
Twilight: Sometimes Immortality Sucks.

A boy born into a normal life in the Mediterranean that was destroyed by chance and he was left to wander not knowing what he is . ( First story ever so if it's bad well that's why. Constructive comments please) And thanks for reading. Also I own nothing to with twilight or any other things this story has in it and they belong to their respective company's. There may be magic haven't decided yet most likly runes and such. There is Some gore.

Ripperdoc12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

9 .1148 BC

Atreus is in a trance, its when ever he is left alone to long his mind starts hibernating. But long ago he came to the sad conclusion that he was forgotten or Khufu was finally died or been killed ether one works for atreus, now he has stopped caring about revenge after a 100 years he just waited to be used again for fun or beaten for pleasure by Khufu and his group, he was beaten so often even with his healing he has scar that litter his body from burns to weapon scars.

As he is about to fall asleep again he finally hears a sound he thinks his mind is making fun of him but then he sees light under the door and feels something he can't explain. Seeing the door open again he feels immeasurable happiness seeing people again.

As the group opens the door they hear chains move inside " Aro I think it's still alive in there" Marcus says while cautiously pushing the door open to see a man hanging from 6 chains attached to the walls and celling. Aro walks in to the room with the torch and holds it up to the man seeing that the man is clearly alive and looking at them he asks " Can you understand me beast " atreus hearing the man speak a language he has never heard before tilted his head sideways while looking at him while saying " No" in a voice that hasn't spoke in decades sounding like grinding rocks. Aro hearing the man talk in a ancient language shaking his head he looks back at his followers saying " Rid him of those chains and we will take him back home" his followers all team up to rip the chains out of the wall one at a time surprised that it takes three of them to remove one of them. As they finish pulling the chains out of the walls atreud drops to the ground with a heavy thud and lays there for a bit. They then pick up the man who appears to be sleeping now out of the tomb he was forgotten in. One of them comments that this guy weights a lot heavier then he looks.

2 months later

Atreus wakes up seeing light instead of darkness he looks around seeing a window he gets up to look out of it seeing the sun again he starts to shed tears and silently crys while sliding down the wall thanking who ever got him out of that hole. After wiping his tears away he hears the door open and looms to see a young man who beckons him over as he walks out of the room, atreus follows behind him looking at the hallway he is in and all the people looking at him. The man leads him to a large room that has three thrones with people sitting on them , the man in the middle stands and walks toward atreus with his hand out Confused by this atreus looks at the hand then back to the man only to see a smile on his face so slowly reaching out to grab the man's hand. Aro seeing this grabs this man's hand and sees nothing , becoming annoyed he lets go and walks back to his chair while saying to his co leaders " I can't see anything so that ether means he has broken or he has a shield on his mind, so do you think he can be of use if we can't control him or talk to him " he end by sitting down while looking at the confused man standing in front of them.

Aro not sure what to do tells his servants to teach him their language until he can talk properly , they bow and lead a confused atreus out of the room closing the doors behind them.

7 months later

Atreus can now speak their language and communicate with the leaders of this coven , he thinks that's what they call it he doesn't quite know cause he's never heard that word before , as the tutor finishes he tells atreus to follow him and they make their way to the large room again. He arrives at the big room and as he enters the man called ago asks " Now that you can speak our language what is your name " " My name is atreus " as he looks at aro my a smile. Aro looks at the now named man and asks " what are you going to do now after being imprisoned for 1400 years " atreus nearly falls over hearing the amount of time in that room , he thought it was like 4 years not 1400. Aro seeing that atreus is not taking this well says to him " I can see you are having a hard time with this so why don't you spend a few years traveling around to see new things , but I have one rule you can't expose what you are to humans ever" as he Is eyes focus on atreus. Atreus hearing this slowly calms down and answers " I would love to travel and see the new things " he replys semi happy and hoping " and I can keep what I am a secret as well , it's not to hard". Aro hearing this is pleased because it could mean once atreus has explored his new world he might come back, Aro then says " Well you seem excited to explore so may leave I would suggest going north it might be more you speed" atreus thinks this could work so he bows his head slightly and thanks them for saving him and makes his way out of the room and castle. Aros co leaders say " was that wise aro why did you let him leave that easily we could have controlled him " aro then shakes his head saying " No that would of taken far to long because he has a mind shield and my abilitie doesn't work on him either so I let him go and maybe when he has trouble he will come back to us" then looking where atreus walked while slightly smiling.