
Twisted Link

In the quiet village of Melodin, an exceptional set of twins comes into the world, marking the beginning of a legendary tale of destiny and divinity. One twin is raised amidst the simplicity and warmth of village life, while the other is welcomed with the grandeur befitting royalty. Their true identities remain a closely guarded secret, known to very few. These twins are no ordinary children; they are the chosen vessels for the reincarnation of Solon and Lunos, the two prime divine gods who wished to experience life in human form once again. Their journey leads them to the ancient and mystical kingdom of Eldenwood. Here, amidst tales of love, betrayal, and alliances, they begin to unravel the threads of their extraordinary heritage. As they explore their divine origins, they discover the significant roles they are destined to play in the grand tapestry of the universe. Bound by fate and driven by prophecy, their adventures are only just beginning. As the twins' tale unfolds, a memory from Luka's infancy lingers: found as a baby and taken under the wing of royalty, Luka's destiny was forever changed. In the majestic kingdom of Eldenwood, nestled within the vast expanses of the Thalloria continent, mysterious twins emerge under enigmatic circumstances. Their origins shrouded in secrecy, whispers of destiny surround them. Are they the beacon of hope Eldenwood has been waiting for? Will they unravel the intricate mysteries that Thalloria hides in its shadows? Can they stand as the guardians of Eldenwood, or are they preordained for a fate far more profound? Only time will reveal the path they are set upon, and the world watches with bated breath.

Harveyrugby · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Grief and Bonds

After the harrowing battle in which they faced monsters controlled by an unknown sorcerer, the three of them returned to Aran's house. In their mind they were still haunted by the realization that their friend, had gone missing during the chaos in the capital.

In the dimly lit room, Elara and Robert were distressed upon hearing the news. Their faces were etched with worry, and the weight of uncertainty hung heavily in the air. Luka couldn't help but share in their grief.

Armed with courage, Luka handed Elara a few of Aran's belongings—his sword, a cherished keepsake from their adventures, and other personal items that had been left behind. Each item was a painful reminder of their missing friend.

A day passed, and the academy was shrouded in an atmosphere of sorrow. Luka sat on a bench outside the academy, his heart heavy with guilt and grief. He blamed himself for not being able to protect Aran, his closest friend.

Lyara approached, her eyes filled with compassion, and took a seat beside Luka on the bench. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Luka, you can't blame yourself for what happened to Aran. We're in this together, and we'll find a way to bring him back."

Luka, his voice trembling, replied, "I should've been stronger, faster... I should've protected him."

Lyara sighed softly. "Luka, let me tell you a story—one you might not know." She settled into the tale, a story from their childhood.

"When we were children," Lyara began, "you had just finished your training with Farzan that day. Exhausted and worn out, you were on your way home. That day, I was kidnapped by a group of bandits and stuffed into a sack. I had wounds on my feet from trying to escape, and I was terrified."

Luka listened intently, his sorrow momentarily forgotten.

"I didn't know, you spotted those bandits carrying something alive in a sack. Your instincts kicked in, and you confronted them. You fought those bandits with everything you had."

As they sat on the bench, memories of their shared childhood filled their minds. Lyara continued her story:

"After you rescued me from those bandits, Luka, I was grateful beyond words. You carried me through forests, across rivers, and over mountains. When we finally arrived at the gates of Sylvanaria, I was amazed by your determination."

Luka recalled those moments vividly. "Your parents, King Thandor and Queen Elaria, welcomed us with open arms. They showed us kindness and hospitality, not knowing I was a stranger from a distant land."

Lyara's eyes sparkled as she spoke about her family. "My grandfather, Elder Varian, was delighted to meet you too. He's always been wise and supportive. He taught me much about our kingdom's history and the importance of unity between races around the continent"

Luka nodded, appreciating the wisdom Elder Varian had imparted. "He was like a mentor to me during my time here."

Lyara smiled warmly, her eyes filled with fondness. "It was during that time that we became inseparable friends, Luka. You learned about our customs, our traditions, and our way of life. And you were like a part of our family."

Luka returned the smile. "I cherish those memories, Lyara. Your friendship means the world to me."

Lyara's expression grew more serious as she continued, "And this is not the time to give up. We'll find him and bring him back, Luka."

Luka's determination was unwavering. "We will, Lyara. No matter what it takes, we'll bring him back."

Their hearts resolute and their bond stronger than ever, Luka and Lyara rose from the bench. They knew that their path would be filled with challenges, but they faced the future with unwavering courage, fueled by the memories of their shared past and the hope of reuniting with their missing friend, Aran.