
Twin's Secret

Determined to uncover the truth about Hiroto Anzai, Fumiko accepts a risky challenge from her news company, putting her career and safety on the line. It explores her motivations, her bond with Akie, and her unwavering resolve as she attempts to infiltrate the Anzai Group and expose its secrets.A secret lies within her challenge: the resemblance between Haru and Akie, of which she is unaware. Where will this secret lead Fumiko in her connection with Hiroto Anzai? What is the secret Hiroto Anzai is desperately hiding? Who is the mysterious boy Haru, and what connection does he have to Anzai and Fumiko? Will Fumiko persevere and find a way to expose the truth despite the dangers involved?

Agnst_Ella · Urban
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20 Chs

Tangled Web

"Akie, who is this? Why does he look like...?" Chiyo stammered, her question trailing off.

"That's what I'm here to ask, Aunt," Akie said. "Why does he look so much like Mom when I'm her son?"

Haru remained behind Akie, visibly scared.

"Haru, why are you scared? It's Aunt Chiyo. Didn't you meet her last night?" Akie asked, but Haru didn't budge.

"Akie, come here and explain what's going on," Chiyo said, pulling Akie close. "Tell me, who is he, and why does he resemble Fumiko so much?"

"Aunt, I'm a kid, and you're an adult. Shouldn't I be asking you these questions?" Akie countered.

"Looking at us both, wouldn't you say we look like Mom's sons? Then why is he with his dad and no mom, and why am I with Mom and no dad? Do you know something, Aunt?" Akie pressed.

"I'm trying to wrap my head around this, but seeing this boy, it certainly feels like he could be Fumiko's son," Chiyo admitted. She reached out a hand towards Hiro, inviting him closer.

Hiro hesitated at first but slowly approached Chiyo, shivering slightly.

"Why are you shivering? I'm not a bad person. I'm Akie's aunt, his mother's friend. If it can be proven that you are Fumiko's son, then I'm your aunt too. But I'm still trying to understand how you ended up with someone else if you're Fumiko's son."

"My nanny said Dad brought me home in the rain and kept me close to him. So I guess he bought me from Mom?" Akie provided.

"He bought you from Fumiko? Why?" Chiyo questioned.

"I don't know," Hiro mumbled.

"But if that's true, then the secret Fumiko's been hiding for so long, thinking her son died, is a lie. You were taken away from her and given to the man she..." Chiyo stopped mid-sentence.

"Aunt, what are you thinking?" Akie asked.

"It's nothing. There's just one thing we need to do, but we can't inform Fumiko now," Chiyo decided.

"Hiro, would you be able to do something for me?" Chiyo asked him.

"What is it?" Hiro inquired.

"I need a strand of your dad's hair. I don't know who he is, but I need his hair. Can you do that?"

"I..." Hiro stammered, hesitant.

"Aunt, I can do it if I go to his room," Akie volunteered.

"No, Akie. It's not confirmed yet. Until we have proof, you won't go there. Let Hiro do it. Once I confirm everything, we'll figure out our next steps," Chiyo explained.

"Okay, I'll do it," Hiro agreed.

"For now, both of you go to school. I'll talk to you once I have all the information I need," Chiyo said.

Just as Hiro and Akie were about to leave for school, a voice startled them. "Chiyo! Are you there?" Fumiko called out from the entrance.

"You two, hide in the room!" Chiyo exclaimed in shock, ushering them inside.

"Chiyo, what's taking so long? Did you go home already?" Fumiko asked, entering the living room and finding Chiyo acting strangely. "Chiyo? What's gotten into you? You seem a little off. Is everything okay? Why are you standing up when you're supposed to be working?" Fumiko inquired.

"Oh, nothing, I just came from the restroom, and you arrived right as I was finishing up," Chiyo fabricated an excuse.

"Oh, I came back because I left an important file in my room that I need to recover. I have to get an interview with Hiroto Anzai at any cost," Fumiko said, heading towards her room when Chiyo stopped her.

"What?" Fumiko questioned.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'll go get it for you. I was looking for something and made a mess in the process," Chiyo stammered, rushing inside to retrieve the file. She quickly found it and handed it to Fumiko.

"Okay, I'll be off then," Fumiko said, leaving the house. As soon as Fumiko was gone, Akie and Hiro emerged from the room. "She wants to interview my dad?" Hiro asked in disbelief.

"Hiroto Anzai is your dad? That cold, cruel man?" Chiyo said, making a face.

"Well, yes, he is. He might be cold, but yeah, that's him," Hiro admitted awkwardly.

"Hiroto Anzai? That cold-hearted Hiroto Anzai from college? The one who used to ditch clingy girls? He spent the night with Fumiko? I can't believe it," Chiyo thought, massaging her temples in frustration.

"Okay, Hiro, if you can do what I need, then we might be able to reach a conclusion," Chiyo said, ruffling his hair playfully.

Hiro nodded and left for school with Akie. Meanwhile, Fumiko rushed to the main road to hail a taxi, but none were available.

"What's wrong with taxis these days? If they don't want passengers, then why register with a taxi organization? Do they think we're fools who will wait all day for their games?" Fumiko fumed, waving her hand frantically.

Just then, a car stopped.

"Would you take me to..." Before Fumiko could finish, she saw Hiroto Anzai inside the car.

"Wow, what are the odds? I was trying to find him, and here he is. Perfect timing for an interview," Fumiko thought, leaning down towards the car window.

"Oh, Mr. Anzai! What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you this way," Fumiko said with a forced smile.

"Neither did I want to encounter a despicable woman like you this way, Ms. Suzuki," Hiroto said coldly. "But needs must, as they say."

"Work with me? How? I don't believe I've done anything for you to come to me. Are you under some misunderstanding?" Fumiko feigned innocence.

"Don't play coy with me, Ms. Suzuki. I know the intentions of women like you very well," Hiroto said, looking down at her with a condescending gaze.

"What are you implying, Mr. Anzai? I don't understand what you're getting at. Could you please explain yourself more clearly?" Fumiko said, her voice serious.

"Oh, so now you're pretending you don't know why I'm here? Are you playing games with me, Ms. Suzuki?" Hiroto retorted, his tone laced with suspicion.