

Elkan wont kill a soul but love has a pushing force, pushed him over the boundaries and now its a family adventure, dark magic and still love keeps romance on all path.

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Looking down those hills just brings back lovely memories of when we were much younger. Me, chasing you around, pretending to be an evil wizard and mom would always call out our name every two minutes to be sure non of us has been hurt and as much as I can remember, I never left without you getting to push me down giving me a bruise.

"Elkan, wont you ever forget those times. It used to be fun but we're all grown up now and do you know the most painful part of those memories ?" Draion asked.

"Mom is no longer here, no one to call you every now and then to check on how you are, no one to know how you're going on with your life..."

"Elkan just forget those times, you have a people to lead and these people wont need you to be holding unto some old memories." Draion said.

"Draion, remember your place, you cant tell me what memory to forget and those to hold on too. I keep this whole state in order, this people don't know what I go through for them and yet they complain of my rules. I gave up the soul of my daughter to create a doom over this kingdom just to keep them safe but yet I haven't done enough for them. what else do they want from me? Am done listening to their complaints and this discussion is over." 

Now, Draion was Elkans' younger brother who actually has lived over seven hundred (700) years and Elkan one thousand and two hundred(2000) years old.

The both brothers always get to make sacrifices and get to switch their soul into a new body whenever it seems like their current body is old and weary.

"Your wife cooks more than all these damn cook, tell her I would like her to prepare our dinner more often" Draion pointed out.

"Must you always be a nut case?"

"Get into the city and find yourself a nice maiden, get to love her and get married."

"Come on Elkan, am tired of all these. I cant keep getting married to beautiful young ladies and watch them grow old and die while I get to have a body reincarnated for my soul." 

"Its not fun being immortal and falling in love with a mortal, knowing she would soon die someday and all you ever had with her becomes just memories"

Alright Draion!!

"I get you"

Good night little bro.


Elkan jumps from his bed hearing his name exclaimed.

He recognizes the voice to be that of Mira his wife.


He follows the voice down to the hallway, the voice seems to be fading away quickly so he sets the whole castle under lockdown with his magic. 

"Show yourself, whatever being you are" Elkan requested

Ooh Elkan, the greatest of all... 

"I am Zasura, the great wizard of the east mountains. My magic has seem to be fading away that I do not have enough power to be here myself. I know travel through the shadow world."

"So what do you want with me and my wife" Elkan asks.

"I need a female who has been with an immortal ruler for her as a sacrifice can bring back my power and i will be renewed" Zasura pointed out.

"You cant stop me but hear me, if you can cross through the valley of Akeldama and make it through the vine lands and to the volcanic mount Etna then you can find the lords of sacrifice and get the soul of your wife before its to late"

"What do you mean?" asked Elkan .

"All you have here is just the vessel of you wife, her body remains only but the soul is gone." 

"Hear me... Don't use magic against him for it will make him stronger while you loose yours."

"Hear me.. don't go alone for its a long and difficult journey."

"He's never alone and we're going to kill that good for nothing dead meat" Draion interrupted.

Elkan pulls out his sword of war.


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