
Twin Dragon's Arcana

In a quiet town, Shosuke and Jin lead ordinary lives, marked by sibling rivalry and a bond forged through shared adventures. However, their world turns upside down when they discover a mysterious portal hidden in the depths of an ancient forest. Drawn by an irresistible force, they step through and find themselves in a realm unlike any they've ever imagined.

LeviathanDxD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Trial Of Determination

Jin and Shosuke pushed open the massive doors, revealing a dimly lit chamber. The air was thick with a putrid smell, and the brothers instinctively took defensive stances. From the shadows emerged a monstrous creature—a ginormous centipede spider. Its immense presence sent a chill down their spines.

"Stay sharp, Jin," Shosuke whispered, his eyes never leaving the creature.

The spider lunged at them with terrifying speed. They quickly realized that their weapons were barely scratching its steel-like exoskeleton.

"Nothing's working!" Jin shouted, dodging a swipe from one of its many legs.

"Keep fighting! We have no choice!" Shosuke replied, narrowly avoiding a spray of deadly acid.

The battle raged on, but the brothers were at a severe disadvantage. The spider's attacks were deadly, and it seemed impervious to their attacks. They were soon thrown against the dungeon walls, battered and exhausted.

Lying on the cold stone floor, Jin groaned. "This can't be it... we can't die here."

Shosuke, equally battered, clenched his fists. "No... we won't give up. Remember why we fight."

A flashback surged through their minds. They were back in their childhood, learning to hunt with their father. The scene was filled with laughter and sibling rivalry as they competed to see who could hunt better. Their father, patient and wise, watched over them with a smile. Later, their mother called them home for dinner, and they ran to her, enveloped in her loving embrace.

The warmth of the memory ignited a fire within them. They stood up, determination blazing in their eyes.

"For our family," Jin said, gripping his spear tightly.

"For everyone counting on us," Shosuke echoed, his sword crackling with renewed energy.

With renewed vigor, they charged at the monstrous spider. Their strikes became more precise, their movements more synchronized. The spider retaliated with its acid webs, but the brothers dodged with heightened senses and battle instinct.

"We fight for our goals! To survive!" Jin shouted, his spear thrusting with unyielding force.

"For the flames in our hearts!" Shosuke roared, his Thunderstrike glowing with intensity.

They fought with everything they had, pushing their bodies and minds to the limit. Each attack landed with more power, each dodge became swifter. They were turning into monsters themselves, driven by an unbreakable will.

Finally, their combined efforts paid off. They managed to pierce through the spider's tough skin. It screamed in agony, summoning minions in a desperate attempt to heal. But the brothers, undeterred, cut through the smaller creatures with ease and pressed their attack on the main target.

"Thunderstrike!" Shosuke shouted, channeling all his energy into his attack. The lightning from his blade caused the ground to tremble.

Sensing the danger, the spider attempted to escape. Shosuke's eyes glowed with murderous intent, and he charged forward, his most powerful Thunderstrike ready.

"You won't get away!" Shosuke yelled, piercing through the spider's heart with a strike so powerful that it disintegrated the creature into thin air.

The chamber fell silent, the oppressive presence lifted. Jin and Shosuke stood panting, their bodies battered but their spirits victorious.

"We did it," Jin said, a smile breaking through his exhaustion.

"Yeah," Shosuke replied, sheathing his sword. "We really did."

They collected themselves and looked around the now-quiet dungeon. The trial had tested them to their limits, but their determination and bond had seen them through. The brothers knew that whatever lay ahead, they would face it together, stronger and more determined than ever before.

As they were waiting for another portal to appear that would lead them out of the dungeon they suddenly notice that no portal appeared and that there was another gate further ahead...