
Twin Dragon's Arcana

In a quiet town, Shosuke and Jin lead ordinary lives, marked by sibling rivalry and a bond forged through shared adventures. However, their world turns upside down when they discover a mysterious portal hidden in the depths of an ancient forest. Drawn by an irresistible force, they step through and find themselves in a realm unlike any they've ever imagined.

LeviathanDxD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Dungeon's Call

Two days had passed since Shosuke and Jin last encountered Faye. In that time, they had grown not only physically but also in their understanding of the new world they inhabited. The forest had become a second home to them, a place of daily battles and valuable discoveries.

"This place never ceases to amaze me," Jin remarked as they wandered through the forest, gathering herbs and flowers.

Shosuke nodded, carefully picking a bright red flower. "These herbs will make some potent recovery potions. We need every advantage we can get."

Herbs and Flowers were used for potions such as Recovery Potions.

They spent the morning collecting enough herbs for three recovery potions. With their daily monster hunts, they had also amassed another fifty gold coins. Returning to Eldoria, they sold the herbs to the local apothecary and had the potions crafted.

"These will come in handy," Jin said, pocketing the vials.

Their next stop was the weaponsmith. With their gold, they bought a sharp-edged spear for Jin and a finely crafted longsword for Shosuke. After spending most of their money, they had only ten gold pieces left, which they used to buy food and other nessecary needs.

As they wandered the town, they noticed Faye speaking with a local about a sudden dungeon that was located to the east of the forest. They overheard their conversation and decided to take notes.

"Dungeon monsters are worth more gold than the creatures in the forest," Jin noted. "Maybe we should check it out."

Shosuke nodded. "If we can find it, we might earn enough gold to get better gear and supplies."

With their curiosity piqued, they ventured back into the forest, using a compass to guide them eastward. After about an hour of searching, they saw a faint, shimmering portal ahead.

"That's it," Jin said, his eyes lighting up. "It's just like my favorite Manhwa... Duo Leveling!"

Shosuke takes a deep breath having to hear Jin talk about his love for Duo Leveling once again. "How are we even sure that this is the Dungeon?"

"Trust me. It is." Jin said, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder looking excited at him.

Shosuke looked at the portal, a mix of excitement and caution in his gaze. "We need to be careful. Dungeons are dangerous."

They stepped through the portal and found themselves in a dimly lit cave. The air was thick with tension, and the sound of distant creatures echoed through the cavern.

"Stay close," Shosuke whispered, drawing his sword.

As they ventured deeper into the dungeon, they heard the guttural sounds of goblins. The creatures emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with malice.

"Here they come," Jin said, his spear at the ready.

The battle was fierce. The goblins were stronger and more agile than the creatures they had faced in the forest. Shosuke and Jin fought valiantly, their eyes glowing with adrenaline-enhanced focus. Each swing of Shosuke's sword and thrust of Jin's spear was precise and deadly, but the goblins' relentless attacks wore them down.

"We can't keep this up forever," Shosuke panted, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Use a potion," Jin suggested, tossing him one.

They quickly downed their potions, feeling their strength and stamina return. Despite their renewed vigor, the dungeon grew more perilous as they ventured further. The goblins became more numerous and stronger, their attacks leaving cuts and bruises on the brothers.

"We need to retreat," Shosuke said, his voice filled with urgency. "We're not ready for this."

Jin nodded reluctantly. "Agreed. Let's get out of here."

They fought their way back to the entrance, narrowly escaping with their lives. Though exhausted and wounded, they managed to return to Eldoria with a significant haul of goblin hides and other valuable items.

The townspeople were astonished by their catch. "You two are something else, Goblin Hide is a very rare catch," the merchant said, counting out 250 gold pieces.

"Thanks," Jin replied, though his exhaustion was evident.

With their earnings, they bought new armor: sturdy common armor perfect for weapon wielders. As they left the shop, they felt a sense of accomplishment, despite their earlier retreat.

Their joy was interrupted by Faye, who approached them with a curious look. "I heard about your haul. How did you get Goblin Hide and other items from the dungeon? You are only mere commoners. Or are you?"

"We ventured into the dungeon and fought the monsters," Shosuke explained, meeting her gaze.

Faye's expression was a mix of curiosity and concern. "That was reckless. You could have been killed."

"We managed," Jin said confidently.

Faye shook her head. "You were lucky. Dungeons are no place for inexperienced adventurers. Promise me you won't go back there."

Shosuke and Jin exchanged a glance. "We promise," Shosuke said, though both knew they were not planning to keep it.

As Faye walked away, they headed back to their cottage, ignoring her warning. They knew the risks, but the lure of the dungeon and the promise of greater rewards were too tempting to resist. They would train harder and return, more prepared than before, to conquer the challenges that awaited them.