
Chapter 4

I have a month to prepare a present for Susie, and also, I wish to study my powers more in depth, like why do my eyes turn different colors other than gold or red? Did I unlock some new kind of eye powers by coming to this fantasy world? I really wish I had a system to look at myself in greater detail, but unfortunately I didn't get one of those when I reincarnated. First, since I now have purple eyes for the time being after draining a goblin leader, let's see if I can do anything special.

Deciding to go out to the woods and look for a goblin to mess with, I found one quickly after barely half an hour of searching. Making eye contact with the creature, I was shocked by what I saw. Suddenly I could see through to its heart and veins and knew if I could gain anything from drinking it's blood. Is this my new eye power? I can see if a monster's bloodline with give me new powers? Can I switch between my eye powers at will after obtaining them, or do I need to consume certain blood types first? I don't know and will have to experiment in order to discover this.

Now that my curiosity is sated for now, lets kill this goblin and drain it's blood. In a swift move, I quickly dashed to the angry goblin and grabbed it by the throat before snapping it's neck and draining it's blood in a couple seconds. Tossing it's body aside, I belched in satisfaction before summoning a flask of water from my storage ring and rinsing out my mouth, then I put some mint in my mouth and chewed it into a paste and held it in my mouth for a half an hour swishing it around before spitting it out on the ground.

Satisfied that no one would suspect that I had recently drank blood, I headed back to Reikweld. Reaching the city gates, I was flagged in by Orto one of the gate guards that I had become familiar with today and waved at him before heading to the nearest inn. However, a knight came running up to me out of no where before stopping and saying, "Please wait Sir Elliot! His Majesty the King, wishes for you to stay at the castle. Please follow me." Laughing wryly and realizing that I can't get away from that slick old man's hands, I follow the knight. It's obvious that Susie spilled the beans to daddy, and now he knows that I am immensely powerful so he will attempt to ingratiate himself with me, and probably try to use his daughter, and some form of wealth to lure me in.

Oh well, I know that he doesn't have any negative intentions, as I am able to read his thoughts and see that he sees me as his inheritor to the throne of the kingdom. Sighing at the mess that I managed to get myself into, I finally made it to the throne room with the knight gasping next to me. He opened the door and announced my arrival before walking away and taking slow and steady breaths. Poor guy.

Walking into the throne room, I saw good old Lucius waiting for me with what seemed to be his wife, and daughter Susie. I was then introduced to his gorgeous wife. "Welcome back Sir Elliot. This is my wife Susan, yes I know close to my daughter's name right? Anyway, I am glad that you decided to accept my invitation to stay at the castle. It would be wrong to have my daughter's savior to be forced to use his hard earned money to have a place to stay, when I have a large castle with many an empty room. You may pick and choose any free room in the castle except the one next to me and my wife's room. Susie has requested that you room next to her. The decision, regardless is up to you."

Smiling at Susie and nodding my head, I laughed a little as I saw her do a fist pump of victory before quickly calming down and then blushing crimson. I looked at King Lucius and said, "King Lucius, I will board next to the Princess' room. Thank you for taking me into your home." Bowing low to the King, King Lucius stood up all flustered and said, "Please the honor is all mine great immortal. I only hope that while you stay here that you may aid my family should we ever face a crisis in the future." Nodding in acceptance, I looked him in the eye and said with a firm conviction, "This I vow."

Following Susie who got up and excitedly dragged me down the hallway to my room, I looked at the King helplessly as he chuckled at my predicament before I was at long last before a closed door. Susie opened the door and a very fancy room with a massive bed with a canopy over it was off to the side. There was a large balcony with a view of the city and further out the forest. I saw several dressers and a floor length mirror.

Satisfied by the accommodations, I looked at Susie who had a shy look on her face and said, "Thanks for bringing me to my room Susie. Good night and sweet dreams." Smiling and nodding her head, she curtsied before gently shutting my door. Smiling at her very Princess like behavior, I walked over to my bed and sat down. The thing is, I realized something during the past 10 days or so. I physically can't sleep which I should have realized from the Twilight novels. However, having experienced it this whole time, it is still unbelievable to me. I have pretended to sleep on several occasions since entering this world so as not to draw attention to myself, but I can't keep up the act forever, can I? This and many other thoughts are rushing through my mind at hyper speed as I sit on the bed. Laying down, I stare up at the ceiling and imagine in my mind my eyes turning the gold from drinking animal blood. Getting up and looking in the mirror, a broad grin formed on my face as I saw my glowing golden irises.

Then staying in place, I imagined the purple ones and boom they were purple again. Mentally cheering inside, I decided I should see what powers I get from the golden ones in the forest tomorrow.

For now, I guess I will meditate until a servant comes to receive me in the morning for breakfast.. Oh crap. I don't eat. How will I... Oh right, Susie must have told the King of my unique diet. Hopefully the man has prepared some blood for me. If not I will be fine for a good while I think, after all I drained a goblin of it's blood before coming here, so I should at least be good for a week or two. However, not wanting to risk it, if they don't have blood for me in the morning, then I will be going out to the woods and hunting some animals to boost my golden eyes if possible. Then I will focus on trying to figure out what power my golden eyes give me. Alright, my goal is set, now meditation time!

Someone please send this hungry author some double cheeseburgers with only lettuce and ketchup please! I'm totally hungry right now! Lol, anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was shorter. But anyway, I doubt now that I will reach 10 chapters today. Oh well, help motivate me to do like 2 to 3 chapters a day. Okay guys? Thanks fam, love ya.

Demon_King_Alystercreators' thoughts
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