

The story is about a well known handsome gentleman who one day wakes up to a basket of two beautiful girls who not only leaves him wondering which lady he planted this seed in, but is also left with the worry of how he'll raise them while still struggling to find out why his current girlfriend just chose his friend over him. Yeni turns bright in studies but Jeni feels her body is the only thing she needed to be given to shake herself through the world. Mr. Obi stopped looking for a lover the minute his ex came back and said she chose his friend for she became obsessed with Mr. Flinch power to turn her in 360 degrees. Whatever she meant, even Mr. Obi didn't bother to ask.

Joy_Gitonga_5817 · Movies
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10 Chs

Private venue

The car was driven to a neighborhood the four never thought existed. It was a gated community with all kind of flashy lights. Jeni and Yeni tried to peer at every corner of the community. Yeni had the chance to have a glance of the houses. They weren't mansion like but they were all bungalows. Cleo got out of the car and went to open for the pink girl. She handed the keys to him, took her belongings excluding the bag which Yeni held tightly in case she thought of snatching it from her. She walked through the gate after a red uniformed guy opened it for her. Her temperature was taken and her hands were also sanitized before she could enter the premises. As the gate closed Cleo ignited the engine and they were off. "What a girlfriend you have there," Yeni said. "Girlfriend for who?* Cleo said as Tii released another laugh. She is just a girl who seriously crushed for me back in high school. She has always been on my back. I tried telling her that we can't be together but that lead to her parents visiting my mother and they even planned a vacation just for the two of us. Tii recalled how there is time the girl came to his place looking for Cleo so messed up and drunk. Cleo had no option but to sleep with her that night. The girl became so crazy that she cried everytime Cleo opted to sleep in another room. That was the time Cleo's room had just been rennovated and it still had the Cctv camera installed. I went to my father's room just to watch a free sinema. I could see how Cleo was in misery with the girl. The girl forced Cleo to sleep with his hands in her panties and she jumped on Cleo's lips forcing them to intertwine with hers. Cleo came to a quick stop before he hit a man who was drunk walking across the road. The man staggered away from the car before he was hit by a on coming speeding car. The four watched as the man was thrown to the air and fell on the road already dead. Cleo drove so fast as Yeni, Jeni and Tii were left looking behind. "People die that way," Cleo said. Jeni released a laugh as she urged Tii to continue with his story. Cleo put on the radio and urged for Tii not to continue. " Cleo never knew there was a Cctv camera in that room at that time and when he knew it he quickly plugged it out and cleared all the footage. The girl woke up to kissing Cleo so madly, Cleo flushed his eyes and held her mouth before anything could happen. He walked to my room to find me not there, he started calling me out and I just couldn't tell him that I've been watching them all this time. I quickly shut my father's laptop and pretended to be looking at some paperwork. Cleo knew his cousin to know what he was doiing for he went straight to open the laptop only to find Tyara removing his things. They sat and watched what the girl would do next. The girl went through Cleos phone before she headed to the bathroom. Cleo rushed to his room and unplugged the Cctv camera before his cousin saw the girl naked. He was so happy nothing had happened between the two for Tii was even capable of sharing the footage just for the fun of it. They got to home safe. They all headed to Tiis place as the celebration was still taking place. They found Mr. Obi and Mr. Finuo planning on where the reception will be and the four were shocked when they had their fathers saying that the wedding would be a private one and that the destination will be kept secret. "My ex wife is so weird and drama is the last thing we will want." Mr. Obi took off his spectacles and called for Yeni to serve their food. Yeni and Jeni served the two men their food as Tii and Cleo brought them their drinks. Visitors started going back to their houses. Yeni felt so tired and all she wanted was to have a rest before she ate anything. She went to their house, put on the television and called Jeni out when they saw the man they had saw being flown up by the speeding vehicle. Jeni told Yeni congratulations for achieving her target. Yeni smiled and congratulated Jeni who ignored her and headed to have a quick shower before she went back to Tiis house. "I told you that worrying about the pink girl being with Cleo is just a waste of your time sister," Yeni said as she handed her sister the hair dryer. Jeni took it as she held her sisters hair to straighten it. "I don't know about that Yeni, that girl seem to have all control over him that I don't even know if I should go anywhere close to him." Jeni was still doing her sisters hair when a base voice added. "you don't have to worry about her my dear." Jeni almost burnt herself as she turned to see Cleo winking at her. Cleo had come to invite the girls to their house tonight for supper and he added that their dad wasn't able to accommodate them in their private wedding but it's not that they were really interested in after all so Cleo said the nights of the wedding would be really fun for them. He said another of his cousin would be joining them. "My cousin is two years older than me and he's more freakier than I am. "He'll be arriving the day after tomorrow, he'll be coming with Tyara too." Jeni stopped combing Yenis hair as they both stared at Cleo. "Jim and Tyara have been friends more than I have known her and he doesn't know anyone else around. "Don't bring her, do you want me to run mad?" Jeni asked Cleo. "So you have anyone in mind. Jeni thought of her friend Jasmine but she wasn't comfortable having her around. Jasmine had issues and she would come to start crying of how she can't do anything especially if her boyfriend ain't around. "I guess there's no one else to call but her." "Well, sister I feel sorry for you." Cleo walked to Yeni and held her tightly. Yeni stood, took the comb from Jeni and moved to her room. Cleo turned Jeni to face her, slid a strad of hair from her face before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I don't know what I feel Cleo." Cleo pulled Jeni more closer than him, Jeni felt his scent and drew her lips towards his. Cleo wrapped his arms around her waist before Jeni jumped on his torso. Cleo kicked the door to close it and walked with Jeni to her bed. Cleo kissed Jeni as she released a mourn. Cleo slid his hand and squeezed one of Jenis breast. Jeni let go of Cleo's lips and slid her tongue behind his ear. Cleo sucked the left breast as his hand slowly grabbed her right ass. His hand roughly moved from her ass to her clit. She wriggled as she widened her legs slowly drifted apart. Jeni could feel Cleo's back fom sweat and she rubbed her hand so hard that she heard him release a small cry. Cleo rubbed her clit as he got hold of her lips. He let all her mourns sink into kisses he sucked her tongue, Cleo slowly turned Jeni such that Jeni almost suffocated when Cleo held her neck and raised her thighs, Cleo crawled on top of Jeni as he widened her legs, Jeni released a loud mourn under her pillow as Cleo thrust all his energy in. "sorry princess," Cleo held her by the waist as he slowly slid in, Jeni picked up Cleo's motion and threw her ass as Cleo rubbed her clit. Cleo's head was on Jenis back when he released a mourn. Jeni released her hands and they fell on the bed, Cleo hit Jenis left ass and slowly came out from her, he slid the condom and wrapped it before heading to the bathroom, Jeni watched Cleo moving to the bathroom and lay down for the next five minutes, she felt so exhausted. Cleo came out from the bathroom and saw Jeni still on bed eyes closed. He jumped on her, pulled her lips towards his and wrapped her legs around his torso. The two were so lost in themselves when Yeni came in and saw them half naked, she quickly closed the door. The two got out of each other, Jeni went to the bathroom as Cleo headed for their house. Yeni came to her sister when she was busy creating castles on her head. She smiled at her sister and left her for Cleo's house. Jeni put on her grey sweatpants and the hoodie she had given to Cleo the first time they met.