
Chapter 30: To The Rescue!

The duo took a small nap before heading to the Sunyshore Gym to get their badges. The pair stayed close to one another as they traveled through the dangerous city. 

Litter was everywhere, buildings were covered with rust and graffiti, and shifty-looking individuals were around each corner. Xander and Cynthia summoned Gabby and Mothra to deter individuals from walking up to them when they got to the more dangerous parts of town where they saw several men and women eyeing them. 

When they finally arrived at the Gym, the pair looked at the building with disappointment. It was just as dilapidated as the rest of the city which was terrible since this was supposed to be the crown jewel of the city. Even the Pokemon Center looked much better than that mess of a building.

"Let's get this over with," Cynthia said with a scowl. She could barely hold in her anger after seeing the state of the Gym. She was already angry after hearing how the Gym Leader acted and seeing this poor excuse of a Gym only further soured her mood. 

The pair walked in and were greeted by a scantily clad woman who looked to be more of a woman of the night than an actual receptionist. 

"We're here for our Gym battle," Xander told the woman, not wanting Cynthia to speak up since he knew that she was one wrong word from blowing her fuse. 

"Gotcha. Just head on in," she slurred, clearly intoxicated. Xander nodded and grabbed Cynthia's wrist to bring her into the inner Gym. 

There was no waiting area for them like in the Veilstone Gym, just the arena where the trainers would battle. 

Xander and Cynthia stood on the opposite side, waiting 10 minutes before the Gym Leader walked into the arena. He was wearing a suit that hadn't been washed in days and was filthy. 

"So you guys are the ones who are challenging me today?" he slurred, also in an intoxicated state like the receptionist. 

'Guess that's just how the trash in this Gym acts,' Xander mentally frowned, trying his best not to let it show on his face. Cynthia wasn't holding back at all and looking at the man with disdain. Xander grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as a warning. 

'Sometimes for peaceful interactions, wise men act stupid. First, we have to get strong enough. Then we can kick this guy out of the Gym,' Xander promised her through their twin telepathy. It only worked when they were holding hands but the pair had been able to do it since they were young, using it as a way to talk all night long without getting caught by Prof. Carolina. 

'Tsk. Fine. But I get to punch him in the face when we do,' Cynthia's frown disappeared, replaced with a stoic expression. She knew that Xander was just looking out for her so she didn't want to ruin his good intentions. 

'Deal,' Xander smiled at his best friend. 'Love you, C.'

'Love you too, Xan,' Cynthia now had a small smile on her face. She turned to the Gym Leader and nodded, not wanting to say a word to the man. 

"Awesome. You can both come at me at the same time. We can make this a simple double battle," the Gym Leader didn't seem to be paying attention to them or their interaction. He just wanted to get back to his drinking. 

Xander and Cynthia nodded, not caring anymore. They sent Gabby and Mothra forward, not even sending out different Pokemon. 

The Gym Leader nodded and sent out a Pokeball with a Pichu in it. Pichu was a small Pokemon that resembled a yellow mouse, as it was the pre-evolved form of Pikachu with the same signature red cheeks. 

Xander frowned when he looked at the little Pokemon. It was pale yellow instead of the bright yellow that Pichu were supposed to have. It also looked very dispirited which was unusual since they were known for their active and mischievous natures. There were also several scars on its body as well as injuries that had yet to heal. 

'I'm gonna kill him,' Xander swore in his heart when he saw how badly the Pichu looked. He could deal with the man just having a bad attitude and simply knock him off his position since he was a terrible person but he forgot that he was also known for mistreating Pokemon. That was the one thing Xander couldn't stand from him. 

"Mothra, use [Flamethrower]!" Xander gave a quick command, telling his Pokemon to use a move, something he never did.

Mothra cried out in response before forming a ball of flame above its horns and firing a stream of flames at the Pichu. The small Pokemon looked as if it wanted to dodge but it seemed to be too tired and injured to do anything. The flames hit it directly, covering its entire body in the fire. 

When the attack ended, Pichu was on the ground. Unable to take even a single attack, the poor Pokemon lost the battle in an instant. 

"Congrats. You guys got the Beacon Badge," the Gym Leader congratulated the pair half-heartedly before walking away. 

Xander and Cynthia looked at the fainted Pokemon that he hadn't even retrieved and felt sick to their stomachs. 

"We can't just leave it," Cynthia told Xander who nodded. He walked over to the Pichu and reached out to pick it up but was given an electric shock when he grabbed the Pokemon. Xander flinched but didn't let go of Pichu. 

"Don't worry, little guy. We are taking you to get some help," Xander smiled through the pain. He knew the Pokemon was scared and wasn't being malicious. 

Xander wasn't sure if the Pokemon actually understood his meaning or was just too tired to continue fighting him but it soon gave up shocking him. He stood up with it in his arms and nodded to Cynthia before the duo rushed out of the Gym to bring it back to the Pokemon Center. 

When the pair arrived, they saw that Nurse Joy was manning the main desk. Xander rushed up to the woman and placed the Pokemon on the counter. 

"We just fought this Pokemon at the Gym and it looks like it needs urgent care," Xander hurried to say, wanting the Pokemon to get immediate medical attention. 

"Alright. We'll get him some attention immediately," Nurse Joy nodded. "You guys should probably leave, though. Once Alexander finds out you meddled in his business, he might try something. We can only protect you in here but once you leave, you'll be in danger. I'll call the Ranger Station and get you guys an escort to Pastoria."

"Thank, Nurse Joy," Xander and Cynthia thanked her at the same time. The duo quickly left the Pokemon Center before heading to the Grand Underground Ranger Station so they could get out safely. They both knew that it was dangerous to get involved with such a dangerous person but they were unwilling to leave that Pichu under the care of the Gym Leader.

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