
Twisted Destiny: The Alpha King's Mate

Nathaniel has been obsessed with killing werewolves since he was just a boy. His wounds from the attack on his home by werewolves that took his family from him keep him going on his mission to kill all werewolves. He joins the Marikan a group of demons who teach him how to fight and make him part demon. A halfling, half-human, and half-demon. Seeing that he was ready to start his goal. He seeks out the alpha of all alpha, the leader of the biggest and most powerful pack known to their kind. He is the king of all werewolves. He believes that he can seduce the alpha, make him his and use him to kill all the werewolves. But what happens when he finds the alpha and discovers he is a twelve-year-old child. How will he manage to seduce a child? It is even legal for him to do so? And how can he kill a child? He is out for blood but he is not a monster. Will he be able to keep his head straight and complete his mission or forget his grudge and move on. And what happens when the sister he thought was dead comes back into their lives. But doesn't remember him and calls the demon king brother. Will he be able to get his sister to remember him and love him again? Will he be able to harm the demon king when his sister is acting as the demon king's protective shield? Will he be able to uncover the events from his past and learn how the bond between his sister and the alpha of all Alpha's came to be? Find out the struggles Nathaniel has to go through in his journey for revenge and discovery. Many secrets lie beneath the black and white lines of life. Will he uncover the secrets of the demon king and his sister? In the end, who will he choose, his lost sister, the demon king, or revenge? *Image from Pinterest. Credit goes to the owner and if he or she wishes for it to be removed then he/she should let me know*

precious_pruddy · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
157 Chs

Ride home

The ride home was long as they had to go to the outskirts of the city. Never in his life would Nathaniel have pictured the alpha living so far away from the city.

He thought that a man who reign at the top she ruled the city would have his home in the middle of the city. Where he can keep his eye on the things going on in his city.

He was surprised by how far the ride was, with his head out of the window, he could place at least five cars in front of them and the cars behind them were also many.

All the cars moved at the same speed one after the other to head to the place the alpha called home. He was curious to see the place that the alpha lived in.

Soon they arrived at a brick gate. 'Cross residence' was engraved on the gate. There was also a sign warming people to keep out as it was private property.

The gates were opened from the inside, as the car drove by Nathaniel saw a man in a blue sweat pants standing by the gates.

He didn't get a good glimpse at him since he was in a moving car. Trees and and more trees was all that he could see from the window. No house was visible in sight.

He started to think that the young male alpha didn't have a house. Perhaps he lived in the woods like the beast that he was.

He was a demon, his ears could pick out the sounds of wolves running around ahead of them. There was a commotion from the sounds he could pick out. It seemed as though wolves were in a fight up ahead.

He moved to wake the alpha and inform him of what he heard. The man was still sleeping peacefully, his hands remained in the air unable to bring himself to disturb the alpha.

His skin looked alluring with the rays of the sun bathing at him from the car window. His troubled heart found peace in just looking at him.

He gazed down at his hand that the alpha was holding, a red color crept into his cheeks. Holding hands is something that couples did. His revenge had kept him from having time to embrace such things.

But it seemed that his quest was leading him to a lot of discoveries. Not just of secrets of the night his family was killed but on matters of the heart too.

He looked away from the male and gazed out of the window. A small smile forming it's way into his lips. His breath was heavy with the warm feeling he was getting from holding hands with the alpha.

The way that his hand fit perfectly in the alpha's hands was as though they were made for each other. His hand was made for the alpha to hold.

All the years of loneliness that he had felt his life was changed all in one day. He had decided to come and kill the werewolf but he was being more than hospitable to him.

He stole glances at Noam, the alpha had his eyes closed but he was very much awake. His heart and that of Nathaniel beat as one, so when the demon's heart skipped a beat and started thundering in his chest.

He was forced to wake up from his peaceful sleep. He took his time resting but it was hard to rest with the emotional time bomb seated next to him.

The demon switched between feelings like models change their clothes during a photo shoot. He wished that demon would settle on only one feeling and settle on it but no.

It was like the man knew he was going to die tomorrow and was the time to feel every emotion that exists in the world.

The car drove over a stone while avoiding to hit a deer that ran passed the car. Noam tumbled over and fell onto Nathaniel who caught him. His eyes half open he looked into the demon's eyes.

Nathaniel felt an electricity ran through his body from the body contact he made with the alpha. His eyes shimmered with affection that he had never known himself feeling towards someone else.

Everything in his body felt warm. He didn't despise the feeling that was coursing through his body. He loved being warm, the cold had haunted him for years. The change was not so bad.

Noam gazed into his eyes finding a close resemblance of his eyes to his sister. The closer he looked the familiar the two of them looked. He frowned at the similarity of the two people, the possibility of Nathaniel being Lana's dead twin brother crossed his mind.

But he brushed the thought to the back of his mind. There was no way they could be one and the same person, Lana's family were all dead and even if the brother survived, he wouldn't be a demon.

If he was bitten that night then he would turn into a werewolf. For him to have become a demon was too stretched to be real. He used the door as support and pushed himself off the demon and turned away from him.

He had not accepted the demon as his mate but the pull between them was only getting stronger. The more he was trying the harder it was to avoid it.

The moon goddess had really messed up his life more than necessary. She claimed it to be a blessing but with each minute it felt like a curse.

He listened to the sounds outside to try and and tune out his mate. He had the fight ahead and his frown deepened. He had only left for a day and they already was chaos in his house.

"Drive faster," he ordered.

His order was passed to all the drivers. The cars took off at high speed to reach home soon. The alpha was not one to say things twice, when he gave an order it was followed to the full stop. No one dared to go against him.

Nathaniel's eyes saw the clearing that stretched far beyond what her eyes could see. The place looked so leveled and beautiful from what his eyes could see.

Whoever worked in the fields had to be very good at their work. The cars stopped at the entrance of the clearance, they parked in a straight line, the guards opened the doors for the king and Nathaniel to get off the car.

Noam exited the car, his aura turning dark as he looked ahead, Nathaniel who was following behind him was not sure why the man was glaring at nothing.

Noam retained his form of a child and walked on. He followed behind him not clear as to why they stopped in the middle of no where. He felt a hand on his palm and looked down.

The alpha had grabbed hold of his hand, they walked ahead. Nathaniel was blown away at what laid ahead of them. A white mansion stretching far and wide was right in front of them.

In front of the mansion, there was a ground that had stood watching as two wolves were fighting each other.

It was the sounds that he had heard. Alone, even in his dreams he would never gave found this place. Even if by luck he could have come here, he would have turned away thinking that it was only a clearing.

He wouldn't have even thought that a house was in the clearing. The alpha sure was smart. He had hidden his house in such a way that no one can track him down if they wished to.

The werewolves seeing Noam had returned froze in there tracks. None of them had expected that the alpha would return so soon.

With Lana by his side, they thought he would even stay a week. The two that were in their werewolf form changed back into their human form and got dressed.

Noam walked towards them. He was furious at the behaviour that they were displaying in his absence. Before he could say a word, Lana appeared before him. She was glaring at every person standing before her.

"How dare display such behaviour here?" she inquired her anger steering to the surface. She was mad, they had upset her brother and that meant upsetting her.

"You all will receive a worthy punishment for this," she let out furiously.