympathy for others.

He shifted his focus back to the video and after analyzing it for a while, he pondered to himself.

Nathan: Since they phased through but didn't come out, could they have gone down? Allen, are there any subterranean routes or facilities beneath this building?.

_Indeed sir_

_I detect a subway 50ft below this building_

Nathan: Perfect, When I find those responsible for my daughter's abduction, they will regret ever laying their filthy hands on her.

----Back at HQ----

Jade was fuming as she analyzed the information displayed on the big screen in front of her.

Jade: Why today of all days did you choose to be absent? You're nothing but a useless hero.

she muttered under her breath.

As she spoke to herself, a paper clip whizzed past her face and caught her attention. She turned around and saw Luke Hall AKA - Warp Master sitting at the big table with a smirk on his face.

Luke Hall: Just try to remain calm, there's no need to feel pressured.

He said reassuringly.

Jade: Excuse me?

Jade retorted sharply.

Luke Hall: What if he doesn't show up? You have me and number one right here to handle things. Am I right number one?.

Luke asked Keith who had also been observing the situation from his seat at the table.

Lucy, also known as Division's number 5 due to her ability to shape shift, duplicate and manipulate people's mind and actions interjected.

Lucy: do keep in mind that we are currently engaged in a grave and serious matter

Luke remarked with an expression of disgust etched onto his face.

Luke: Your blue assed Avatar opinion doesn't matter, you don't get to talk when the adults are talking.

Lydia, who had been silent for some time, finally spoke up. Ranked fourth and possessing enhanced physical abilities beyond the normal human, stronger and faster, she was a true super soldier.

Lydia: Alright, enough of this. Jade, why have you brought us here?.

Jade's response was serious and weighty.

Jade: Today's meeting concerns something of great importance. While I usually only call upon the top ten to attend such meetings, now I require the attention of the top five.

Lucy: Why is that?.

Jade squinted her eyes and regarded them seriously before responding

Jade: It is because each one of you has become complacent and careless despite being among our division's top five heroes. You no longer care about or pay attention to what is happening around you.

The group looked confused by these words.

Luke: What exactly are you trying to say?.

Luke asked impatiently

Jade: Perhaps it is your high rank that makes you think so highly of yourselves.

Jade replied pointedly.

Jade: You sit back while others do your work for you - forgetting how hard it once was for all of you to climb up the ranks.

At this point, The Warp Master grew angry at Jade's words and stood up to leave.

Luke: I thought this would be an interesting meeting but instead it turned out to be nothing more than a lecture.

As he rose to depart, a voice halted him.

Keith: Return to your seat.

Luke turned towards Keith who sported an icy and stern countenance from afar.

Luke: I am not her guinea pig like you, so do not instruct me on what to...

Without warning, Keith lunged at Luke in an attempt to seize his neck. Fortunately, Luke was able to teleport away from Keith's grasp just in time.

Luke: What in the world are you doing?

He shouted at Keith as the latter spun around with Luke's shirt collar clutched tightly in his hand.

With a look of disbelief etched on his face, luke realized that his shirt had been torn off by force.

Keith: Had you been 0.01 seconds slower, death would have claimed you by now. This alone should serve as evidence of my seriousness. Thus I shall repeat myself; Sit!

An unsightly expression creased Luke's features as he begrudgingly returned to his seat and sat down calmly.

Luke: Whatever...

Jade proceeded with her address.

Jade: You all have grown too complacent such that only matters related to fame or conflicts involving grade A level threats garner your attention or test your prowess while leaving other threats for others to handle.

She directed her attention towards the expansive display and selected it to access a plethora of information before speaking.

Jade: In just one week, the crime rate has surged by fifty percent, accompanied by numerous dubious activities. Consequently, prominent investors and citizens are relocating outside of the country which hinders growth and development while also spreading negative news about safety concerns in this region.

Lydia: If I recall correctly, A.W.A.I.T teams are responsible for handling such minor crimes. Why then do you hold us accountable?

Jade: Minor crimes?

Once more Jade shifted her gaze towards the screen unveiling a video featuring a man confined to a metal chair confessing his wrongdoings.

"I didn't want to do it, he forced me to"

"He said we'll be rewarded more than we could ever imagine"

Interrogator: who forced you ?

" I can't tell you him name, but he plans to destroy you all, to destroy the world's division, to control the world"

Interrogator: Then tell us his name right now.

" I'm telling you the truth, I can't "

Immediately, his boby began to experience pain from a stream of electric shock

"Ahhh, ok ok, I'll talk"

Interrogator: talk

"His name.... His name is ..... "

But before he could finish his words, his head was blown to pieces and then the video stopped.

Jade: He's the fifteenth individual to be obliterated in such a manner for nearly divulging the crucial information.

Lucy: Had I been present, I would have managed to extract the intel from them.

With an icy glare, Jade turned towards Lucy.

Jade: However, you were not present. Henceforth, it is evident that all of you have been neglectful for several months now.

Luke: Alright fine, we get it but I don't believe that this was the sole reason behind our summons here.

Jade: Based on our investigation, these individuals were ordinary humans with no peculiar implants within their bodies that could result in detonation. It is plausible to infer that someone possessing superhuman abilities is hindering them from revealing any information. They are being exploited.

Lydia: It could potentially be the individual whom they had discussed previously, the one who purportedly possesses a plan to dismantle societal barriers on a global scale.

Jade: This is yet another reason for your presence here. Prior to their untimely demise, each of them made similar remarks. If these claims hold true, we may very well find ourselves facing an immense predicament.

Luke: Hm, considering that all parties involved were mere humans, I don't anticipate this particular guy posing much of a threat. Plus, i think that the assailant responsible for decapitating our associates was present during those discussions and subsequently lay in wait for an opportune moment to strike.

After a prolonged silence, Keith finally rose to his feet and strode toward the towering screen displaying the concluding footage of the video.

Keith: During the interrogation process, they scanned an extensive area spanning one thousand meters from the building's center. Our results indicated that no negative energies were detected in said vicinity. Ergo, it is highly unlikely that whoever killed them was nearby and most likely possesses long-range abilities.

Jade: These events are not mere coincidences, first there were attacks on esteemed individuals within our country, and now there has been a noticeable increase in crime rates orchestrated by ordinary citizens who have successfully evaded detection mechanisms by operating clandestinely.

Luke: What course of action should we take, what should we do at this point?

Luke sighs.

Keith: I am particularly intrigued by the individual who intends to dismantle our division.

Jade: Henceforth, it is imperative that we remain vigilant for any impending threats and demonstrate to society that heroic individuals still exist. It behooves each of you to embody your heroism and assume accountability for your assigned rank.