
Twin's Secret

Determined to uncover the truth about Hiroto Anzai, Fumiko accepts a risky challenge from her news company, putting her career and safety on the line. It explores her motivations, her bond with Akie, and her unwavering resolve as she attempts to infiltrate the Anzai Group and expose its secrets.A secret lies within her challenge: the resemblance between Haru and Akie, of which she is unaware. Where will this secret lead Fumiko in her connection with Hiroto Anzai? What is the secret Hiroto Anzai is desperately hiding? Who is the mysterious boy Haru, and what connection does he have to Anzai and Fumiko? Will Fumiko persevere and find a way to expose the truth despite the dangers involved?

Agnst_Ella · Urban
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20 Chs

Unraveling Lies

"Did anything come out in the news?" Hiroto asked his assistant about the rumors.

"No, sir! There's nothing going on in the media right now. I think you're being overly skeptical of this situation. What if the woman has no such intention and you're jumping to conclusions? Wouldn't you be embarrassed if you reacted this way?" the assistant advised.

"I wouldn't be embarrassed because I know these types of women. They're all the same, chasing money and trying to get close to rich men to exploit them." Hiroto said, circling a paperweight on his desk.

"Sir, not everyone is like that. I've met people who see the good in others and offer their services to make a living," the assistant added.

"Are you saying I'm wrong?" Hiroto demanded, looking up with a cold stare.

"No, sir, I apologize if I overstepped my bounds," the assistant said, backing out of the room. Just then, the receptionist called on the landline, informing him that someone wanted to see him.

"A woman? Is it Akane again?" Hiroto thought, clenching his fist.

"Let her in," Hiroto conceded. A woman walked in; it was none other than Chiyo.

"Who are you? What business do you have with me?" Hiroto inquired.

"Hiroto, I had no idea you inherited your father's company. That explains why you wouldn't recognize a classmate," Chiyo said.

"Oh, you're one of them," Hiroto said, raising his eyebrows in recognition.

"Yes, I am," she confirmed. "And I'm here to remind you what happened that night."

"What night? Do you have any idea where you are? You come in here spouting accusations to blackmail me?" Hiroto said, frustrated.

"Calm down, Hiroto. I'm not here to blackmail you. I want to know if you're aware of what you did that night. Did you even know who she was?" Chiyo asked, looking at him intently.

"I don't understand what you're saying. If you want to continue with this nonsense, you can leave. I have no interest in entertaining you any further," Hiroto said, attempting to walk out of the room. Chiyo rose from her seat and blocked him.

"Are you walking out on your responsibility, Mr. Hiroto Anzai?" she challenged.

"What responsibility are you talking about? I've managed every relationship I have," Hiroto countered.

"Responsibility? You seem to think nobody else knows what you did. But you're wrong. I know what you did. You slept with my friend and walked away thinking it was a one-night stand. Isn't that right?" Chiyo accused.

"Everyone has one-night stands, and so did I. What's wrong with that? Is it so wrong that you come at me after all this time, accusing me?" Hiroto defended himself.

"But she didn't consent to it," Chiyo revealed.

"How did you know she didn't consent to it? I was there, I know what she was like. You weren't there, so you have no right to speak. I know how she was under me. I know," Hiroto said, angering Chiyo.

"Drugging someone is not considered consent, Hiroto," Chiyo retorted, storming out of the office in anger.

"She's the friend of that woman, which means she might know where she is," Hiroto muttered to himself.

He considered stopping Chiyo but changed his mind. "No, I shouldn't ask about the woman. She's gone. She clearly didn't want to stay, which is why I found her missing when I woke up. She even handed her kid over to someone unknown, meaning she didn't want any responsibility for the child. Why should I feel sympathetic for such a woman? No, I won't get involved."

Chiyo burst out of the office, fuming. "Now I'm certain Akie is his son. But his behavior is despicable. He mocked Fumiko and is living a good life here. How? How can this be possible? I have to tell Fumiko about this." She dialed Fumiko's number, but when Fumiko answered, she said, "Is it urgent? Can we talk later?"

"Yes, it's urgent. It's about you," Chiyo stressed.

"What did you say? I can't hear you," Fumiko said.

"Fumiko, it's about you. Can you hear me now?" Chiyo repeated.

"Chiyo, I can't hear you well. Let's talk about it at home," Fumiko said before hanging up. Meanwhile, chaos erupted at the media firm.

"Director, how could you do this to me?" Fumiko demanded, slamming her hand on his desk.

"What is this behavior, Fumiko?" the director questioned, narrowing his eyes.

"This is what it is! How could you publish news in someone else's name? This is personal information that could damage someone's reputation, and you just threw it out there?" Fumiko raged.

"It's Hina. She reported the story. Are you claiming it as yours?" the director asked in confusion.

"Because it is! I suspected something when I first met Hiroto Anzai. You're saying Hina wrote the article, but I was the one who investigated it! You published it, ruining Hiroto Anzai's reputation, and I might be blamed for it later!" Fumiko roared in anger.

"Hina wrote it, Fumiko. I have nothing else to say," the director said dismissively, pushing her out of his office.

"Hina, what the hell did you do? Is this why I shared my meeting with Hiroto Anzai with you? Is this how you treat your friends?" Fumiko demanded, fuming.

"Fumiko, it's your fault for not keeping your mouth shut! Because of you, I had to publish this story. Didn't I say something good was about to happen to me? Look, it's done. Now I'll get promoted," Hina said, laughing smugly.

"Promotion? Or jail time?" A voice boomed from behind, making Hina turn around with wide eyes.

"Mr. Anzai? You're here?" Hina stammered, looking behind her.

"Not Mr. Anzai, but his legal counsel. Your actions have tarnished my client's reputation, and I'm here to ensure someone pays for it," the legal head stated firmly.

"It wasn't me! It was Fumiko who did it," Hina blurted out, her voice trembling.

"We'll look into that, Ms. Hina. However, the article was published under your name, making you directly responsible," the legal head said, motioning for Hina to follow him.

He paused for a moment and added, "Miss Fumiko, you'll need to come with me as well."