
Twin Demons of Tekkaden: Gundam IBO FanFic

It's a Fanfic of Gundam Ibo where Mc is the twin brother of Mikazuki Augus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check it out. I am way to lazy to write a Sypnosis.

Royan_the_Great · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

18:- Insignia

As Ichiro crouched low in the tall grass, hidden from the prying eyes of Gjallarhorn officials , he couldn't help but feel a sense of tension in the air. He was not alone in this, beside him, concealed amidst the foliage, was Bladwin.

Their breaths were slow and steady, matching the rhythm of the rustling leaves in the gentle Martian breeze. "You know them Bladwin" asked Ichiro.  It was time for Bladwin to share vital information and Ichiro's attention was fully focused on his companion.

Bladwin's voice was hushed, his words carrying the weight of secrecy. "My name is Crank Zent," he began, introducing himself with a sense of determination. "I was once a Gjallarhorn officer, but that part of my life is now hidden behind a mask."

Ichiro nodded in acknowledgment, fully aware of the risks Crank had taken by revealing his true identity to him and Tekkadan. He knew that Crank's desire for redemption and a fresh start had led him down this path.

"And the man with him," Crank continued, his gaze shifting toward the direction of the Gjallarhorn officials, "is McGillis Fareed, a high-ranking member of Gjallarhorn. He's a man of ambition and cunning, someone who seeks to reform the organization from within."

Ichiro's brows furrowed slightly at the mention of McGillis. The situation had taken a complex turn, and the presence of such influential figures only added to the stakes. He had a growing sense that their encounter with McGillis and Gaelio was far from coincidental.

"And Gaelio Bauduin," Crank continued, "Is McGillis's loyal comrade and a fellow Gjallarhorn officer and also his Brother-In-Law. He's a skilled pilot and someone who holds McGillis in high regard."

Ichiro absorbed the information, understanding the importance of knowing their adversaries. McGillis and Gaelio were not to be underestimated, and their true intentions remained shrouded in mystery.

Ichiro looked at Bladwin, his expression tense, as they crouched in the concealment of the tall grass. The situation had become increasingly complicated, with not only Bladwin but also Fumitan and Kudelia hiding nearby, all of them evading the watchful gaze of Gjallarhorn.

Bladwin's voice remained low and cautious as he asked, "Do you know where Fumitan and Kudelia are? We need to ensure their safety."

Ichiro nodded, indicating that he had knowledge of their whereabouts. "They're concealed under a bush not far from here," he whispered, his eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure their secrecy remained intact.

Meanwhile, further down the path, Biscuit, Mikazuki, and the others were engaged in a conversation with the Gjallarhorn officials who had narrowly avoided a collision with Cookie and Cracker earlier. The tension in the air was palpable as apologies were exchanged, and explanations were given for the near miss.


As the Gjallarhorn officials departed and the immediate tension subsided, Ichiro approached Biscuit, his curiosity piqued. He had been keeping a close watch on the situation from his concealed position, but now he needed to know the details of their conversation with the officials.

With a cautious glance around to ensure their privacy, Ichiro asked Biscuit, "What were they asking you? Did they suspect anything?"

Biscuit turned to Ichiro, his expression serious. "They were mostly asking about the recent battle and any information we might have about it. But I played it cool, told them there's a paramilitary organization near by it must have been their training and don't know much about the bigger picture. They seemed satisfied with that."

Ichiro nodded, relieved that their cover had held. "Good work, Biscuit. We can't afford any slip-ups with Gjallarhorn around. Keep an eye out for any further inquiries or unusual activities."

Biscuit gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Ichiro. We've got this under control."

Ichiro asked Biscuit again. "Biscuit, did you hear what McGillis said about Mikazuki's Alaya-Vijnana system?"

Biscuit nodded, wearing a thoughtful expression. "Yeah, he seemed quite interested in it. Mentioned that Mikazuki could be a great soldier."

Ichiro mulled over the implications of this statement. It wasn't just idle praise; McGillis' interest in Mikazuki's abilities could have far-reaching consequences.



Mikazuki and the rest of Tekkadan returned to their base, they were greeted by an unexpected yet heartwarming sight. A new logo for Tekkadan adorned their headquarters, proudly displayed for all to see. It was a symbol of new beginnings, hope, and unity.

The Insignia, a striking red flower, had been thoughtfully designed by none other than Ride Moss, one of their own. It was a simple yet powerful image, representing growth and strength rising from adversity. The members of Tekkadan had faced countless challenges and hardships, and this symbol reminded them of their resilience and determination to forge their path.

The sight of the new logo filled everyone on the base with excitement and pride. It was a visual representation of their shared journey, a testament to their camaraderie, and a promise of better days ahead. The spirit of Tekkadan was encapsulated in that red flower, a beacon of hope in their harsh Martian world.

"Mika, Ichiro we're going to protect this." said Orga. "Right." said Mikazuki. Ichiro nodded at Orga's determination.

Biscuit, always the cheerful one, couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "Ride did an amazing job with this design. It represents us perfectly!"

Ride Moss, the young artist behind the logo, took pride at the compliment. "I wanted it to symbolize our determination and growth, something we can all be proud of."

Mikazuki, the quiet and stoic one, observed the emblem with his usual calm demeanor. He didn't say much, but his presence spoke volumes.

Bladwin, who had recently become a part of Tekkadan, watched the scene with interest. "It's a striking logo. I can see why it means so much to all of you."

Ichiro, standing beside Bladwin, nodded in agreement. "It's more than just a symbol."

The sight of the new logo filled Everyone present with a sense of purpose and determination.


