
Twin Mirror

Emma and Samuel were both sleeping until Emma heard a noise in the bathroom so she quietly walked to the bathroom trying not to wake up her brother Samuel. When she went in the bathroom she saw nothing behind the shower curtains so she looked in the medicine cabinet just to make sure it was not a rat or anything and there was still nothing until she looked in the mirror and her reflection looked odd so she got closer to it and it smiled and said hello Emma and Emma said in a scared tone wait but your me? Yes but a better version of you said her reflection and Emma said No im the original and her reflection said well that's not what your brother Samuel is going to think while aggressively pulling her into the mirror and switching sides with her and trapping her in the mirror erasing her mind and making her into a reflection the next day Samuel woke up looking at Emma's reflection trying to act like Emma but through the whole day Samuel noticed something was off about Emma AKA Emma's reflection. Ounce it hit night time Emma's reflection had a plan to get samuel to be a reflection so Emma's reflection woke up samuel and said hey samuel wake up I'm scared I heard something in the bathroom can you come with me and samuel said fine you baby what part did you hear it from and Emma's reflection pointed at the bath tub and as soon as samuel walked in the bathroom Emma's reflection slammed the door shut and locked it and Samuel's reflection ran out of the mirror and punched samuel in the face knocking him out and then his reflection  threw samuel in the mirror and made Samuel into a reflection so for the rest of the time samuel's reflection and Emma's reflection are living in Emma's and Samuel's parents house their parents will never know that their taking care of the wrong Emma and Samuel.