
Twin's Secret

Determined to uncover the truth about Hiroto Anzai, Fumiko accepts a risky challenge from her news company, putting her career and safety on the line. It explores her motivations, her bond with Akie, and her unwavering resolve as she attempts to infiltrate the Anzai Group and expose its secrets.A secret lies within her challenge: the resemblance between Haru and Akie, of which she is unaware. Where will this secret lead Fumiko in her connection with Hiroto Anzai? What is the secret Hiroto Anzai is desperately hiding? Who is the mysterious boy Haru, and what connection does he have to Anzai and Fumiko? Will Fumiko persevere and find a way to expose the truth despite the dangers involved?

Agnst_Ella · Urban
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20 Chs

Twin Revelations

Fumiko's voice held conviction as she spoke, "Your opinion may not hold sway, but my words about my actions carry weight. I entered your company during security downtime, taking full responsibility for my trespass. My motive? An interview I believe deserves to be heard."

Hiroto's expression remained icy. "Surely you, of all people, follow the news. Six years ago, I declared publicly that interviews are granted solely at my discretion."

Fumiko's resolve only hardened. "I understand, yet this opportunity felt crucial. Still..." her gaze landed on the boy once more, and she instinctively knelt down.

"Akie?" she questioned gently. "How on earth did you get here? Aunt Chiyo was entrusted with your care. What brought you to this unfamiliar place?" Her eyes locked with Hiroto's, seeking answers.

The boy opened his mouth to speak, but Hiroto interjected, "He-"

"Did anyone harm you, Akie?" Fumiko's voice rose, concern overriding anger. "Tell me. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe." She rolled up her sleeves, ready to act.

"Hey, sir!" her voice turned sharp. "This child's well-being is not a matter to be trifled with. How dare you exploit their vulnerability? If you found them alone, it was your duty to alert the authorities, not remain with them unsupervised!"

Hiroto, caught off guard, stammered, "I—"

"What were you thinking?" Fumiko pressed, her words cutting through the air. "Taking advantage of a child's absence from parents? Is that the conduct of a responsible citizen? You should have notified the police, not wandered around with them!"

The boy, clutching Fumiko's skirt, seemed overwhelmed by the commotion.

"Don't worry, Akie," she soothed, placing a hand on his ear to gently shield him from the heated exchange. "Hold tight.This... misunderstanding needs to be cleared."

"Akie?! He's not Akie!" Hiroto finally exclaimed. "His name is Haru!"

Fumiko, unfazed, countered, "And you changed his name? Unbelievable! Instead of reporting a missing child, you argue with me? Do you understand the potential legal repercussions of your actions?"

Hiroto faltered, words failing him.

"He's not missing," he eventually managed. "He's—"

"He's what? Mine," Fumiko finished, holding Haru close. "And I won't tolerate any further debate. Come on, Akie, let's find Aunt Chiyo."

Fumiko, with the child in tow, left a speechless Hiroto behind. He sighed, muttering, "What a remarkable woman..."

"How can you wander around alone?" Fumiko scolded, despite knowing Akie's independence. "I trust you can handle yourself, but being so young, you still need the company of adults." The boy remained silent, eyes downcast.

"Akie? Why so quiet? You're usually a chatterbox. And when did you dye your hair? I told you chemicals aren't good for it."

"Maybe I made a mistake," the boy replied politely, uncharacteristically calm.

Fumiko's smile widened. "Whoa, Akie, you never talked to me so gently before. Is something wrong? Need anything? Just say the word and I'll get it for you."

"No, I'm fine," the boy denied.

"Okay, let's head home. Aunt Chiyo's probably making your favorite pancakes already." Fumiko scooped him up,placing him on her bike seat and securing his helmet. "Hold on tight, or you'll fly off!" She teased, pulling his hand around her waist.

"That's my Akie!" she declared with a grin, pedaling off at a brisk pace. They reached their apartment, but Akie hesitated.

"I forgot something. Go on up," he mumbled, ushering Fumiko inside.

Inside, Fumiko fumed to Chiyo, "How could you let Akie roam free? He's a child! What if something happened?"

"Fumiko, what's wrong? Calm down and explain," Chiyo pleaded with a soothing voice.

"I found Akie alone again! This is unacceptable! What kind of care is this? Don't you realize something could have gone terribly wrong?"

"Mom, that's not true! I was here the whole time," Akie interjected.

"Don't lie to me!" Fumiko snapped, tugging his ear playfully.

"Ouch, Mom, you're a beast!" Akie whined, his eyes darting to the half-open door.

"I'm going to lock the door," he announced, approaching the door and finding a boy standing there – a mirror image of himself, except for the eye color.

"Are you the one Mom was talking about?" Akie asked cautiously.

The boy nodded silently.

"Where did she find you? Why do you look like me?" Akie pressed.

"I don't know! I was with my Dad, but this lady thought I was you and brought me here. She must have thought someone was trying to kidnap me," Haru explained.

"But why do you look like me? Is there a reason?" Akie persisted.

"I don't know either. I just followed her because I don't have a Mom. I liked being with her. She didn't realize it's me, not you. So, she'll never know we're two." Haru's voice held a tinge of sadness.

Akie shook his head in disbelief. "This can't be a coincidence. There's more to this, and I'm going to find out."

"But we're just kids," Haru protested.

Akie met his gaze, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You're the kid. I'm not." He noticed Haru's bodyguards approaching.

"I have to go. Dad sent people to pick me up. I can't stay. Maybe we'll meet again sometime." Haru rushed out, their fingertips brushing in a fleeting goodbye.

Akie stood frozen, his mind buzzing. "Who was that boy? Why does he look just like me? Is he Mom's son?" He dismissed the thought instantly. "No, I'm Mom's only child!" Still, a seed of doubt had been planted, and Akie knew he wouldn't rest until he unraveled the mystery behind the doppelganger boy.

"Akie, are you coming or not?" Fumiko's voice cut through his thoughts.

"Coming, Mom!" Akie shouted, throwing open the door.

"What took you so long?" Fumiko asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, just making a new friend!" Akie grinned.

"Finally!" Chiyo teased, scooping him up in a hug. "Come here, you little stinker!"

"Ow, Aunt, not so tight!" Akie giggled, "The pancakes are gonna get cold!"

"Don't worry about the pancakes, my little chef! I'll gladly whip up another batch after your big adventure." Chiyo winked, tightening her hug playfully. "But you're not getting loose so easily, you sneaky rascal!"