
Twin Dragon's Arcana

In a quiet town, Shosuke and Jin lead ordinary lives, marked by sibling rivalry and a bond forged through shared adventures. However, their world turns upside down when they discover a mysterious portal hidden in the depths of an ancient forest. Drawn by an irresistible force, they step through and find themselves in a realm unlike any they've ever imagined.

LeviathanDxD · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A New Journey

With Eldoria safe and secure, Jin and Shosuke decided it was time to move on. They gathered the spoils of their battles, sorting through the monster hides, teeth, and various other items they had collected. The merchant was more than happy to purchase their loot, and they walked away with a huge amount of gold.

"We're rich!" Jin exclaimed, holding up a heavy bag of gold coins.

"Yeah, but let's not get too carried away," Shosuke replied with a grin. "We still have a journey ahead of us."

They packed their belongings, ensuring they had enough food and supplies for the road. As they made their way through Eldoria one last time, the villagers gathered to bid them farewell. The merchant, who had profited greatly from their heroics, offered them a generous discount on their purchases.

"Thank you for everything!" one villager shouted.

"We'll miss you!" another cried out. Even while they were busy training and practicing their arts they would oftenly talk with the villagers in the past and build connections.

Jin and Shosuke waved goodbye, their hearts filled with a mixture of sadness and excitement. They had heard rumors of another town further west, high in the mountains, where legendary swordsmanship masters were said to reside. Intrigued by the prospect of further honing their skills, the brothers set their sights on this new destination.

"We should get a mount for the journey," Jin suggested. "It'll make the trip faster and easier."

They found a stable and purchased two sturdy horses, paying the man in gold. With their supplies packed and their mount ready, they set off towards the west. The trip was expected to take several days, but they were prepared for the journey.

The first day of travel was relatively uneventful. They encountered a few monsters along the way, but nothing they couldn't handle. As the sun began to set, they found a suitable spot to set up camp. They had purchased enough goods and materials to survive the night comfortably.

As they sat by the campfire, enjoying a warm meal, they heard the sound of men fighting in the distance. Jin and Shosuke exchanged a glance, both immediately alert.

"Sounds like trouble," Jin said, standing up.

"Let's check it out," Shosuke replied, grabbing his long sword.

They followed the noise and soon came upon a boy surrounded by several bandits. The boy was clearly outnumbered and struggling to defend himself.

"Looks like he could use some help," Jin observed.

"Let's go," Shosuke said, charging forward.

The bandits were taken by surprise as the brothers attacked. Jin used his spear to disarm and incapacitate several of them, while Shosuke's swift sword strikes took down the rest. Within moments, the bandits were either unconscious or fleeing for their lives.

The boy, breathing heavily, looked at his saviors with wide eyes. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" he cried, tears streaming down his face. He had short brown hair, and simple commoner clothing.

"No problem," Shosuke said, sheathing his sword. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, thanks to you," the boy replied. "My name is Shoto. I... I was just trying to get home when they attacked me."

"Nice to meet you, Shoto. I'm Jin, and this is my brother Shosuke," Jin said, patting the boy on the back. "You're safe now. Though, you look like you are our age."

Shoto wiped his tears, still sniffling. "I don't know how to thank you enough. You saved my life!"

Jin laughed. "Just try to stay out of trouble next time."

The brothers searched the fallen bandits, taking their belongings and money. "Looks like we've got a bit more gold," Shosuke said with a grin.

They returned to their camp with Shoto, who was still in awe of their skills. As they sat by the fire, Shoto couldn't stop talking about how amazing the brothers were.

"You guys are incredible! I've never seen anyone fight like that!" he exclaimed.

Shoto's admiration was clear, and he seemed eager to learn more about them. "Where are you headed?" he asked.

"There's a town in the mountains to the west," Shosuke explained. "We've heard there are legendary swordsmanship masters there, and we want to learn from them."

"That sounds amazing," Shoto said, his eyes shining with excitement. "I wish I could come with you."

"You've got your own journey to complete," Jin said kindly. "But maybe you could come with us."

Shoto nodded, looking determined. "I hope so. And I hope I'll be strong enough to help someone like you helped me."

The brothers and Shoto spent the rest of the evening talking and sharing stories. When it was time to sleep, they made sure the camp was secure and took turns keeping watch.

As dawn broke, they packed up their camp and prepared to continue their journey. Shoto thanked them again, hugging each of them tightly.

"Good luck on your journey, Shoto," Shosuke said, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Thank you, Shosuke. And good luck to you both," Shoto replied, waving as he started on his way.

The brothers mounted their horse and headed west, their spirits high. The encounter with Shoto had reminded them of the importance of their journey and the impact they could have on others.

As they traveled through the day, they talked about their plans and what they hoped to achieve. The mountains loomed in the distance, promising new challenges and adventures.

"We've come a long way," Jin said, looking at the horizon.

"And we've got a long way to go," Shosuke replied, determination in his voice.

They smiled at each other, ready for whatever lay ahead. Their journey was just beginning, and they were prepared to face whatever challenges came their way, together.