
Chapter 26. 1 year later

Within a few minutes, both Minami and Mimmy entered the cabin. " Ma'am I've brought her here. '' Mimmy said with a shivering tone.

" Okay, I want you to show this man around the building. " Melody said with a flat tone.

Mimmy frowned looking at Samual who had a smirk on his lips, she wanted to ask who he was but looking at Melody's cold expression she gave up the idea and just nodded her head.

" Let's go, sir," Mommy said without wanting to be scolded by Melody.

' Geez this girl is so beautiful, I'm so fascinated by her voice .' Samuel mused as he stared at Mimmy's petite body. " Okay, I can't refuse to have such a beautiful woman accompanying me. " Samuel said with a smirk.

Mimmy pressed her lips into a white slash, she wanted to say something to the unknown man but she could swallow her annoyance because her so-called lady boss was in a bad mood she might as well end up jobless. " This way sir. " She said with a straight face.