
The beginning

It all started back when I moved to California. I was about 12 years old and was scared to go to a new school. When I first walked in all the kids on the playground became silent. The tension in the air was strong and I knew if I embarrassed my self I would be screwed. I tried to make sure no one else could hear my heart pound and breathe grow thick as I walked toward a bench to sit down. After I sat down it was like time had started again and a swarm of girls rushed toward me. Asking me questions and if I wanted to play. I was completely overwhelmed when she stepped in. Her name was Bethany, but people called her Beth for short. It was like a goddess approached me and saved me from a swarm of girls. Her long brown hair was flowing in the wind I wanted to touch it. She was skinny at the waist but more round like an hourglass. I snapped out of my daydream after I heard her voice.

"Will you guys shut up, look at him he's practically scared half to death"

Then she paused, " Whoever he is" I looked at her for a long awkward moment when I realized she was asking me. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas Harris. She shook my hand, with a warm greeting. I liked the way her hands felt soft but a hint of warmth. I wondered what it would feel like if we held hands I wondered if she was thinking the same thing. I looked up at her face and almost turned red. Her smile was beautiful it was like all the kindness in the world brought a pone her smile. As I looked up in to her eyes I could see ocean blue stars in them like water that glistened in the sun. To stop her from seeing me blush I quickly turned my head toward the school. I asked her on going questions about it to make sure there wasn't any awkwardness between us. When the bell rang that addressed us that school was over I quickly backed up and met up with Beth. She looked distracted like something was on her mind. She looked up at me and asked " Did you have a girlfriend in Nevada"? I was a little shocked at her question but I replied with a simple no. That day on we became even closer, especially when we went to high school.