
Twisted Link: New Order

In the tranquil village of Melodin, a pair of twins with unparalleled destinies are born. While one is enveloped in the warmth of village life, the other is ushered into the splendor of royalty. They are not merely children of fate but the reincarnations of Solon and Lunos, revered divine gods choosing to walk Thaloria once more. As they grow, their paths lead them to the enigmatic kingdom of Eldenwood, set within the vast landscapes of the Thalloria continent. Here, amidst tales of alliances, love, and betrayals, they begin to uncover their celestial heritage and the pivotal roles they are destined to play in the cosmos. Bound by prophecy, their tale unfolds with Luka's memories of infancy: discovered as a baby and embraced by royalty, setting him on an altered course of destiny. Within Eldenwood's majestic bounds, these mysterious twins navigate their origins and purpose. Are they the long-awaited beacon of hope? Can they stand as the kingdom's guardians, or is their fate intertwined with something deeper and more profound? As the saga unfurls, the world watches, awaiting the revelation of their true path.

HarveyBakes · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Ravaged Melody

A summons from King Aldric caused the normal activity that was going on inside Elden Wood Castle to be disrupted.

"Commander Cedric!," he yelled. A guard conveyed the message, and the tone of his voice suggested that time was of the essence. "The king requests your presence immediately," the guard said.

Cedric was a little taken aback by the news and asked, "What urgent matter has arisen that the king seeks me?"

The guard made an uncomfortable movement and said, "He did not say, Sir." Only that you be delivered to him as quickly as possible. He sounded... agitated."

Cedric, who was feeling a little uneasy about the situation, muttered, "What a time for this!" and then hurried to the main hall, leaving his coffee half-finished.

Immediately after he entered, King Aldric greeted him and said, "Cedric, there's a village I wish to learn more about. But first, could you please explain why you are drenched in sweat? Have you been making circuits around my fortress recently?" He was joking.

Cedric made an attempt at a smile as he apologized, "My apologies, My Lord. I arrived in a hurry. Which town are you talking about, exactly?"

"The one that is well-known for its music and dancing. Melodin, if I'm not mistaken," Aldric said further.

Cedric's expression changed as the realization set in. "Melodin, how I've missed thee. A community that is visited by relatively few people. What aspects of it pique your interest?

King Aldric moved in closer and said, "I need you to find twins that were recently born there." Once located, please bring them along with their parents to this location. I would like for them to make the castle their home.

Cedric, who was aware of the seriousness of the situation, replied, "Understood." I'll get going as soon as I can."

During the course of their travels, one of Cedric's warriors asked him, "Sir, do you have any idea why the king desires these twins?"

Cedric responded with a thoughtful statement, "Not certain, but I feel like there's more to this than meets the eye."

As the evening wore on, another knight proposed to the commander that they find a place to take refuge. This is not the safest neighborhood to be in at night.

Exactly at that moment, a strange old man appeared and said, "Travelers, nightfall is drawing near." My home is not too far away. Relax there, and I will show you the way to Melodin when the morning comes.

One of the knights, who was filled with gratitude, exclaimed, "Fortune smiles upon us tonight! Just now, we were talking about finding a safe haven.

The question was posed by the elder as they sat around a bonfire in the middle of the elder's backyard while they sipped on herbal tea. "What brings the castle's knights this far?"

Cedric added, "We are looking for Melodin, but I did not anticipate there would be a dwelling in this area."

The old man nodded and said, "Melodin can be found beyond the forest." However, traveling at this time could be extremely dangerous. What is it about Melodin that fascinates you?

Cedric carefully choose his words before revealing, "We're seeking for baby twins. Have you encountered something similar before?

The look of intense concentration on the elder's face was followed by the words, "Ah, the offspring of June and Alena. The news spreads quickly. What kind of dealings does the king have with such people?

Cedric gave a thoughtful response, which was, "They are of significant interest to him." When morning comes, would you be able to direct us to their home?

The wiser one concurred. Nevertheless, as daybreak arrived, they moved closer to Melodin. However, when the settlement came into view, they were surprised to find a scene that was very different from what they had anticipated. The previously happy place was now covered in smoke, and the flames danced wildly, destroying homes as they went. As he got closer to them, a distressed villager shouted, "Undead creatures stormed our village!" They set fire to our houses and demanded to know the'source of light'!"

Cedric persisted, despite the sinking feeling in his chest, and asked, "Where is the home of June and Alena?"

The villager indicated a burning ruin with his finger. "That was their home," she said. They stole something... the twins," the creatures said.

Another villager, who was overcome with grief, continued by saying, "We couldn't fend them off. There were many casualties, including my own father. Her eyes were filled with wetness as she sobbed.

Cedric responded with, "I'm truly sorry for your loss," as his tone of voice was filled with pity. But could you please tell me where June and Alena are right now?

She mumbled the words with a heaviness in her chest, "They, too, are gone."

Garbanor entered the chamber with Agraba and boldly presented the twins to her. The chamber was poorly illuminated. "Behold, My Liege, the source of the light you've eagerly sought."

The eyes of Agraba flashed with a malicious gleam. "Finally, Solon and Lunos, with you, Eldenwood's end is near." He laughed maniacally as he envisioned the limitless power they'd bestow upon him. "I shall raise you as my kin, and together, we'll reshape this world!"

But as their evil laughter reverberated around the room, Agraba's joy quickly transformed into fury. When he touched the twins, he became enraged and recoiled. "This is nothing more than clay!" You're an idiot, Garbanor; these children are not their twins!

" Earlier, in Alena and June's residence... Gazing at Luka, June whispered, "My little warrior, destined to be a swordsman, perhaps?" Alena, with a playful smirk, replied, "Or maybe a mage. She then turned to Aran and said, "My boy, both of you will be mages, right?" 

Alena retorted with a teasing grin, "Or maybe a mage, like Aran."

" Their conversation was cut short when they sensed an ominous presence, even though it was still far away. Seeing the danger approaching, Alena said, "June, I know that this day will come when someone will hunt them, for I know that they are not ordinary just like us, so I prepared something: these are decoys, mere clay replicas of our sons."

Elara, clutching her brothers, tears streaming down her face, uttered, "But what about you, Mom and Dad?" June, with a heavy heart, responded, "We'll fend them off, my love. Remember your promise. Protect Aran and Luka. Find safety."

Elara sobbed, "I can't leave you..." Alena hugged her tightly, "You must, Elara. It's the only way. We love you." She kissed her forehead, a symbol of their undying love and faith in her. As Garbanor's forces stormed Melodin, chaos reigned. "Find the light's source! Tear the village apart if you must!" Garbanor commanded. He confronted Mr. Karim, the village chief, sniffing the air and declaring, "The twins... they're in that rustic house!" June and Alena stood their ground, determination evident.

"You won't get our children," June shouted. Garbanor, with a sinister grin, retorted, "Then prepare to die." The couple engaged Garbanor and his men in a fierce battle, trying to buy Elara precious time to escape. With every blow they landed, they whispered a desperate prayer, "Divine Tree, protect our children, guide Elara, and shield Aran and Luka. They're meant for greater things, things we might never witness.

Unbeknownst to Garbanor, the real Aran and Luka were far from his grasp, safely with Elara.

Elara, holding the twins tightly, rushed through the underbrush of the Eldenwood forests. Her mind raced as she grappled with the enormity of her responsibility. Tears streamed down her face, but she pressed on, determined. "Luka, Aran," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion, "I promised to protect you as your older sister, but now... I don't know if I can raise you two in this dangerous world. But I'll find a safer place for you both." She attached small pieces of cloth to their clothing, each bearing their names, hoping it would ensure their identities were never lost.

As she continued, Elara came upon a serene river, its waters reflecting the moonlight. Exhausted and overwhelmed, she slowly approached the water's edge. "I'm so sorry, my beloved brothers," she murmured, her voice trembling. "I can't take you further. But this... this might be your path to safety."

Kneeling by the river, she prayed to the goddess of women, Lysandra. "Oh divine Lysandra, guardian of women and children, please watch over these innocent souls. Guide them safely along this river to a place where they will be loved and cherished. I place them in your care, hoping they find the life and love they deserve. Please, great goddess, heed my plea. LANEN!"