
Twisted Link: New Order

In the tranquil village of Melodin, a pair of twins with unparalleled destinies are born. While one is enveloped in the warmth of village life, the other is ushered into the splendor of royalty. They are not merely children of fate but the reincarnations of Solon and Lunos, revered divine gods choosing to walk Thaloria once more. As they grow, their paths lead them to the enigmatic kingdom of Eldenwood, set within the vast landscapes of the Thalloria continent. Here, amidst tales of alliances, love, and betrayals, they begin to uncover their celestial heritage and the pivotal roles they are destined to play in the cosmos. Bound by prophecy, their tale unfolds with Luka's memories of infancy: discovered as a baby and embraced by royalty, setting him on an altered course of destiny. Within Eldenwood's majestic bounds, these mysterious twins navigate their origins and purpose. Are they the long-awaited beacon of hope? Can they stand as the kingdom's guardians, or is their fate intertwined with something deeper and more profound? As the saga unfurls, the world watches, awaiting the revelation of their true path.

HarveyBakes · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Screams of Velmont

The grandeur of House Velmont was undeniable, even if it had seen better days. Its once magnificent façade was now overshadowed by years of neglect. As Robert, stepped inside with his family, they were struck by the vastness of the manor's interior. The high ceilings, the ornate chandeliers covered in dust, and the portraits of the Velmont lineage that adorned the walls spoke of a rich history.

"Wow, it looks so big on the inside," Robert remarked, his eyes scanning the vastness of House Velmont. "It just needs some cleaning." He turned to the butler, a man of few words but an air of importance about him. "Are there also maids who will help us clean this place?"

The butler, maintaining his composure, responded with a subtle nod. "Yes, sir. They are scheduled to arrive later."

Robert, his curiosity piqued, leaned in slightly. "Ughmm, may I ask where you come from?" he inquired, trying to decipher the enigmatic presence of the butler.

"My name is Zil, and I am from House Felis, the manor where Princess Elowen resides," the butler cleared his throat. The princess is very concerned about Aran and your family's well-being here. She asked me to keep an eye on you and help you."

Robert exchanged a knowing glance with Lourdes. It was unusual for a princess to be so invested in their family, but they were grateful for the support. "We appreciate Princess Elowen's concern," stated Robert, nodding. "Aran sure is a strange boy but don't worry we'll do our best to make this place a home."

"Oh, sir, it seems like the maids are here," the butler announced.

Three maids stepped forward, all neatly dressed in uniforms. The butler gestured to them. "Girls, introduce yourselves."

The first maid, Martina, curtsied politely. "Hello, I'm Martina. I've been tasked to help you clean this place, and my job here is to cook."

The second maid, Christina, followed suit. "Hello, sir. My name is Christina. I'm Martina's older sister, and I'll also assist in cleaning this place. My responsibility is taking care of the laundry."

The third maid, Felicia, stepped forward with a warm smile. "Oh, hello, sir, especially to our young master," she greeted Aran with a respectful nod. "I'm Felicia, the head of the maids. I will surely take care of this home as per Ma'am Elowen's instructions."

Robert chuckled, his excitement evident. "Alright, thank you, thank you. I can't believe this, Lourdes. I'm back in the capital, and now I'm a boss," he said with a laugh.

Lourdes playfully scolded him, "You idiot, don't forget yourselves. Stay humble. If not for Aran's deed, we wouldn't be here."

Lourdes, feeling the need to apologize for her husband's enthusiasm, said, "Ah, Miss Felicia, sorry about my husband. He's just too fascinated by what happened."

Felicia waved it off with a smile. "It's okay, madam. We understand. And please, don't call me 'miss.' Just call me Felicia."

Lourdes grinned. "Okay, okay. Thank you."

The butler, taking charge, addressed the group, "Now, girls, I want you to help them clean this home and bring back its youth. Let's start."

With a sense of unity and purpose, the maids, alongside the family, began the task of breathing life back into House Velmont. Conversations flowed as they worked, forging bonds that would shape their journey in this grand old manor.

Their cleaning efforts were interrupted by a strange noise that echoed from upstairs. "Boink!"

"Did you hear that noise, dear? Did something just drop?" Lourdes said, her voice filled with curiosity.

Robert, always the practical one, dismissed it with a nonchalant tone, "Yeah, but don't think about it. Maybe it's just a rat."

"Let's just clean this place," Lourdes agreed. "Oh, and wait here. I will just wander around this house. Maybe I will find a room where I can practice my woodcrafts," Robert added.

"Okay, good luck, dear."

As Robert walked away, Aran, ever the taciturn one, whispered something under his breath, "Meh, you're only good at wood chopping."

"Huh? What did you say, boy?" Robert asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Don't you think that your father is very talented at this art?" He added with a sly grin, "I will prove it to you. The first thing that I will make is your face." He chuckled mischievously.

"Okay, then, do what you want." Aran responded with a teasing smile.

Robert Smirked. "Ah, you boy. Don't you know that your great-grandfather was..."

"Ah, hearing that story again," Aran interrupted, then turned and left as Robert continued his storytelling.

"And that's the end of how your great-grandfather journeyed to the land of Chire. He even married the queen of the hobbits," Robert concluded. "Ahh, where is that boy now?" he wondered aloud.

"Oh, that brat. He just keeps tingling my nerves, but never mind. I'll just go wander on my own. Bye, dear," Robert said as he left to explore.

"Okay, Robert. Bye," Lourdes replied.

Felicia turned her attention to the maids. "Martina! Christina!"

"Yes, ma'am Felicia?" the two maids responded.

"You can stop cleaning here. Ma'am Lourdes and I will take care of the main hall. Now, you two, clean up the kitchen. Go!"

As the maids went to the kitchen, Martina couldn't help but ask Christina, "Did you notice something?"

Martina, while dusting the tables, replied, "Look at the portrait. Don't you notice something? It's looking at us."

"Ugh, you just keep imagining things again, sister. Let's just do our job; if not, there's something scarier that will happen," Christina said with a nervous chuckle.

Martina looked puzzled. "Then what is it?" she asked.

Christina leaned in closer, her voice hushed, "It's that old hag, Felicia. If you make her angry now, cleaning this place will be the least of our worries, you idiot, making up stories again."

Martina's eyes widened, and she nodded in agreement. "Oh, you're right. Felicia can be even scarier than any ghost or haunted house."

In the main hall, Felicia and Lourdes continued their cleaning duties, their conversation meandering as they worked.

"Ma'am, can I ask a question?" Felicia inquired.

Lourdes smiled warmly. "Of course."

"I'm curious, why are you helping us? You're the lady of this house now," Felicia asked.

Lourdes chuckled at the notion. "Haha, lady of this house? You're joking, Felicia. I'm just not used to being someone like that. I'm used to cleaning our home back there, so I gladly appreciate cleaning this house too."

Felicia nodded, understanding Lourdes's perspective. "Oh, ma'am, thank you. Can I also ask about your son? How did he manage to save the princess at such a young age, especially knowing that he defeated all those bandits? Is he really capable of that?"

Lourdes looked thoughtful. "Aran is a special boy that the gods have gifted us. When I first saw him and the moment he opened his eyes, I saw a universe in his eyes, like stars in a night blue sky. I felt something that I needed to take care of that young soul. As days went by and the boy kept growing up, he kept surprising us with new things. It's like surprises are not new to us. He keeps on doing things that even we are not capable of. As I say as his mother, I'm grateful to have such a talented, sweet boy—well, not too sweet. Aran is sweet in his own ways." Lourdes explained with a smirk.

"Oh, Aran. Time goes by, and I hope the gods will guide him. I know destiny will lead him to something remarkable," Lourdes added.

Felicia nodded in agreement. "You know, Felicia, as a mother, I just keep preparing myself for that."

Felicia sighed softly. "Wow, ma'am, what a quiet story you have there. I'm fascinated. I also miss my son."

Lourdes asked, "May I ask where your son is?"

Felicia smiled sadly. "He has a duty to guard our village."

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by shouts coming from the kitchen, "AHHHHH!!"

Felicia and Lourdes exchanged worried glances, and without a second thought, they rushed to the kitchen, their hearts racing.

"Ma'am, help us, my sister passed out," Christina said, her voice trembling with fear.

"Ahhh, ma'am, she said she saw a ghost. Of course, I didn't believe her. I thought she was making up a story. Then suddenly, she passed out, and I don't even know what happened," Martina explained, her eyes wide with panic.

Christina, her fear growing, pleaded with trembling lips, "Wait, ma'am, don't move."

Lourdes asked, her voice shaking, "What's happening, Christina?"

"Just don't move, ma'am, please," Christina begged.

Felicia added, "Ah, Christina, what do you mean, don't move?"

The two maids suddenly turned their heads toward the kitchen entrance and gasped. "Ahh, the candelabrum is floating!" Christina exclaimed, her voice filled with terror.

Felicia and Lourdes, their eyes widening in shock, stared at the eerie sight. "What is happening here?" Lourdes muttered, her heart pounding.

The floating candelabrum seemed to defy gravity, casting an eerie glow in the kitchen. It was a sight that defied explanation and filled the room with an uncanny presence.

Felicia's eyes darted around the manor's grand interior, her face contorted in anger. "Christina! If this is some sick joke, I swear..."

Christina, her voice trembling, interrupted, "It's not, ma'am! Look!" She pointed towards the eerily floating candelabrum in the kitchen.

Without a second thought, the three of them bolted, the chilling atmosphere of the kitchen giving way to the relative safety of the greathall. But as they entered, a portrait of a stern-looking man crashed to the floor.

Lourdes, her face pale, turned to Felicia, "What's happening? Christina wasn't joking?"

Felicia, her bravado now replaced with genuine fear, replied, "It seems she was right, ma'am. This house... it's haunted. I can't stay here!"

As she made her way to the exit, the door slammed shut on its own. Panic set in. "What... what's going on?"

From behind them, the portrait they had seen earlier began to levitate. The image of the man animated, his voice echoing throughout the hall. "HAHAHA! I am Agustus Voldeneir, the former butler of the Velmonts. My master entrusted me with protecting this house. Why have you intruded? My spirit remains to guard this mansion, and none shall take its place. You will never leave."

Lourdes' voice cracked with fear, "Robert! Where are you? Please, we need you!"

Unbeknownst to them, upstairs, young Aran was exploring. He stumbled upon a peculiar room. "What's this place?" He pushed the door open, eyes widening at the sight before him. A bizarre creature hovered above an ancient book, murmuring in a haunting tone, "All will die, die, die..."

Aran, with the innocence only a child could possess, retorted, "Hey! Keep it down. Who are you? This is my room now!"

The creature, taken aback, hissed, "Who... who are you?"

Aran replied calmly, "Hey, leave. I'm Aran, the new Lord of this house."