
Twin Dragon's Arcana

In a quiet town, Shosuke and Jin lead ordinary lives, marked by sibling rivalry and a bond forged through shared adventures. However, their world turns upside down when they discover a mysterious portal hidden in the depths of an ancient forest. Drawn by an irresistible force, they step through and find themselves in a realm unlike any they've ever imagined.

LeviathanDxD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Into The Unknown

Shosuke and Jin stood side by side, staring at the monstrous creature that loomed before them. The world around them, Elysium, was a vibrant and lush place, but danger was immediate and real. The creature, a hulking beast with scales like armor and teeth like daggers, roared, its eyes fixed on its prey.

"Ready, Jin?" Shosuke asked, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He glanced at his younger twin, noticing in his transformed appearance. Jin's once-brown eyes now glowed a fierce red, and his hair, styled in a wolf cut, framed his face with a wild, untamed look. He held a spear, its blade sharp and gleaming in the light.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jin replied, his grip tightening on his spear. He looked at Shosuke, who had also changed. Shosuke's black hair contrasted sharply with his now-blue, glowing eyes, and he held a long sword, its edge honed to perfection.

The beast lunged, and the brothers sprang into action. Shosuke moved with the precision of a seasoned warrior, his sword slicing through the air. He aimed for the creature's vulnerable spots, his attacks quick and deliberate.

"Watch its left side!" Shosuke shouted, noticing a weak spot in the creature's scales.

Jin nodded, darting to the beast's left flank. He thrust his spear forward, the blade piercing through the creature's tough hide. The beast roared in pain, swinging its massive tail in a wide arc. Jin leaped back, narrowly avoiding the blow.

"Nice one, Jin!" Shosuke called out, taking advantage of the distraction to land a powerful strike on the creature's exposed side.

The battle raged on, the brothers moving in perfect harmony. Shosuke's swordsmanship and Jin's agility with the spear complemented each other, their attacks relentless and coordinated. The creature, though formidable, was no match for their combined strength and skill.

With a final, synchronized strike, Shosuke's sword and Jin's spear found their marks, piercing the creature's heart. The beast let out a final, ear-splitting roar before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

Breathing heavily, Shosuke and Jin exchanged victorious smiles. "We did it," Jin said, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Yeah," Shosuke agreed, sheathing his sword. "But we can't let our guard down. There could be more of them."

As they defeated the monstrious creature their once-glowing eyes returned to normal. Not only in their eyes but in their physique they could also notice a difference. 

As the adrenaline of the fight faded, the brothers took in their surroundings. Elysium was a place of breathtaking beauty, with towering trees, vibrant flora, and a sky that seemed to shimmer with ethereal light. But it was also a place fraught with unknown dangers. The mysterious figure faded into the abyss...

"We should explore," Jin suggested. "Find out more about this world."

Shosuke nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Agreed. Maybe we can find someone who can tell us where we are and how to get back home."

Jin stopped in his footsteps and looks confused at his older brother. "Go back home? Really? I want to stay here." 

"We are setting ourselves into danger and we know nothing about this world. If it wasn't for our hunting skills we would've died just earlier!" Shosuke said, being cautious but concerned.

Jin slightly grins as he was filled with adrenaline and excitement. "You're right. But do you really wanna return to our old world? Think of all the possibilities! We have only been here for a few minutes and we even have glowing eyes some how!?"

Shosuke was lost in his thoughts. Being concerned for his brother and of all the people he would leave behind following this new dangerous path. "For now, let's just focus on exploring and learning more of this mysterious world. I also want you to stay close to me."

"Alright then brother." said Jin, being filled with adrenaline and happiness.

The brothers set off, navigating through the dense forest until they reached a path that led to a small town nestled in a valley. The town was bustling with activity, its streets lined with vendors selling various goods and townsfolk going about their daily lives.

"Let's see if we can get some information here," Shosuke said, leading the way into the town. They approached a market stall, where a merchant was displaying an array of fruits and vegetables.

"Excuse me," Jin said, trying to get the merchant's attention. "Can you tell us where we are?"

The merchant looked at them curiously. "You're in Eldoria, one of the towns in Elysium. You two don't look like you're from around here."

"We're not," Shosuke admitted. "We just arrived and we're trying to find our bearings."

The merchant nodded sympathetically. "Well, welcome to Eldoria. You'll need gold to make any purchases here, though. Do you have any?"

The brothers exchanged a glance. "No, we don't," Shosuke replied. "Is there any way we can earn some?"

The merchant thought for a moment. "There are always people looking for help with various tasks. You might be able to find work at the town square. But be careful—Elysium can be a dangerous place for newcomers."

Shosuke leaves out a deep sigh of disappointment as he was being told to work to earn gold. Unlike Jin, Shosuke was the pinnacle of laziness. "Great." Shosuke said with an annoyed look.

"Thank you," Jin said, giving the merchant a grateful nod.

As they made their way to the town square, Shosuke turned to Jin. "Looks like we've got a lot to figure out. But we'll get through this together."

"Yeah," Jin agreed, a determined look in his suddenly glowing red eyes. "Together."

The brothers continued their journey, ready to face whatever challenges Elysium had in store for them. They knew that their bond would be their greatest strength in this new and perilous world.