
Baby sister

Alina waved goodbye to Steve, their very handsome neighbour, with blue eyes, blonde hair and a fair face, and entered the living room where Alex and Max were sitting.

"You guys are still here?" she asked, crossing her arms.

Alex smiled and said, "I've still not introduced you guys. Max, this is Alina Swan, my baby sister. Alina, this is Max Hadum, my...."

Alex stumbled for words.

"Your boyfriend, I'm sure." Alina said.

Alex: "....."

Max: "...."

Alina unwrapped a lolipop and put it in her mouth. "Don't tell me you guys have already married?" she asked, looking at the surprised faces of Alex and Max.

"You....you can tell!?!?!?" Max stammered.

Alina rolled her eyes as she offered a lolipop to Max too, "What are you talking about?"

Max took the lolipop and looked at it weirdly, "About us dating. I meant."

"Anyone with eyes can see that." Alina said as she offered another lolipop to Alex, who shook his head.

"Yeah you hate sweets. Something is still the same at least." she said as she pocketed the lolipop as sat down facing the two of them.

Alina crossed her arms and pointed at Max, "Okay so you're dating my brother, but I still don't approve of you. Who are you?"

Max: "....."

Alina turned to Alex and said, "That's one strike. Two more and you'll be out of the house. What happened to you?"

Alex: "...."

Alina scowled, "Damn!! What are you guys? Dumb!?!?!? Second strike. Last question. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." Alex murmured.

Alina tilted her head, "A lie clearly. But at least you answered. Now tell me. What do you want from me?"

Max stood up as his temper flared, "What do you mean a lie!?!?!?! Do you have any idea what Alex has gone through!?!?! You just sit there questioning us? What kind of a sister are you!?!?!" Max panted as he finished.

Alina stared at him with humour in her brown eyes. "So you do speak! You're not dumb....but...." she was standing beside Max the next second and a small but sharp pocket knife was just inches away from Max's throat, "If you dare to yell at me again, I'll kill you." Alina's eyes as she said this narrowed, all sense of humour and light vanishing from them.

Max stood still like a statue, not daring to move. He somehow knew that this girl with a lolipop in her mouth would not hesitate to kill him if he moved.

"Alina please. You can't kill my boyfriend!!" Alex exclaimed.

Alina chuckled and the next second the knife and the pressure of Alina's presence vanished from over Max. He breathed a sigh of relief as Alina walked to the door.

"Do whatever you want. I'm not throwing you out. Not yet at least." Alina said. She then added turning to Alex, "I like him." And she vanished out of the door.

Alex asked after Alina was out of earshot, "What do you think of my baby sister?"

Max's breathing was still laboured as he replied, "I think that we'll be both dead before we can get her to listen to us."

Alex chuckled, "Don't worry. She's very quick to get angry, but she's just as quick to cool off. She'll probably have accepted you as her brother-in-law by dinner."