
Twisted Fate of Magic

What is Fate? Fate is a predetermined flow of events that one cannot completely overwhelm by their control. Ezekiel Fernandez A Filipino citizen who had lost a part of his significant circle of life. He met an incomprehensible phenomenon that permanently changed his life. A new life was given in an unwanted era. The existence of Mana and Martial Arts is his only way to break the shackles of Fate. Along the flow of his Journey, he will be meeting acquaintances who will be intertwined by his rough journey. Can they succeed in overcoming the consequences? or they will be washed away in vain by the hope of civilization?

WeirdWriter · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 7: Origin of the Forest

[143,043 years ago]

On the surface of Lebradour.

"Lloyd, give me the Holy Seed you promised!" Victor, the God of Destruction directly said to the person in front of him over five meters away, and that person he was talking to was Lloyd, the God of Nature.

"Sorry, but I can't remember the promise I made to you, Victor," Lloyd responded and smirked directly at the poor Victor.

"You liar! I risked my life and my reputation on the Astral Plane just to get the Soul Orb you needed under the naked eye of other Gods and Goddesses!" Victor madly shouted at Lloyd, bulging veins can be seen on Victor's Head and it's because of his anger at Lloyd.

"First of all, Victor, you are entirely incorrect in what you have just said," Lloyd responded mockingly to the mad God in front of him.

"You don't have a reputation, to begin with. Seriously, your life? Even a huge number of Gods and Goddesses wish you an untimely death!" Lloyd added salt to Victor's emotionally wounded heart.

"Too bad for you, you only have pure muscles and none comes from your brain. You are so easy to manipulate Victor if you only had known" Lloyd slapped Victor with these harsh words.

Lloyd grabs a round blue-colored orb by his hand.

Victor saw this blue-colored Orb and makes a very mad face directly at Lloyd.

After a few seconds, a shattered Soul Orb can be heard under the silent environment.

"I already finished using the Soul Orb, Victor, you can now get out of my way" Lloyd disrespectfully said to Victor and turned his back, and walked out.

Victor looked at Lloyd with killing intent.

Lloyd's head turned around to take a glance at Victor and said "Also, I forgot to inform you regarding the Holy Seed, I am the only one who has that and it's within my body and I can only give it to that person."

After informing Victor, Lloyd returned his eyesight to the path where he was walking.

After taking three steps away from where he was originally positioned, he heard Victor who started laughing.

"This may sound crazy to you Lloyd, but I really need your Holy Seed to further enhance my power, especially if it's within your body, I must have it no matter what." Victor casually informed Lloyd.

"I am willing to do all the things I need to do for my own selfish reason Lloyd, improving my own power is very worth it, even by killing you and forcefully taking your Body's Holy Seed," Victor added to what he had just told directly to Lloyd.

Lloyd turned around to face the God of Destruction.

He can clearly see the eyes of Victor who was looking at his body like a hungry wolf that hasn't been able to taste a lump of meat ever since he was born.

Lloyd was startled by Victor's behavior.

"I will… kill you! I will… kill you! I will kill you!!! I will devour your Holy Seed without anything left and wasted!!!" The God of Destruction said and unsheathed his sword which possesses a dark aura and he initiated a dangerous stance.

Lloyd already knew what will happen.

Lloyd begins to cast several spells, "Ultimate Mana Barrier!" " Heaven's Defense!" " Astral Protection!" "Light-Speed Haste!" " Time slow!" and "Space Interference!"

After Lloyd finished casting different spells, the mad God dashed directly and in just one millisecond he already reached the Ultimate Barrier that protects Lloyd.

Lloyd was flabbergasted at what had just happened, he cast so much slowing movement magic and enhance defense magic that belongs to an eighth-tier magic spell and it seems Victor wasn't affected at all.

Lloyd could see a huge crack in his "Ultimate Mana Barrier" because of the attack that Victor had made.

He was worried about the barrier and he cast "Mana Barrier's Finality" which belongs to the tenth-tier magic barrier spells that only Gods can possess.

Lloyd cast another tenth-tier magic spell "Multi-Dimensional Interference" which specializes in interfering with space, under "Multi-Dimensional Interference" no enemies will be able to teleport and use any sort of space magic or space-related phenomena under the ninth-tier spells.

Lloyd wasn't satisfied with his safety, he cast another tenth-tier Time magic "Time zone" wherein Lloyd can control the time within the vicinity of his magic.

Victor was also surprised by Lloyds' magical prowess, even Victor could not entirely named all the spells his opponent casts and he doesn't have any idea in regards to the effects of those magic spells.

Victor disregarded his thought and started attacking Lloyd.

Victor could tell that the barrier he was slashing and slicing was indeed very thick and very durable, it seemed all the dents that his sword had made were automatically restored to the barrier's original form.

Victor could also feel the heavy pressure on his body so he decided to activate his Martial Form: Origin.

Lloyd could see the changes that happened to Victor, now he had pure pitch-black armor, and his sword had finally unleashed his original form and it exudes a fearsome black aura that gives goosebumps to Lloyd.

Lloyd cast his exclusive magic spell "Nature's Authority" and turned his whole body into several different elements.

Both of them started to attack each other. Victor's sword slashes could pass through several dimensions that destroyed lives in every dimension like a rare phenomenon.

Lloyd cast several elemental tenth-tier offensive spells "Ice Age" "Armageddon" "Final Fantasy" and "Black Hole" and the target was none other than Victor.

After five minutes of exchange, both sides were exhausted.

Lloyd did not waste any time and casts an eleventh-tier spell which was believed to belong to the Supreme God.

Unfortunately, no one had really reached the Supreme God title after the last Supreme God that even an Aeon had passed.

Lloyd was not a Supreme God but he can only cast one spell that belongs to the Supreme God's exclusive magic spell.

Lloyd cast "Rewriting Destiny" but the said magic spell has a casting time of five seconds, and when compared to Victor's speed it's like comparing a walking turtle to the speed of light.

While Lloyd was casting "Rewriting Destiny" he also cast several holding and binding spells that only belong to the seventh-tier due to "Rewriting Destiny" huge Mana needs, he cast "Divine Root Bind" "Time Sphere" "centrifugal whirlwind" and "Molten Lava" at Victor.

Victor felt the danger of the "Rewriting Destiny" magic spell and acted quickly, his adrenaline had been woken-up and he started to slash and swing his sword to destroy all the minor spells that interferes with his movement.

After four seconds, he successfully destroyed the interfering spells and activated his most powerful sword art which was named "Fate's Judgement" an ultimate sword art that interferes with the fate of the targeted person using a sword as the judge, he swings his sword horizontally into Lloyds' body.

Lloyds' body was successfully sliced by "Fate's Judgement" sword art, but before even reaching almost half of his body, his spell "Rewriting Destiny" finally activated.

Victor was automatically stopped in his slashing movement and couldn't control his body.

After one second, Victor himself and all of Victor's belongings had abruptly vanished from existing on the surface of Lebradour.

Lloyd's spell "Rewriting Destiny" was one of The Supreme God's original magic spells that had been lost on the vast Astral Plane, and he had just discovered it accidentally through his recent Journey on the Astral Plane.

Lloyd's spell "Rewriting Destiny" targets and locks the origin of Victor's Bloodline and it makes them all stop existing, so it makes Victor, the God of Destruction forcefully erased and deleted from reality in the very beginning. The Spell "Rewriting Destiny" is under the category of forbidden spells from billion of years ago and it's under the category of "Reality Manipulation Magic" that even Gods and Goddesses were afraid of. On the other hand, Lloyd's own fate had been severed by Victor using his exclusive sword art "Fate's Judgement".

Lloyds' body dropped on the soil while bleeding, he tried using healing magic, nullifying magic, purifying magic, and restoration magic but it has no effect against the "Fate's Judgement" damage dealt by Victor and it keeps him bleeding helplessly.

Lloyd doesn't want to die, he already sacrificed so many things until the only thing he needs to do was to wait for his arrival.

After making a plentiful of thoughts, Lloyd finally decided on what he was going to do.

First, Lloyd cast "Mana Barrier's Finality" for his safety. Second, he cast "Unknown Presence" to make him and his barriers' presence invisible. And lastly, he laid down on the soil and cast a "Time Stop" magic spell on his poor body which resulted in deep and long hibernation.

Decades, Centuries, Millenium, Decem Millenium, and Centum Millenium had passed and a vast Forest had started to appear, and it comes from the spilled blood of the God of Nature named Lloyd.

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