
Twisted Sound

In the midst of a grim battlefield, Kai Morrow, once deemed the 'Ultimate Villain,' lies defeated and betrayed by those he once trusted. As he faces his imminent demise, memories of his past misfortunes flood his mind. Despite his calm exterior, a simmering rage brews within him, fueled by the injustices he's endured. As Kai resigns himself to death, an ancient blessing unexpectedly activates. "Commencing rewind. May the currents of fate guide your path,

Breezy_Dumpling · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Villain

What is a villain? 

The general answer to this question would be an individual who commits malevolent or evil actions.

But what is a malevolent or evil action?

The truth is, the perception of good and evil is subjective. One person may view someone as a hero while another sees them as a villain. However, if there isn't a single person who perceives someone as a hero, does it inherently make that person evil?

What if that person, who nobody considers a hero, was only in that position because of countless misfortunes that others put upon him? Would that change your answer?

The answer: No

The word villain itself is a simplistic characteristic derived from the narrow perspectives of many. In reality, human actions are complex and multifaceted, often influenced by circumstances and individual perspectives. Therefore, labeling someone as a villain oversimplifies the intricate nature of human behavior and morality.

In essence, a "hero" and a "villain" are two sides of the same coin, both capable of inflicting pain as much as they bring about happiness. The only difference between the two is where the spectator is standing, so in that sense the only true judge is the perspective from which the story is told. Thus, the contrast between hero and villain becomes blurred, revealing the nuanced complexity of human nature and the inadequacy of simplistic labels. 

Lying in the middle of a battleground is a classic example of what would be considered a villain. This man had committed countless acts of tyranny throughout the world, however, what if there was a reason for these acts of tyranny? What if betrayal after betrayal led this man to become what he is today? Would you still label him a villain, or would you see him as yet another lost soul, consumed by the relentless storms of fate?

As the man lay on the blood-soaked ground, a group of five figures loomed over him. Among them, a man with blood-red hair casually remarked, "Who's up for the honors?" He then thrust his sword into the man's abdomen, chuckling as he did so. "Oops, my mistake," he jeered. "Seems my hand slipped."

The rest of the group joined in the laughter, including a striking woman with luscious pink hair who confidently stepped forward. "If I may," she began, her smile sickeningly sweet, "eliminating my brother-in-law here would restore some honor to my family name." Her smile deepened as she continued, "Oh, but wait," she taunted, "I guess you never had the chance to be my brother-in-law, did you? That bitch died out on you too quickly, what an 'unfortunate accident'." Laughter erupted among the five figures once more. 

"Now now, Gloria," a burly man interjected, his tone dripping with mockery. "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I won't let you lay a finger on my good friend Kai here until you promise to hand over his weapon. I'm sure that's what Kai would want anyway," he added, turning to Kai with a smirk. "Isn't that right, 'best friend'?"

"I'll let you psychos do what you want," a seemingly sweet girl spoke up, her tone unsettlingly calm. "But first, allow me to try out a new spell I've designed just for him," she said, her lips curving into a smile that was eerily sadistic. Looking to the man, she continued, "I'm sure you'll enjoy it, big brother."

"All of you, calm down," the final man raised his voice. "We should let Kai die in peace, without all this slander." Putting on a shining smile that complemented his handsome face and pure blond hair, he continued, "We're heroes after all." Unsheathing his sword, he looked at Kai. "Farewell, old friend." Smirking, he beheaded the man in a clean strike, and with that, the man who had terrorized the world, being labeled the 'Ultimate Villain,' perished under the laughs of five individuals whom he once considered his closest allies.

Generally, that would be the end of the story. The 'heroes' vanquished the 'villain' and basked in their triumph. However, in this particular tale, that was not the final chapter.

But this story, it's not mine to tell. But before I fade into the abyss, I urge you to cling to this question.

Is this man, truly, a villain?


[Kai Morrow]


Exhausted, Kai lay on the blood-soaked floor, feeling the cold rain beating against his face. Looming over him were five figures, each of which he had considered close allies at some point in his life. How naive he'd been. If only he had been a little less trusting, he would never be in this position, and she never would have died.

Kai's eyes, holding a mixture of anger and sorrow, scanned his captors. Although he couldn't discern who was who, his vision clouded with blood and his ears severed, he sensed their mockery. Suddenly, a sharp pain jolted through his abdomen. "They're finally finishing me off," he mused to himself. Despite his outward calmness in the face of death, inwardly, Kai seethed with rage. He longed to scream, to vent his grievances to the heavens about the injustices inflicted upon him. But alas, even his tongue had been taken from him, leaving him unable to utter a sound. 

Before his inevitable death, Kai harbored one final thought, filled with bitterness: "If given another chance, I'll make sure each and every one of you here endures the most painful life imaginable."

And with that, his head flew off. In that fleeting moment, a surreal sensation swept over him. It was as if the entire world had suddenly shifted, turning upside down in an instant. As his vision faded, he glimpsed the radiant glow of a full moon, casting an ethereal light upon the gruesome scene. And then... nothing. A profound silence enveloped him, shrouding his consciousness in an abyss of eternal darkness.

'So, this is death,' Kai thought resignedly.

As Kai began to close his eyes and embrace his eternal slumber, suddenly, a message appeared in golden text.

[Blessing Activated]

'Huh,' Kai thought to himself. His blessing, which had never once activated for him during his entire life, was now activating in death. What sick joke was this?

The golden text soon faded, but what followed was a captivating, soothing melody—a song Kai had heard much about but had never experienced firsthand. 'So, this is the goddess's song they all talked about,' Kai thought to himself, a tinge of irony in his realization. To think he would hear it in death.

Suddenly, Kai found himself enveloped in a radiant golden light, and the once soothing opera transformed into a resonant chant, its words echoing with profound significance.

"Commencing rewind. May the currents of fate guide your path."