
Twilight: Return of Vengeance

After dying in a tragic clash between criminal factions on his own farm, Damian Blackwood finds himself facing the dreaded Mephisto, one of the Kings of Hell. Betrayed by his last Riders, Mephisto seeks a new and powerful general to contend in a war for the throne of Hell and the positions of lords. He offers Damian the opportunity to become the legendary Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance, and get the power he needs to take revenge on everyone who caused the death of his father and mother.

AaronBlackwood · Movies
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Chapter 5

As 11 o'clock at night arrives, Sirius and I make our way to the garage; it's time to close this chapter of my life. Throughout the day, the news about the large number of bodies found there, the numerous weapons discovered in the warehouse, and the many drugs in the trunks of some cars parked in front of the warehouse spread through several newspapers.

As for the money, well, it was also there... but around 40-60% of the total amount was reduced because two suitcases were open and ended up catching fire.

Would I have taken the money if I had known? No.

Dirty money is not something I would want, besides, at the moment, I have no extravagant need for money, as my parents left me with substantial funds.

Both of them were lawyers and earned a lot of money. The house I live in now is very expensive, and if I were to sell it, I could become very, very rich. However, I won't do that since I already have a substantial inheritance waiting for me in the future, along with the insurance money.

So, why sell the house where all my memories reside? I might not be able to live there due to so many memories, but I want to return in the future. Besides, making money is not an issue for me. I know of several companies currently in a downturn that I could potentially earn a lot from in the future if I invest in them now.

As I get into the car with Sirius, I start the engine and begin driving for a while. I give the order for the Hell Charger to assume control and maintain a smooth speed. I close my eyes and start to enjoy the ride.

The warehouse or the galpão is about an hour's journey away, and I want to cherish this moment, the moment I have been waiting for all my past life. I can't recall how many times I've thought about how I could kill them, how many different ways I've considered to end them.

And I only thought of one thing:

Why waste my time with all this when I should just kill them?

If I stoop to killing someone in a cruel way, just like them, would I be any different from them?

To throw a truck at a car, not caring if they could die, and even laugh afterward? To spit on the victims' car while fleeing?

They will undoubtedly pay the price, not as worse as their friend, but I won't torture them. Maybe I can even capture them by throwing them into the trunk of the Hell Charger...

I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts and prevent myself from dwelling on cruel things. As a wise toad once said, "When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." I think that's it... I really can't remember.

As we approach our destination, I decide to stop the car, close my eyes, and focus on my senses, studying my targets. There are about 30 people on the upper level, some are guards, and others are in the galpão playing cards, drinking, or rummaging through some boxes. The lower level doesn't have many, just a few guards, while my targets are in a room, drinking and conversing.

I wonder why they didn't bring their whole gang here after the death of one of their main associates. Perhaps they believe there's no chance of someone invading this place, or maybe they think nobody knows about it?

Thinking about it, it's a well-hidden place, and not many people must come here, so it's likely to be a great hideout. Besides, in Austin's memories, I know their true base is a club in the city, which is much safer than here... Oh, there's an airplane at the back of the warehouse...

Opening my eyes, I give a command to Sirius: "Friend, you go ahead, and when I enter the warehouse, I want you to destroy a plane parked at the back." I speak while petting him.

He lets out a bark, agreeing with what I said, and leaves the car after transforming and becoming invisible. Waiting for him to get close to the warehouse, it doesn't take long for me to sense that he's taken his position.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly, I transform alongside the Hell Charger, and start accelerating with all my might, intending to crash into the warehouse.

My flaming eyes reflected the determination to deliver justice, and with a powerful roar from the engine, I accelerated with all my might, hurling the Hell Charger straight into the warehouse. The deafening sound of impact echoed through the space, catching everyone by surprise. The warehouse trembled with the force of the collision, and chaos broke out among the gang members. I could hear screams, curses, and orders being shouted amidst the pandemonium I had caused.

I disembarked from the Hell Charger while the flames still danced on my body, creating a terrifying spectacle. The chains, now imbued with hellfire in my hands, gleamed with the light of the flames, and my gaze was penetrating, staring at each gang member with the promise of justice.

"The time has come to pay for your sins!" I shouted with a powerful voice, the words echoing throughout the warehouse. The gang members were stunned, but they didn't expect me to give up so easily.

Each of them was armed and started firing at me, but with my supernatural speed, I began to move. One by one, I faced them, using my chains of fire to restrain and subdue the criminals. My movements were agile and precise, and with every strike, I absorbed part of the darkness and sin they carried within.

Despite their resistance, they were powerless before the Spirit of Vengeance. My thirst for justice was unwavering, and I wouldn't rest until all the culprits paid for their crimes.

As I descended to the lower floor of the warehouse, I advanced relentlessly against the gang members. The sound of the fiery chains whipping through the air and the roar of the Hell Charger created a scene of terror, leaving them even more terrified.

One by one, they fell before my blazing justice. Some tried to escape, but the flames of hell seemed to chase every step they took, ensnaring them in their own guilt. Others attempted to hide, but my keen senses left no corner unnoticed.

I faced the guards with their weapons raised, using my chains to disarm them and make them face the consequences of their actions. Each one of them had blood on their hands, and I was there to make them pay for their choices.

And when I arrived in front of the room where the gang leaders were, I sensed one less presence, and with my senses, I saw who was missing.

The gang leader was fleeing through a hidden door with stairs leading to the area where the plane was parked.

I opened the door to the room, feeling the panic in each one present, and I was met with shotgun shots that sent me crashing into the wall.


Looking at where the bullets hit me, I see them falling to the ground while not leaving a single mark on my jacket. No wounds, and the pain dissipates.

I rise and look at them, only four out of the original five remain. They stare at me in shock, fear, and desperation evident on their faces, especially when they realize that those shots didn't affect me.

And as I gaze into each one of their eyes, I recognize them from that day: Cassidy, Dylan, Mackenzie, and Harper. Cassidy speaks with a trembling voice, "Who are you? What the hell are you, and what do you want with us?"

With my flaming eyes still locked onto each of them, I reply with a ruthless tone, "I am the Spirit of Vengeance. Someone who has come to deliver justice for the terrible acts you have committed."

Cassidy looks at me with fear, but also a mixture of anger and defiance. "Justice? Who the hell do you think you are to judge what's right or wrong?" she asks, trying to maintain a facade of bravery.

"I am not a human judge," I retort. "But I am the voice of those who have suffered because of you. Of the lives you heartlessly destroyed. Of the innocents who lost everything because of your selfish choices."

Dylan, Mackenzie, and Harper remain silent, seemingly at a loss for words in the face of their predicament. They know there's no way to deny their cruel actions and are beginning to realize they are confronting a supernatural being that won't be easily stopped.

"You thought you could hide from the consequences of your actions?" I continue. "Believed you could carry on your criminal lives with impunity? Well, now you will face the price for your choices."

Cassidy seems to waver for a moment but quickly regains her composure and challenges, "And what do you intend to do to us? Kill us? Torture us?"

"I am not a monster like you," I reply.

She retorts, "You are a demon! You are worse than any of us! You have no right to judge anything!"

I start to unleash my chains and say, "Ever heard of a saying, sometimes the good is not capable of doing what's necessary? Sometimes a monster must be born to kill a greater monster."

As my flaming chains are released from my hands, fear takes hold of Cassidy, Dylan, Mackenzie, and Harper. Their defiant expressions are replaced by sheer terror at the sight of the Spirit of Vengeance in its most horrifying form.

Cassidy tries to retreat, but her legs tremble, and she ends up stumbling in her own fear. The others also remain paralyzed, unable to move before the menacing presence before them.

Inclining my head slightly, surveying my prey, I speak, "Hell is not just a place you go after death," I say with a somber and penetrating voice. "Sometimes, it can be brought to you."

The flames in my eyes intensify as the Eyes of Penitence grant me the power to see the souls tainted by sin and wickedness. At that moment, I can see all the horrifying actions they committed, all the lives destroyed by their hands.

"You caused so much suffering and pain, and thought you could escape unpunished," I continue, each word echoing with a threatening tone. "But justice has come to exact the price for your deeds."

With a quick motion, I hurl my chains towards them. The chains envelop them, holding them like puppets in my hands. They try to struggle, but it's futile. They are entirely at the mercy of the Spirit of Vengeance.

"You shall feel the pain you inflicted on others," I declare, pulling the chains forcefully.

Agonizing screams echo through the warehouse as the culprits are consumed by the infernal flames of the chains. For a brief moment, they experience the suffering they inflicted on so many defenseless victims.

After inflicting the pain they caused on so many victims, the gang members fall lifeless to the floor of the warehouse. Silence settles in, broken only by the sound of crackling flames around me. The chains of fire return to my hands, leaving behind only traces of ashes and smoke where the criminals were once restrained.

I remain motionless for a moment, observing the outcome of my vengeance. Although I have fulfilled my mission, I cannot help but feel a mixture of relief and heaviness in my heart. Even though they deserved to pay for what they did, death never ceases to be a grim reality, and for me, it's an entirely new experience.

And it makes me wonder if maybe... just maybe, it would still be good not to feel anything again.

Pushing that thought out of my mind, I turn my attention to the upper floor where the leader has just arrived. Unfortunately for him, his escape vehicle has already been destroyed, and what greets him is a large hellhound immobilizing him, waiting for its master's arrival.

With a clear view of the gang leader being restrained by Sirius, I make my way there with my high speed. The leader looks terrified, and his eyes widen at the sight of me approaching. His pale face reflects the fear he is feeling, knowing that his fate is sealed.

"You... You're a monster!" he stammers, trying to free himself from Sirius's powerful grip.

"I am not just a monster, but also the embodiment of justice," I respond firmly. "You had a chance to choose a different path, but you chose one that caused pain to many people. Now, you will have to face the consequences of your actions."

The flames in my eyes reflect the fury and determination in my soul. With an outstretched hand, I release my chains once again, materializing them in my hands. The chains glow with hellfire, ready to carry out their sentence.

The gang leader looks even more terrified at the sight of the chains, and his attempts to resist dwindle. He realizes that there is no escape, that his fate is sealed.

"Please, don't kill me!" he pleads, tears in his eyes. "I've done terrible things, but I can change, I can be better!"

"Change is possible, but you chose a path of no return," I reply calmly. "Your victims didn't have the opportunity to choose. How many lives were taken because of your ambition? How many people had their happy lives taken away and became objects for sale? How many died because of the weapons you sold and the drugs you supplied? Now it's your turn to face the pain you caused."

With a quick motion, I throw the chains towards him, capturing and immobilizing him. He struggles and pleads for mercy, but I remain impassive.

"The eyes of penance will show you everything you have caused, just as your companions experienced," I say solemnly. "And with them, you will face the pain and suffering you inflicted on others."

The gang leader begins to experience the power of the eyes of penance, and his screams of agony echo through the warehouse as he feels the pain he caused to so many others.

Turning around and entering the warehouse, with Sirius following by my side and the Hell Charger approaching me, I get into the car with my faithful canine. I take one last look at the warehouse and say, "I have finally avenged you, Mom and Dad. I hope you rest in peace."

I step hard on the pedal, gaining explosive speed, and finally leaving behind the heavy burden I have always carried. And I can't help but look forward to what awaits me in Forks.

Leaving a trail of fire wherever I go, a young man with a sense of accomplishment returns home, experiencing a new emotion for the first time.

For the first time in his life, he feels eager for tomorrow.


this was a very big chapter, i don't know how long i was stuck on it, how many times i changed what i had already written... and that's it lmao.

comment if I need to improve something, if there is something wrong in the text, I put it in grammarly for correction, and sometimes it comes with some space problems or some words corrected in the wrong way.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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