1 Prologue

Twilight Sanctuary is a realm that was created by the goddess Wingweaver. She took pity on the emptiness that surrounded her and from her tears Twilight Sanctuary was born. It's a luscious realm that is surrounded by a huge ocean called Moonlight Ocean. It has forests that grow various fruits and vegetables. The names of the forests are Radiant Forest, Gloomshade Forest and Forest of Passing. Radiant Forest is the home city of Forest Haven, a large city high up in the trees. It is also home to various wildlife like bears and wolves. Gloomshade Forest is the home of the Twin Betrayers and deadly spiders that reside within. Forest of Passing is home to the Dead and the final resting place for those who have died.

The realm has various scattered rivers, waterfalls and lakes. The realm of Twilight Sanctuary is dotted with ruins of the unknown Old Kingdom. Feral beast called fiends roam the land of Twilight Sanctuary. Cities, Towns and

Villages dot the land of Twilight Sanctuary. Central City is the capital of the realm and its

heavily guarded by a barrier to keep out unwanted visitors. Other towns and villages include Elftown, Foxworth and Blacklight City.

Beyond the forests lies The Heartland, a huge forest that is home to all sorts of wildlife. What lies beyond The Heartland is No Man's Land or the Wastelands what the locals call it. The Wasteland is nothing more than a barren landscape with no tress, no water and no wildlife due to too many wars being fought here. It's also believed to be the final resting place of the Old Kingdom that once stood thousands of years ago.

Smoke covers the sky as Central City was burning in the distance. The smell of

burning ashes and people's screams and cries for help could be heard within the city. The barrier around the city had already fallen soon after the centre floating tower was destroyed. Elijah and his sister, Angelica laid dead on the floor of the shattered tower. They were killed by the flying feral beasts. Their bodies were torn apart with blood covering the floor and walls of the tower. Is this what's to become of Central City? Who is truly winning this war? I'm writing this story to tell you about the history of Twilight Sanctuary thus is my duty as a timekeeper.

Chapter One coming soon
