
Twin Dragon's Arcana

In a quiet town, Shosuke and Jin lead ordinary lives, marked by sibling rivalry and a bond forged through shared adventures. However, their world turns upside down when they discover a mysterious portal hidden in the depths of an ancient forest. Drawn by an irresistible force, they step through and find themselves in a realm unlike any they've ever imagined.

LeviathanDxD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Tremendous Battle

As they gazed upon the monstrous creature before them, Jin and Shosuke felt a wave of fear threaten to paralyze them. The beast was unlike any ogre they had encountered—towering, with dark skin and four glowing eyes that radiated malevolence. Its four massive arms flexed, each capable of crushing bones with ease. The ogre's roar reverberated through the cave, causing the very walls to tremble.

"Shosuke, this thing is enormous," Jin whispered, his voice barely audible over the echoing roar.

"I know," Shosuke replied, his eyes fixed on the beast. "We need a strategy. Quick."

They exchanged a series of rapid signals and nods, forming a plan. Shosuke would try to distract the monster, using his strength to keep it occupied, while Jin searched for a weakness.

"Ready?" Shosuke asked, gripping his sword tightly.

"Let's do this," Jin replied, nocking an arrow.

Shosuke charged forward, his sword flashing as he struck at the ogre. But the creature's hide was tough, and it easily deflected his blows. With a powerful swipe, it knocked Shosuke to the ground, stunning him.

"Shosuke!" Jin shouted, his eyes darting around for a vulnerable spot on the ogre. He fired a few arrows, but they barely scratched the beast's hide. Realizing his ranged attacks were ineffective, Jin decided to close the distance.

"Catch!" Shosuke yelled, tossing one of his daggers into the air.

Jin sprinted forward, catching the dagger mid-air. He circled around the ogre, hoping to catch it off guard. With a burst of speed, he leapt at the monster from behind, aiming for a critical strike. But the ogre anticipated his move, swatting him away effortlessly.

"Not good enough," Jin muttered, picking himself up.

Shosuke, back on his feet, took advantage of the distraction to deliver a quick, precise cut to the ogre's leg, leaving a thin line of blood.

"We need to work together," Shosuke called out.

"Agreed," Jin replied, readying his spear.

The brothers fought in tandem, their movements synchronized. Jin engaged the ogre, drawing its attention with swift spear strikes, while Shosuke focused on using his Thunderstrike Blade Style. His blows, while more powerful, were still not enough to bring the beast down.

"We're running out of time," Jin panted, barely dodging a crushing blow.

Shosuke saw his brother get thrown against the wall, coughing up blood. Rage filled him, and his eyes glowed with an intense blue light. His speed and strength nearly doubled.

"Jin!" Shosuke yelled in anger, his voice echoing through the cave.

Jin, fueled by his brother's determination, staggered to his feet. "Let's finish this."

The brothers launched a simultaneous attack. Jin's spear glowed as he channeled all his energy into a stunning strike, aiming for the ogre's chest. The beast roared, momentarily stunned.

"Now!" Jin shouted.

Shosuke's eyes blazed with fury as he unleashed an evolved form of his Phantom Dash—Thunderstrike. Lightning crackled around him as he dashed forward, cutting off one of the ogre's massive arms in a single, powerful slice.

The ogre screamed in agony, its bellow shaking the cave. While it was distracted, Jin focused all his remaining strength into his spear. With a primal scream, he drove the spear into the ogre's chest, piercing its heart.

The monster's roar turned into a gurgle as it collapsed, its immense body hitting the ground with a thunderous crash. Jin's spear was embedded in its chest, the creature's lifeblood seeping into the stone.

For a moment, the cave was silent. The brothers stood still, panting heavily, their eyes glowing with residual adrenaline.

Then, they looked at each other and started laughing, the tension breaking. "We did it," Shosuke said, still catching his breath.

"Yeah," Jin replied, pulling his spear from the ogre's chest. "We really did."

A gate appeared at the far end of the cave, shimmering with an otherworldly light. It seemed to be the exit.

"Let's get out of here," Shosuke suggested, feeling the exhaustion setting in.

They used their last potions to recover some of their strength and made their way out of the dungeon. Once outside, they found themselves near the river where they often rested.

Sitting by the water, they reflected on their journey. "We've come so far," Jin said, his voice soft.

"We have," Shosuke agreed. "And we're just getting started."

They shared a quiet, wholesome moment, the adrenaline still fading from their systems. Eventually, they made their way back to their hut, falling asleep almost immediately, their bodies and minds in desperate need of rest.

As they slept, the brothers dreamed of the challenges yet to come, knowing that together, they could face anything Elysium threw at them.