

The story is about a well known handsome gentleman who one day wakes up to a basket of two beautiful girls who not only leaves him wondering which lady he planted this seed in, but is also left with the worry of how he'll raise them while still struggling to find out why his current girlfriend just chose his friend over him. Yeni turns bright in studies but Jeni feels her body is the only thing she needed to be given to shake herself through the world. Mr. Obi stopped looking for a lover the minute his ex came back and said she chose his friend for she became obsessed with Mr. Flinch power to turn her in 360 degrees. Whatever she meant, even Mr. Obi didn't bother to ask.

Joy_Gitonga_5817 · Movies
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10 Chs

Trouble II

Yeni came home and found Jeni has just finished doing the chores and is already doing her assignment. She was very curious about what her sister was upto because like normal, Jeni is always the last to come at home. Immediately she gets to the house, she leaves her shoes outside, without even wanting to know who will wipe them, throws her bagpack to the chair and goes straight to bed. Yeni went to check on the shoes just to find them not there. She then went to the shoe rack just to find the shoes there well polished. She rushed to Jenis room just to find her asleep on her already done assignment. She knew better not to wake her up. Slowly, she went to do her assignments, put her shoes on her rack and prepared supper like normal. It was Friday and daddy never really came home early. She locked the house, put her favorite cartoon, Tom and Jerry and placed her cup of coffee on the table.

Early that morning, Yeni almost fell if it was not for daddy's hand which came just in time to hold her hand before she performed a complete summersault to the floor. "My daughter, please head to your bed," without much talk, Yeni didn't talk but just headed to her room. She never minded alot about her sister for she didn't know where else she could be if not in her room.

It was 8am in the morning when father came in but what father never asked Yeni was why he found the door open at the time he came back. He watched as Yeni walked to her room and he knew for sure the girl couldn't have even noticed if any stranger came in for she always slept like a baby. Father looked at the shoe rack and noted that Yenis favorite shoe wasn't there and that would cause more than good if he told her. Mr. Obi walked to the sisters room, opened her door slowly as if he still expected to find her daughter there, after his suspicions got a great tick, he slowly closed the door behind him and decided to take his shower.

Two hours had passed and the house was still silent until father came back to find the door locked and knew she was back. She was silently asleep on her bed, he decided to go make tea while she set around three hours for Yeni to wake up. He went to his room to take his nap .

It was around 3pm when Mr. Obi woke up to Yeni taking her bike. " Papa good afternoon, your lunch is ready." He nodded his head with a smile and motioned for her daughter to go have her ride. An hour later, Jeni woke up and found her father at the couch watching Kilele Massacre. An Italian movie which story was about a ruler who although had a corruption scandal was the best fit for the prime ministers position. "good afternoon my daughter, how was your sleep?," Jeni took the thermos to serve her tea and sat down before answering, " my night was wonderful papa". "very well, your sister has gone to ride her bike and she'll probably be back at around 5pm." She knew to show no care for that was the normal Saturday routine for Yeni. She saw her sisters favorite shoes on the doorstep, took the shoes and put them on the rack before trouble began. At 6pm daddy came back from his room dressed and ready to head out. "Help Yeni in cooking today my daughter." Jeni never heard a thing but since she saw her fathers mouth move, she nodded. Immediately father walked out, Jeni stood up and danced to Micheal Jacksons human nature currently playing behind her earphones. She rushed to her room and picked up her last roach just to start getting ready for the weekend mood vybe at State Channel. She placed the lighter down and opened the window, rushed to the kitchen, served herself the remaining food after father served his. Rushed to the toilet and sprayed the air freshener to the air coming from the opened window.

Yeni came back tired and sweaty, said hey to her sister and headed for her shower, Jeni was still watching State Channel when she saw an advertisement on the next examination date. She looked on the pile of books below the table and it doned on her that she's among the candidates sitting for her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. She looked at her calendar and looked over the three weeks remaining for them to sit for the first paper. Mathematics was the first paper, mathematics has always never been a walk in the park for Jeni but her sister was always among the top students and she knew that she had to make use of Yeni for the three weeks remaining. Father had promised them each different gifts based on their performance trend since the third month of the year and that year has been more of busy than dramatic for both of the girls. Father always kept his promise and the girls knew they had to ask for whatever there grades could afford. Mr. Obi had done great work raising her two girls to be focused and self determined. With the help of his sister, the principal of one of the best primary schools in the county, the two girls had visited more parks and vacation sites more than their classmates and so he never had a hard time in explaining to the girls their worth.