
Twin Dragon's Arcana

In a quiet town, Shosuke and Jin lead ordinary lives, marked by sibling rivalry and a bond forged through shared adventures. However, their world turns upside down when they discover a mysterious portal hidden in the depths of an ancient forest. Drawn by an irresistible force, they step through and find themselves in a realm unlike any they've ever imagined.

LeviathanDxD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Rewards and Preparations

Before leaving the dungeon, Jin and Shosuke carefully collected the hide of the monstrous creature they had defeated. The hide was tough and dense, indicating its immense value. As dawn broke, they finally made their way back to their hut, exhaustion heavy in their bones.

Waking up at first light, they headed to the river for a much-needed wash. The cold water revived them, washing away the grime and sweat from the previous day's battle.

"Today is going to be a good day," Jin said, splashing water on his face.

"Definitely," Shosuke agreed, his eyes gleaming with confidence. "With the money we get, we can finally buy better gear and supplies."

They dried off and made their way back to town, lugging a massive bag filled with the ogre's hide. The weight of their haul was considerable, but their anticipation of the reward kept them moving.

As they entered the bustling marketplace, townspeople stopped and stared at the size of their bag.

"Look at that!" one man exclaimed. "What could they possibly have in there?"

The brothers made their way to the merchant, who looked up in surprise as they approached.

"Back again?" the merchant asked, eyes widening as he saw the size of their haul.

"We've got something special this time," Shosuke said with a grin, opening the bag to reveal the mutated ogre hide.

The merchant's jaw dropped. "A mutated ogre? Those are extremely rare and powerful!"

"Yes, and it wasn't easy to defeat," Jin added, wiping his brow.

After examining the hide, the merchant nodded, impressed. "This is top quality. I'll give you 1500 gold pieces for it."

Jin and Shosuke exchanged triumphant looks as they accepted the payment. Just as they were about to leave, Faye appeared, her expression a mix of surprise and suspicion.

"You two again," she said, eyeing the brothers. "I heard about the mutated ogre. How did you manage to defeat it alone?"

"It wasn't easy," Shosuke replied with his unmatched ego, his tone respectful but firm. "We worked together and used every bit of our strength and strategy."

Faye narrowed her eyes. "I warned you about the dungeon. Why did you ignore me?"

Jin shrugged, a small grin on his face. "We had to prove ourselves. And we did."

Faye sighed, her annoyance evident. "Just be careful. The dangers in Elysium are not to be taken lightly."

"We understand," Shosuke assured her. "Thank you for the warning."

With their new wealth, the brothers headed to the blacksmith's shop. There, they purchased beautifully crafted weapons—Jin selected a finely made bow and a set of arrows, while Shosuke picked out a pair of well-balanced daggers and a new longsword. The steel gleamed, a testament to their superior quality.

They also bought new clothes and supplies, ensuring they were well-prepared for whatever lay ahead. As they finished their shopping, a townsman approached them.

"I heard about your exploits," he said. "I have a larger house near the town. It's available if you can provide for it monthly."

Jin and Shosuke exchanged glances, their excitement barely contained. "We'll take it," Shosuke said, shaking the man's hand.

They moved into their new house later that day. It was spacious, with enough room for training and storage. The brothers explored their new home, feeling a sense of achievement.

"We're really making progress," Jin said, sitting on a comfortable chair.

"Yes, but we can't get complacent," Shosuke replied. "We need to keep training and prepare for the upcoming threat to Eldoria."

The next day, they returned to town, seeking out Faye. They found her in the town square, discussing preparations with the elders.

"Faye," Jin called out as they approached. "We want to help with the upcoming threat."

Faye turned to them, her expression skeptical. "You two have proven yourselves capable, but this threat is serious. Are you sure you're ready?"

"We are," Shosuke said confidently. "We've trained hard, and we're willing to do whatever it takes to protect Eldoria."

Faye studied them for a moment before nodding. "Alright. But be aware, this isn't just about strength. Strategy and understanding your enemy are crucial."

"Understood," Jin replied. "Can you tell us more about sorcerers? We've heard about sorcerers and are curious."

Faye's expression softened slightly as she explained. "Sorcerers are rare and powerful. We channel elemental magic, which requires intense training and natural talent. My specialty is fire, but there are others with different elements."

"That's incredible," Shosuke said, genuinely impressed. "Thank you for sharing."

After their conversation with Faye, the brothers returned home and spent the day training. Jin focused on his bow skills, testing his improved sight and precision and his spear, while Shosuke worked on his stamina and strength, practicing his new fighting style—Thunderstrike Blade Style.

By the end of the day, they were exhausted but satisfied with their progress. They sat by the river, enjoying the peaceful evening.

"We've come a long way," Jin said, looking at the setting sun.

"And we have a long way to go," Shosuke replied, his eyes reflecting determination. "But we're ready for whatever comes next."

The brothers returned to their home, prepared for another day of training and monster hunting. They knew the path ahead was fraught with danger, but together, they were unstoppable.