
TWISTED FATE : Falling for the enemy

Davis' main intention for every member of the Kord family was to kill them since his mother was killed by the main mob leader of the KM clan, Raymond Kord. Anastasia was a Kord....yet different . Unlike other Kords who got themselves into dirty stuffs like killing people , she was innocent . Her breathetaking beauty and those big baby blue eyes was what made him dazed but knowing she was the most loved granddaughter of Raymond Kord, the memory of his mom's death always represented itself . Her pure innocence brought one thought to his mind ; "I'm going to destroy her like every other Kord. I'll make her fall so hard for me then I'll break that 'Kordful' heart of hers . I'll be her weakness and she'll lead me into destroying every other Kord." Yet after all these..... she fell hard but he fell harder. Anastasia Kord was now Davis Quinn's weakness . -------------- Excerpt : "Wanna know my secret, princess?" He asked with a glint of an emotion Anastasia couldn't read . She could hear the thud of her own heartbeat beating heavily in her ears and she knew it was as a result of his closeness . She nodded . He brushed her lower lip with his thumb and her heart rattled in her chest . "Well... I've been craving your lips." Now that he said was a pure truth . Anastasia flushed . She could feel his dark eyes staring intensively at her lips and she reddened. "Can I?" He asked . She had been waiting for him to ask her that question .A Greek god was asking if he could get his perfect lips tainted with hers . "Y-Yes." She said . Davis held her chin. "You ready?" He asked,his breathe brushing her lips . She didn't know if she was .It was her first kiss and she was afraid she'd not be perfect . "Don't think too much, princess." he said , snapping her out of her silly trance . She stared at him . "You ready?" "Ye-" She was cut off when she felt his soft lips connected to hers. Author: please support me and my book , write reviews add to your library and comment. I also hope you'll love this book.

Atton_totan · Urban
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Escape Plan

It was a quite breezy night . She closed her eyes and felt the cold breeze take over her whole body.

She likes when the weather is like this.

So there she was ,at the highest floor of Le Parfait hotel, viewing the huge city and feeling the cold breeze .

Not every night was like this.Most of the nights, she was in her luxurious mansion with her cousins and her grandfather . Reading or just watching horror films on TV .

Her grandfather was the most dangerous mob leader of the KM clan .A ruthless disdainful, contemptuous beast of sixty-one years .

Well, that's how they described him .As a monster,a beast.But Anastasia saw nothing of that sort.

Sure, she knew her grandfather was the purest beast ,he was also the most loving person in her opinion .

He took care of her with all his heart .

It was ironic people saw him to be a cold-hearted beast while she saw him to be caring and loving.

Her father , Jason Kord,was the son Raymond Kord loved the most and after his death Raymond vowed to guide Anastasia with his heart.

His death was a tragic and painful one.He was killed by one of Raymond's enemies right in front of Anastasia and Raymond .

His death got her traumatized.

The way the blood oozed .

The way the blood splattered on her face.

She was young.

She was nine.

And since that day , Anastasia feared blood . The sight of blood made her want to escape .

She always got sweaty all over and her heart beated rapidly .

She often fainted .

That one incident made her a hemophobia patient.

That is why Raymond Kord felt the need to protect her.He knew he had tons of enemies who won't spare his weak, innocent,most-loved granddaughter when they get hold of her.

That's why he hired Bethany ,her strong bodyguard who took care of Anastasia after the death of her father till date.

He often kept her inside and she seldom went out .

Or even if she went out,it was with Bethany her bodyguard and friend.

The only time Anastasia got to go out without Bethany was when she escaped.

And that is why she was running away tonight.The whole plan was to roam for the night and return just to scare her grandfather and her annoying cousins.

The hell!

She was twenty-one years old and hadn't even had a boyfriend?!

Her grandfather was always like this and that .

Talking about how her life will be in danger out there .

Anastasia rolled her eyes .

Fact is, the was nothing stopping her today .

Her camara clicked . She wasn't leaving the beautiful view without saving it in her memory .

Yes,they called her a photographer but she saw it as a hobby.

She was the most happiest behind her camara.

She smiled while staring at the picture she just took .

She wished her life could be as beautiful as the picture she took..... more beautiful and free.

She wanted peace.

" You have extinguished your ninety minutes break."

Anastasia furrowed her eyebrows.

"So soon?"

She turned to Bethany .

"Yes."Bethany nodded.

It was time for plan A—beg Bethany for more time and use that time to escape .

"Can I have about ten more minutes."She asked with an accent she knew Bethany couldn't resist.

But —

"I'm not falling for your trick Anastasia."

"But I'm serious."

She whined.

"Anas, let's go"Bethany said .

So plan A didn't work .

She was most certain plan B would work —say you would want to use the bathroom and Run!

"I... asked for more time because..."

"Because wha—"

"I wanted to pee!"Anastasia cut her off .She said it with so much pressure like she was pressed .

"Okay let's—"

"No need! I'll go alone."She said .

Bethany's eyes widened in shock. Anastasia was pressed indeed ,she thought.

Before Anastasia left, Bethany noticed she was forgetting something.


Anastasia turned .

"Your hair..... the tattoo."


The tattoo behind her ear was the letter 'K'which every Kord had .It symbolizes the membership of the KM clan .

Her hair was tied into a ponytail and she untied it, leaving it to fall on her back .

"All done."she said and jolted.


The elevator's door flew open and Anastasia stepped out .She increased her pace and headed for the exist.

She knew . She always knew plan B was the key . She pushed the exist door and headed outside .

She was outside.

Finally .

She stared for the main gate . Now was the time for her to see how dangerous the outside world was ....If it was dangerous though .

She smiled and sprinted for the main gate .

Upon getting out ,she closed her eyes and exhaled .

She was finally free .As the cold wind took over,her hair tousled .

She smiled .

"The wind of freedom."

She mumured and produced a mirthful chuckle .

"That's the feeling."

She whispered with her eyes closed .

Suddenly she heard a the sound of a motorcycle racing towards her.She stared as the motorcycle came closer.

Her eyes widened .

Suddenly,the driver streaked to the other side in a swift.

He went with so much speed that the wind that passed infront of her caused her to fall on her butt.

Anastasia was startled and her butt hurt.

The driver took his helmet off and place it in his arms.He shook his dark hair and just the side of his face made her melt.