
Chapter 1 The Very Beggining...

If you could be anything or become anyone what would it be? For most kids it would be something like, becoming the country's best basketball player or becoming an actress or working with animals. But not me. I want to live in my normal quiet peaceful life in Chastity, Ohio. Going to Little Oak High School, reading during class, then going home straight after school to my little tiny apartment in a cramped apartment building, eating instant noodles and ice cream.

In the mornings I take the long way to school so I don't run into Hugo, the most jerk worthy spitwad to ever roam the small hallways of Little Oak High. He runs the school with an iron fist, or rather brass knuckles. He only acts up when a teacher isn't in earshot or sight, for fear of losing his precious title of Teachers Pet. He sucks.

The only joy of coming to school is seeing my best friend James, and AP History. And because my favorite subject is history I bet you can guess how I end up with gum in my hair, bruises everywhere and my clothes soaked at the end of every school day.

James, my boy is always trying to make me fight back, to not let them walk all over me, but I'm just a boy, age 17, average sandy blonde hair, average height for a guy, average clothes, average EVERYTHING. What CAN i do?

My eyes catch sight of him through my muddly glasses in the hallway and I wave to him. He spots my eyes and hobbles over, looking at the eyes my mom said were as "green and as mesmerizing as emeralds". I cant remember her face, just her voice. Very soft and gentle yet powerful all the same.

Walking down the halls during passing periods is a total nightmare, not to mention every stink´n time some couple is making out on my locker so I can't even grab my stuff before next class starts. That is until James comes to my rescue shouldering people aside. And if they don't get out of the way, smacking them in the shins with his crutches. Even with a bad leg James is the toughest person I know.

"Thanks James. You saved my bacon, again." James smiles a cocky and honest smile, his white teeth sparkling, his hazel eyes glistening with mischief, and his spikey chestnut hair sticking up everywhere. "Well of course dude, I'm your knight in shining crutches after all." he laughs. James is like the complete opposite of me, very charming and handsome, not to mention every girl in the city has a huge crush on him.

He yells over the crowd to stay safe as he swings away on his crutches, smacking people who don't move out of his way in the shins. I straighten my glasses and I purposely mess my hair to look more my part. And then I scuttle off to the best class of the century.

"Winchester!!'' I freeze halfway through closing the door as silently as possible. "Your late. Again.'' With a sheepish smile I grin at Mr. Okana, the AP History Teacher. He's about 6' 5 and insanely well muscled for a History teacher. "Ah. i am, aren't i?" i say as i walk calmly to my desk. "Yes Hunter. Let me guess, Jenna and Michel were making out on your locker again?'' I look up at his brown eyes. "actually it was Kylie and Clark." he shakes his head in amusement. Then walks back up to the whiteboard and straightens his jacket, then starts with our newest unit, Greek Mythology.

I always hated this subject, just looking at all the english made my head swim. I cant read english. I was never taught how. My eyes always end up staring at the only thing that doesn't make my brain turn into mashed potatoes. The greek letters mixed into the mumble jumble of english words. The letters swim in front of my eyes and i get a really big headache.

Mr. Okana put us into pairs, I get stuck with you know who. Hugo. Lucky me. The project was to pretend we were battle commanders and we had to win the war between the Greeks and Romans, one person would play as the Greeks and the other Romans. Kinda like chess.

I study the playing board with very little enthusiasm, seeing how it will all play out in my head. Hugo would do the most basic and most commonly used tactic ever, a battalion of his right flank and the left to corner me, and push my troops into his main force, trapping my men inside a very tight circle of enemy lines. To counter this attack you would need a surprise attack from behind to wipe out the people who are busily attacking the troops in the middle. As this played out exactly as I planned i smoke Hugo taking out all his players, and i smile smugly leaning back in my chair.

Hugo loses his very short temper and starts yelling at me, "You freaking nerd! You cheated!!" he raises his fist, with a wild look in his eyes, he punches my face, knocking off my glasses and cracking them. I see my glasses, that cost me most of my rent for the month, broken lying on the floor and i turn my gaze to Hugo, "Those were my last pair of glasses." i growl. and he freezes and with a terrified look in his eyes he backs away and i inhale sharply as i catch my reflection in the window, i see my dazzling emerald green eyes were exposed, the pupils slits.

I dive for my glasses and hurriedly put them back on, mussing up my hair again. Everyone in the class was staring at me and i get a really bad headache, and i excuse myself from class and rush to the bathroom. I take off my glasses with a shaky hand and stare at myself in utter horror.

Damn it. I grab my backpack and rush out of the room, with everyone's eyes in the hall pinned to my fleeing back.

I finally reach to my hovel of an apartment and i breathlessly plop on my neat bed, staring at the ceiling. For such a small place it was very clean. I have a fetish, ok. I manage to get up with a minor headache and i walk into the living area with its small green couch and the widescreen TV, with the occasional dumbell and weight bar scattered around the floor.

i open the fridge that had a neat arrangement of taco bell burritos, cheese, strawberries, peaches, and the occasional cookie. Oh and a buttload of Dr. Pepper. Best drink ever invented. The whole shelf of the fridge is full of it. I also have milk and a strong supply of water. I cant just survive off Dr. Pepper no matter how delicious it is, just not liveable or healthy.

I peek into the cabinets and i find the last bag of Sea Salt Vinegar chips. Man i love those things. So sour but salty and just….. Mmmm pure awesomeness. I plop onto my couch and sigh heavily. I look at a framed mirror on the wall and looked at my eyes. Normal. Good.

I smile as Sylvester, my black cat, jumps into my lap and paws at my face meowing prettily. ¨Yea yea ill get your bell pretty girl." i say and Sylvester meows adorably, as i stand up and grab a large silver bell and toss it up in the air with one hand.

Sylvester leaps into the air nimble and graceful as she bats it out of the air with a powerful swipe. She's one powerful kitty. She lashes her tail as she starts to pounce and play with the tinkling silvery bell. I laugh as she rolls around on the ground wrestling it, the bell, an inanimate object, winning the brutal match.

She stops the match when I start to laugh and she comes up and gracefully jumps into my lap purring as she rubs up against me. I pet her while I eat Top Ramen and watch Supernatural, my favorite TV show. It's now 11pm and I have school again tomorrow so, tired and full of ice cream, I plop on my bed and fall asleep, Sylvester curled up in the crook of my body purring loudly.

The next morning I wake up at 6 am and start my workout. 20 pushups, 20 sit ups, a 2 min plank, and 30 bicep curls, before feeding Sylvester and heading off to school, with a piece of buttered toast in my mouth and coffee in my hands. I make it 10 minutes before the bell rings and I start my day in Trigonometry, moving though, Choir, English (that was a disaster) and Physics.

James checks up on me between Physics and AP History just to make sure I didn't die. He struts up to me and gently hits the back of my left leg so I know he's behind me. I grunt a hello without even looking at him. Knowing he would be mad at me for ditching him cause i ran home before the end bell rang, and he had to swing home by himself which he never likes.

¨dude. Why did you ditch me? Not cool Hunter. NOT COOL. i had to walk home BY MYSELF.¨ James says. I can feel his death glare burning a hole in the back of my head and i sigh. I whip my head around to look at him and i whisper, ¨my eyes changed again James. I couldn't stay here, I could have hurt someone.¨

James nodded understandably and didn't say anything else on the subject. ¨so did you kick Hugo´s butt??¨ he quipped curiously. ¨everyones saying how u made him run away from you like you were kryptonite, with just a look.¨ i freeze, and stay silent like a statue.

I rub the bruise he left on my cheek from yesterday, and i saunter off, with James yelling at me something i didn't hear because i had to go to the once best class that is now the worst class because of you know who. fan-flipping-tastic.

Walking down the hallways to the West Wing is always a chore. Most people are let off of school at 2:30pm but not me. Hooray. Its like a trout trying to swim his way up a waterfall. Very difficult. And annoying because all the people are shoving you to get past you but you get caught in the current. I manage to squeeze through the crowd i manage to sit in my seat the moment the bell rang.

Guess who was waiting for me at my desk. Thats right!! Hugo, hooray. "Yo Nerd your in my seat." his voice drips with venom , his face twisted in a snarl. "Says who jerkwad?" Hugo growls and spits on my desk, and walks away which is a improvement. He usually spits in my eyes. I wipe the gross liquid off my desk with a sheet of paper then throw it into the trash by the door. Score.

"Winchester!" Mr. Ohana says sternly. "We don't throw things in this classroom." i sigh and apologize, but he adds something right before class starts. "Nice basket." i grin as he ignores me and then starts class talking about things called demi-gods.

"According to ancient scholars these creatures are just what the name implies, half god half man. It was thought that the great Hercules was a Demi god. Zeus' and Hera's son. Hades was jealous and made him human which cast him down to earth. Yet he still had his incredible strength, which is how he got his fame in ancient greece." Mr. Ohana kept talking and talking and talking i looked the window the whole time. That section of history never interested me anyway, its boring.

"Blahblahblah swords, blahblahblahblah blah banahaha kimonos, blah blha blahblahblahblah Tiger, blahblah blah, war, blahblahblahblahblahblah evil twin blah blahblahblahblah blah. Blah. blahblahblahhhhhhhhhhhhh….. Karma The White Tiger blah blah blah blahhblahblah Justice the Black Panthar." my head snapped back to Mr. Ohana who was staring at me. He turned away and continued his lesson. "Karma and Justice are the only sons ever born to Athena at least in the current records, in ancient greece they were the only ones who ever took down a whole army of professionally trained soldiers with only himself his twin and 5 others. His twin Justice the Black Panthar, a son of Hades, and twins a daughter and a son of Apollo, as well as a son of Hephestus and a daughter of Aphrodite."

No… Mr. Ohana continues on. "He was never defeated, though at the end during one of his greatest battles yet he suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing but a promise to come back once the World was in peril. His twin lost in grief of losing his brother dissapeared and he never returned."

Jackson raised his hand and Mr. ohana nodded at him. "How come he was called The White Tiger, and his twin the Black Panthar??" Mr. Ohana smiled and answered, "Karma was called The White Tiger because he had this very interesting feature about his face and hair, his hair was always slicked back and the color was black at the roots and turned to white, like the stripes of a tiger."

"His twin never made it into the records so we have no idea what he looked like or his personality. It will most likely remain one of the Worlds biggest mystery."

i sigh in disinterest again and turn my head to the window again.

"Karma's eyes is what is most noticeable though. Legends say if you looked into his emerald green eyes you would be so scared you would wet your pants, and there are many legends about his eyes but there is one thing that they all share."

The whole class leans forward eager to hear what it could possibly be. They are the eyes of a beast, and according to some they carry a curse called, The Curse of Thanos." under my foggy glasses i could feel my eyes shifting and itching. Without thinking i slip off my glasses and the itchiness slipped away as i stare at Mr. Ohana and his mouth gaped. He quickly closed it and said,

"That is all for today your all dismissed. Except for you Winchester. I need to talk to you." the class caught his drift and they all disappeared into the hallway with the most speed as much as possible. Even Hugo left in a hurry even without a snarky remark.

I gulp, sweat pouring down my face, scared silly to think of what the conviction will be ahead of me.