
Twistin' the Night Away [PAUSE]

Author: Jaycee1506
Ongoing · 15.9K Views
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What is Twistin' the Night Away [PAUSE]

Read ‘Twistin' the Night Away [PAUSE]’ Online for Free, written by the author Jaycee1506, This book is a Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Yu Yan is a hidden gem in the rising entertainment industry. She had a hidden talent which would become a stepping stone...


Yu Yan is a hidden gem in the rising entertainment industry. She had a hidden talent which would become a stepping stone for her to be a famous superstar one day. But due to her family secret inheritance, she needed to hide her origin identity and be a low-key person. She worked as a cleaner in AZ Dance Academy. One day, she met her longing idol superstar, Zhang Wei. She wanted to use this chance to get acknowledged by him. Would Yu Yan succeed? On the other hand, Zhang Wei was an arrogant and egoistic person in the entertainment industry. Everyone feared him. He planned to be a bachelor for his lifetime and he avoided women who tried to cling onto him because of money. The twisted fate made them met in an unfavourable condition. To get out from this ugly state, there was only one way. Zhang Wei need to date Yu Yan. Would Yu Yan dare to accept Zhang Wei challenge which full of mischievous deeds behind it? Enjoy the rest of the story!

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