
Twins Bond

Never feeling complete... A girl, Sakiko who had everything, mother father and twin elder siblings... Still, she felt incomplete... A boy, Sasuke who only had his mother, loses her but not before she revealed the truth to him. He had a sister somewhere in that city and she was not his real mother... There was always something missing... But what could that be? As fate would have it, they met, hands accidentally touching... A feeling that could not be explained. By and by they got to know each other and a love never meant to be as it was, became... Soon the truth was found... But was it really the truth? Or one they were led to believe. If it was the latter, what then was the all-time big truth and how would it affect their lives? Would it bring their love closer or would it shatter what took them several years to endure and create? Was it a shimmer of hope in the disguise of an impediment or was it all they had hoped and wished for? Join Sakiko and Sasuke on their journey to discover the all-time, big truth. ------------------------------------------- Cover page not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. You can message me on discord @ #BaeVida7167 Join my discord for update and discussion. https://discord.gg/Y7raKku Thanks.

BaeVida · Teen
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


When they closed, Sasuke and Sakiko waits close to the Reverend Father's car.

"Mari chan, Ayumi-chan, Reina, Sachi, Noriko, everyone, thank you so much and goodbye. See you on Monday" Sakiko waved her classmates bye with a smile on her face.

"Bye, do take care and be fine" they chorused as they left.

"You're loved, especially your classmates. It's nice".

"We love ourselves honey. Hey Father Tanaka is coming".

He press the button on his car key and the car unlocks, they open the doors and got in.

"Where is your house located at?".

She tells him, "Wow, I never knew. I used to visit that place to see a friend. Who knew you were down the street".

"Really? How come I never saw you?".

"I don't know" he looks ahead, "Rest on my laps".

"No, and why?" Father Tanaka smiles, "Why?" She asked again.

"Because of that" he said pointing to a turn, " Once the car passes there your head would hit the chair in front and you would surely rest on my lap. Don't think of belting up now".

"Nice try, I would take my chances".

Immediately the car turns, she hits her head forward and felt dizzy and fell on his lap.

"Ohh my goodness" she tries getting up.

"Don't look now because" before he finished talking, she raised her head and the car takes another turn and the she hit her head again and fell on his lap.

"I said don't look. You're going to have quite an injury today, so if you don't want that happening, stay low and rest on my lap".

"You say it like it's an easy thing to do".

"Huhh, yes it is".

"Its not proper to rest on the lap of a boy" it happens again and she hits her head, "okay I'll do it" they all burst into laughter.

"Next time don't forget to put your seat belt on" Father Tanaka reminded her.

"Yes Father".

Almost getting to her house she sat up and broke the silence.

"Where are you going to from my place?".

"The hospital to see my mum" he looks at her, "I know, she's dead and all but I want to see her".

"Okay, can I come with you?".

"I do not know but... " Father Tanaka cuts him short.

"No, you need to rest and take care of your health".

"All right, that means I'll see you on Monday then".

"Don't frown, I'll tell you all about it".

"Thanks" she rests her head on his shoulder, "But don't go crying there. Just stay cool".

"How do you expect me not to cry? She was the only one I had".

"All right, cry if you want big baby" she laughs.

"We are here" Father Tanaka announced.

"Thank you Father, I'm grateful".

"Welcome, Sasuke accompany her to the door".

"Yes sir" they both alight from the car and walk into the compound. "Come on, take care of yourself. I'll miss you".

"Thanks you too, but control yourself there and cry well. Don't weep like a baby okay" she said teasing him a little.

"I'm not a baby" he laughs, "Come here" he draws her into his embrace. Bye, I'll call you".

"You don't have my number".

"I have my ways" he said.

"From my friends, register or what?

"Net, Facebook. Your number is there right?".

"Nope but I'll put it there for you to see".

"Just give me now".

"Yeah, better" she takes out a book and a pen and wrote her number for him. He takes it from her, hugs her and waved her goodbye.

"Later Love".

"Bye" she turns and went into the house.

As soon as she enters, she sees her siblings quickly sitting on the sofa.

"I'm home. Good afternoon Itachi, Itsumi".

"Afternoon" they both replied her while laughing.

"... ".