

hi! the chapter will be out in like... 10 hours, after I wake up and have a coffee I'll post it.

I had a problem with my computer today and I ended up losing some of the chapters, it was little, but I remember what I did and I will do it again.

the problem is that I'm tired after hours of solving my computer problem, so I'm not in the mood to... finish the rest tonight.

of course, I have 1.5k-1.7k words done, and about 1.2-1.5k words left, I think it's something like that, so if you want it incomplete? I can post it.

I saw some people commenting that a better picture of Alice would be better. I particularly like the actress's face in the picture I posted before.

so here are four pictures of how you would like her.

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

the vote is to see what you think, I will use the original and the new, to be a kind of choice for those who prefer one of the two during the reading, to make their choice of which one will be the one they will imagine.

Next chapter