
Twin Dragon's Arcana

In a quiet town, Shosuke and Jin lead ordinary lives, marked by sibling rivalry and a bond forged through shared adventures. However, their world turns upside down when they discover a mysterious portal hidden in the depths of an ancient forest. Drawn by an irresistible force, they step through and find themselves in a realm unlike any they've ever imagined.

LeviathanDxD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A New Portal

As another day passed, Jin, Shosuke, and Shoto continued their journey. Shosuke had bought a vial of poison, convinced it would be valuable for combating stronger opponents. Jin raised an eyebrow as Shosuke tucked the vial into his belt.

"You're really serious about this poison, huh?" Jin remarked.

"Every edge counts, Jin. We can't afford to be careless," Shosuke replied.

They continued arguing playfully as they walked, the path winding through dense forests and rocky terrain. Suddenly, they met a gaze upon a mysterious gate, similar to the one from a while ago where the brothers fought in a dungeon.

"Is that... another dungeon?" Shosuke asked, eyes wide with curiosity and apprehension.

"It looks like it," Jin replied, stepping closer to examine the gate.

Before they entered, they took stock of their supplies, ensuring they had enough potions and food.

"Shoto, you stay here and look after the horses and supplies," Shosuke instructed.

"But I want to come with you!" Shoto protested.

"Not this time. We need someone to watch our backs out here," Jin said firmly.

Reluctantly, Shoto nodded. "Alright, but be careful."

Jin and Shosuke approached the portal, their weapons ready. As they stepped through, they felt a familiar but intensified sense of dread. The air was thick, almost suffocating, and they could sense a monstrous presence lurking within.

"This place feels even more dangerous than the last dungeon," Jin noted, gripping his spear tightly.

"Stay sharp," Shosuke replied, eyes scanning the surroundings. "We need to be ready for anything."

As they ventured deeper, they realized the dungeon resembled a small castle. Stone walls lined with eerie torches created an ominous atmosphere.

"Think the final boss is in there?" Jin asked, nodding towards the castle.

"Probably," Shosuke replied. "Let's be careful."

They advanced cautiously, their enhanced eyes and ears alert for any signs of danger. Before they could prepare further, a swarm of monsters ambushed them. These creatures were significantly stronger than the ogres they had previously faced.

"Here we go!" Jin shouted, launching into action with his spear.

Shosuke quickly applied poison to his sword, creating a deadly edge. "Let's show them what we've got!"

With their weapon techniques, they fought back against the monsters. Jin's spear pierced through the hearts of their enemies with precision, while Shosuke's Thunderstrike decapitated several monsters at once. They moved in perfect harmony, covering each other's backs and switching weapons as needed.

Shosuke's eyes glowing fiercely as he unleashed his evolved technique.

Jin followed suit, his spear moving like a blur as he took down one monster after another.

The monsters were not only facing the brothers' formidable combat skills but were also slowly weakened by Shosuke's poison. Their strength waned, making it easier for Jin and Shosuke to dispatch them.

"They're losing strength," Jin observed, dodging a clawed swipe and countering with a deadly thrust.

"Perfect," Shosuke replied with a grin, his sword flashing through the air.

The brothers advanced further into the dungeon, their confidence growing with each step. They fought tirelessly, their movements fluid and synchronized. Each monster that fell only fueled their determination.

"We're getting closer," Jin said, panting slightly from the exertion.

"Yeah, but we can't let our guard down," Shosuke replied, wiping sweat from his brow.

They continued through the winding halls of the castle, the atmosphere growing more oppressive. Every corner seemed to hold a new threat, but the brothers faced each challenge head-on, their bond and skill unshakeable.

"Ready for whatever comes next?" Jin asked, his eyes meeting Shosuke's.

"Always," Shosuke replied, a determined smile on his face.

They pressed on, not knowing what awaited them deeper in the dungeon, but certain of one thing: together, they could face any challenge.

As they reached a massive set of doors, they paused, taking a deep breath.

"This is it," Jin said, gripping his spear tightly.

"Let's finish this," Shosuke replied, pushing the doors open.